Govt Job: For Pharmacist at Ministry of Defence

Application End Date : 28-FEB-2023 Payment Start Date : 7-FEB-2023 Payment End Date : 28-FEB-2023

Govt Job
Picture: Piaxabay

Last Updated on December 29, 2024 by The Health Master

Cantonment Board Meerut is a local body that is responsible for providing civic administration & implementing the Central Govt schemes for social welfare, public health, hygiene, safety, water supply, sanitation, urban renewal, and education.

Meerut Cantonment Board invites online applications from eligible candidates for direct recruitment to the following posts.

The Meerut Cantonment Board is an Autonomous Local Body & services of its employees are governed by the Cantonment Board Employees Service Rules. 2021.

Post : Pharmacist (Compounder)

No. of Post & reservation if any : U/R – 01

Present Pay Scale + Grade Pay & Pay Level as per 7th CPC : 5200-20200 + GP 2400 & Level 4

Minimum Essential Educational Qualification : 1. 10+2 (Science) passed
2. Diploma in Pharmacy from recognized institute OR
3. Matric passed before 1994 with Diploma in Pharmacy OR
4. Bachelor Degree in Pharmacy.

Govt Pharma Pharmacist Job Opportunity
Picture: Pixabay

Age limit as on last date of receipt of application : 21 to 30 years
The age limit will be considered as on last date of submission of applications and age limit as per existing rules under the Cantonment Board Employee Service Rules.

2021 is 21-30 except to the post of Lady RMO and age relaxation for the reserved categories will be given in accordance with instructions of Govt, of India.

Application fee :
General / OBC- Rs.1000/- SC/ST/EWS – Rs. 500/-
Persons with Disability (PwD) – Rs. Nil

• Any application received after time limit or through other channel viz e-mail/by hand /courier will be rejected or not considered.  

Mode of Application : Online applications complete in all respect will only be accepted. Any application from received from any other source shall not be entertained and will be summarily rejected.

Note: Applications which are incomplete in any respect, not accompanied by requisite photographs, signature, essential qualification or without requisite fee or not properly filled are liable to be summarily rejected. No correspondence in this regard would be entertained.

Eligibility criteria :
i. The candidate must be a citizen of India.
ii. The candidate must fulfill the minimum essential qualification like educational qualification, age etc as stipulated in the advertisement.

General conditions :
a. The service of the appointed candidate/person will be governed under the Cantonment Board Employees Service Rules, 2021 as amended from time to time, Cantonments Act, 2006, New Pension Scheme as amended from time to time by the Central Govt.

b. Probation Period: Appointment of selected candidates shall be provisional as per the Cantonment Board Employees Service Rules, 2021 as amended time to time. The appointment will be provisional for a period of 02 years (i.e. the candidate gets appointed as probationer to the post).

c. No conveyance, TA/DA or any other allowance will be paid for appearing for the written test.

d. Candidates already serving in any recognized institution, autonomous body or Central/State Government undertaking should apply through proper channel and should submit such documents at the time of verification of documents.

e. The above posts are on permanent basis and probation period will be as per rules. The CEO reserves the rights to accept/reject any or all the applications without assigning any reasons thereof.

f. Applications and fee payment received through offline mode will be summarily rejected and the candidates are advised to apply only through online.

g. The appointing authority shall draw a reserve panel/waiting list in addition to the number of candidates selected as per the notified vacancies.

The reserve panel/waiting list shall be valid for a period of one year from the date of declaration of result and the vacancies arising the due to non-acceptance of the offer of appointment, candidates not joining the post after acceptance of appointment or the candidates not being found eligible found eligible for appointment after verification of documents/ certificates or due to resignation of selected candidate(s) within one year of joining the post, shall be filled-up from this reserve panel/waiting list.

h. The candidates should note that their admission to the examination will be purely provisional based on the information given by them in the application form. This will be subject to verification of all the eligibility conditions by the Competent Authority.

i. If there are more than one candidate in the same category having equal marks in the merit list, the candidate older in age will get preference.

j. The final selection of the candidate is subject to the medical fitness certificate to be issued by the Medical Officer of Meerut Cantonment Board.

k. The Cantonment Board reserves the right not to fill up any of the posts advertized without assigning any reasons.

I. The Cantonment Board shall verify the antecedents or documents submitted at any time, at the time of appointment or during the tenure of the service.

In case, it is found that any document submitted is fake or the candidate has clandestine antecedents/background and has suppressed the said information, his/her service shall be terminated forthwith.

General Instructions for Candidates
i. The appointing authority makes provisional selection of the candidates on the basis of information provided in the application and documents/certificates provided by the candidate at the time of scrutiny and subsequently, the appointing authority verifies and satisfies itself about the authenticity of documents/certificates and eligibility as per the Recruitment Rules before finally appointing the candidates.

Therefore, the provisional selection of a candidate confers on him/her no right of appointment unless the Appointing Authority is satisfying after such inquiry as may be considered necessary that the candidate is suitable in all respect for appointment to the post.

ii. The services of the selected candidates on appointment will be governed by the provisions of the Cantonment Board Employees Service Rules, 2021 as amended from time to time, Cantonment Act, 2006 and Govt, instructions issued from time to time.

iii. The candidate should not have been convicted by any court of law. Also no disciplinary/Vigilance case should be contemplated/pending against the candidates already serving in Govt. Organizations.

iv. The vacancy advertised is provisional and likely to be permanent. The appointing authority reserves the right to increase or decrease vacancies. In case the vacancy position is reduced to any number, the Board is not liable to compensate the applicant for any consequential damage/loss.

v. The appointing authority reserves the right to reject the candidature of any ineligible candidate at any stage of recruitment.

vi. The appointing authority reserves the rights to cancel a part of or entire process of examination or a part of it due to administrative reasons(s) and incase of unfair means, cheating or other irregularities/malpractice noticed by the appointing authority.

The appointing authority also reserves the rights to cancel or set up a new examination center and divert the candidates to appear at that examination center if required.

vii. No correspondence in regard to the appointment will be entertained.
viii. No representation on any grounds for non-appearance for the written test by the candidates will be entertained and his/her candidature will not be considered in such an eventuality.

ix. TA/DA will not be admissible for attending testes as the case may be.

x. The appointing authority reserves the rights to cancel any center of exam and ask the candidates of that center to appear at another center. No request for change in date, time and center of exam will be accepted under any circumstances.

xi. The candidature of the candidate to the written test is entirely provisional and mere issue of admit card or appearance at Examination does not entitle him/her to any claim for the post.

xii. The candidates should scrupulously follow the instructions given by the center in charge, invigilators and all examination functionaries at every stage of exam. If a candidate violates the instructions, his/her candidature will be cancelled.

xiii. The candidate is required to sign on the attendance sheet and OMR sheet (in case examination is conducted in offline mode) in the presence of invigilator. The invigilator shall also sign on the same at the prescribed space.

xiv. The OMR sheet must be handed over to the invigilator after completion of examination as mentioned therein (in case examination is conducted in offline mode).

xv. The OMR sheets will be collected by the invigilator immediately after expiry of prescribed time for examination and will be handed over to the center in charge (in case examination is conducted in offline mode).

xvi. After the examination is over, the candidate should hand over the OMR sheet to the invigilator before leaving the examination hall.

Any candidate who does not return OMR sheet of if he/she is found attempting to take the OMR sheet paper outside the examination hall and for any inappropriate behavior, the appointing authority will take further action against him/her as per rules (in case examination is conducted in offline mode).

xvii. The appointing authority reverses the right to cancel or modify the advertisement or part of it at any stage. The number of vacancies is provisional and subject to change (increase or decrease).

xviii. Use of calculator, laptop, palmtop, other digital/electronic instrumental/mobile/cell phone, paper etc are not allowed.

In case of any candidate is found to be in passion of any gadgets/instrument, he/she would be debarred from the examination and legal proceedings can also be initiated against the candidates.

xix. Candidates are advised not to bring any of the above gadgets in the examination center as no arrangements for keeping any security of these items would be available at the centers.

xx. Candidates are required to visit website regularly to check the latest updates, corrigendum, downloading of admit card, time & date for written test and other information regarding recruitment process.

xxi. All the applicants are required to be present well in advance time on the date & venue before the commencement of written test. Any delay in presence will be marked as absent.

xxii. Graduation degree must be obtained from University affiliated/granted by UGC.

Important Dates

Application End Date : 28-FEB-2023
Payment Start Date : 7-FEB-2023
Payment End Date : 28-FEB-2023

Apply Online

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