Govt Job: For M.Pharm, MSc at RARI, Ministry of AYUSH

Date of interview: 02-11-2022 & 03-11-2022

Govt Job
Picture: Piaxabay

Last Updated on November 6, 2022 by The Health Master

The Central Council for Research Institute, Kothrud, Pune, is a premier research institute working under the Central Council for Research in Ayurvedic Sciences, Ministry of AYUSH, Govt, of India.

The following posts of Senior and Junior Research Fellow are to be filled on a purely contractual basis and co¬terminus with the IMR projects whose details are as follows.

Post: Senior Research Fellow, Junior Research Fellow

Junior Research Fellow (Botany /Pharmacognosy)-01
Project: Development of Quality Control Standards of selected Extra- Pharmacopoeial (Anukt Dravya) Drugs used in Local Health Traditions collected from Different Regions of India

Duration: Initially 6 months (may be extended based on satisfactory performance)

Govt Pharma Pharmacist Job Opportunity
Picture: Pixabay

Duration of Project: 02 Year

Date of interview: 02.11.2022

Monthly Remuneration: Rs. 31,000/-+ 27% HRA

Essential: M.Sc. (Botany/ M.Pharma- Pharmacognosy, M.Pharma – Pharmacognosy & Phytochemistry/ M.S. – Natural Product) from a recognized University/Institution.

Desirable: Preference will be given to experience in Microscopic studies of medicinal plants.

Age: Age not exceeding 30 years as of the date of interview (Age relaxation as per Govt, of India Rules).

Post: Senior Research Fellow (Botany / Plant Biotechnology /Medicinal plants)

No. of posts-02

Projects: Establishment of In-vitro propagation protocol for the conservation of Hydnocarpus pentandrus (Buch.-Ham.) Oken, a Vulnerable medicinal plant used in Ayurvedic formulations.

Duration: Initially 6 months (may be extended based on satisfactory performance)

Duration of Project: 03 Year

Date of Interview: 03.11.2022

Monthly Remuneration: Rs. 35,000/- + 27% HRA

Essential: M.Sc. (Botany /Plant-Biotechnology/ Medicinal plants) from a recognized University /Institution. And Two years of Research Experience.

Desirable: Preference will be given to the Candidate having experience in In- vitro, In-vivo propagation techniques with publication.

Age: Age not exceeding 35 years as on the date of interview (Age relaxation as per Govt, of India Rules).

Post: Junior Research Fellow (Botany / Medicinal plants)

No. of posts: -01

Project: Develop image based taxonomical database of plants used in Ayurveda

Duration: Initially 6 months (may be extended based on satisfactory performance)

Duration of Project: 03 Year

Date of Interview: 02.11.2022

Monthly Remuneration: Rs. 31,000 + 27% HRA

Essential: M.Sc. (Botany / Medicinal plants) or equivalent from a recognized University/Institution.

Desirable: Preference will be given to experience in Taxonomy, Photo editing, and knowledge of computer, Photography.

Age: Age not exceeding 30 years

General Conditions :
1. There will be a written examination and an interview of written test qualified candidates from 11.00 A.M. onwards at the institute.

2. No TA/DA will be admissible for attending the written test/interview.

3. Candidates desiring to appear for an interview on the day of the Interview, should bring all original documents, mark sheets, attested certificates, testimonials, a copy of Bio-data (as per proforma Provided), and two copies of a recent colored photograph for submitting at 9.30 A.M. at Institute conference hall. Admission will not be given after 10.30 am.

4. The engagement is contractual and co-terminus with the project.

No claim for the permanent/ regular appointment or continuation will be entertained.

5. The engagement is initially for 6 months which is further extendable based on the satisfactory performance of the candidate.

6. All rights are reserved with the competent authority.

(Central Council for Research in Ayurvedic Sciences, Ministry of AYUSH, Govt, of India, New Delhi)

Date of interview: 02-11-2022 & 03-11-2022


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