Govt constitutes monitoring committee for Phytopharmaceuticals

They will also need to assess the impact of global developments on the domain of the project and provide advice accordingly.

Govt of India
Govt of India

Last Updated on October 17, 2024 by The Health Master


The Indian pharmaceutical industry is turning its focus to the promising growth potential of the phytopharmaceuticals sector, with the Union government setting up a dedicated monitoring committee through the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) for the CSIR Mission Mode project on Phytopharmaceutical Mission Phase III.

This committee comprises seven members, with Dr. Ram Vishwakarma, distinguished scientist at CSIR, appointed as its chairman.

Committee members

The government’s seven-member committee has:

Dr Ram Vishwakarma, distinguished scientist at CSIR, appointed as its chairman;

Dr Nilima Kshirsagar, emeritus scientist, chairperson, SAG-BMS, ICMR, member;

Dr CK Katiyar, CEO, healthcare, Emmai, member;

Dr DBA Narayana, former director, regulatory affairs, Unilever, member;

Dr Lal Hingorani, Pharmanaza Herbals, member;

Dr Inderpal Singh, Natural Products, NIPER, Mohali, member;

Director, ICMR IIIM Jammu as Mission director.

Development of Phytopharmaceuticals

The development of phytopharmaceuticals is being led by national funding agencies such as the Department of Biotechnology (DBT), Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR), and CSIR, as well as research laboratories.

Some of these products have even reached potential phase I trials. However, Dr. D B Anantha Narayana, CSO Ayurvidye Trust, argues that it is time for the Indian pharma industry to consider investing in this type of new drug development.

Regulations and Investment Opportunities

India has well-articulated regulations in place and is collaborating with national research institutes, which presents an opportunity for the pharma industry to show leadership.

Moreover, the Union government has listed phytopharmaceuticals in the production-linked incentive (PLI) scheme, creating a favorable environment for industry investment.

Monitoring Committee

The monitoring committee will ensure expertise is in place to monitor and evaluate phytopharmaceutical research, product development, and manufacturing in the country.

The committee will need to monitor the project’s progress and ensure it aligns with the objectives, milestones, and deliverables as outlined in the project document.

They will also need to assess the impact of global developments on the domain of the project and provide advice accordingly.

The committee may modify the components of the project as needed within the approved budget and objectives.

Advice and Meetings

The committee will also provide advice on intellectual property rights (IPR) and publications, and will meet every six months at the office of the Innovation Management Directorate, CSIR headquarters in New Delhi.

Interest in Natural Compounds

Despite the developments in systems biology and targeted drug development, interest in natural compounds remains high.


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