PHARMAP 2023 to explore latest Pharma trends

So, there is a good match within the new sustainability topics and the goals set for the different big companies”

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Picture: Pixabay

Last Updated on January 6, 2024 by The Health Master


Digital transformation, AI, Big Data and analytics, continuous manufacturing, additive manufacturing, advanced robotics and other industry trends are going to be discussed at the Pharmaceutical Manufacturing and Packaging Congress 2023 which is to be held on June, 12-13 in Geneva, Switzerland.

Digital transformation

“Digital transformation as a whole in the pharma industry has sped up in recent years. Anything we can do to unlock the potential of data through digital transformation is going to be huge in recent years, especially with the new products being released on the market. I think it’s going to be massive”, said Kiefer Eaton, Head of Marketing, Basetwo.

As a part of healthcare, the pharma sector is also innovating its processes with the use of new technologies. This way the business program of PHARMAP 2023 is created to discuss and examine new trends for reshaping the pharma industry.

COVID-19 has sped up the digital transformation and forced pharmaceutical companies to rethink many aspects of their business. This leads to growth in the pharma industry by finding new solutions and innovations.

Continuous manufacturing

The topic of continuous manufacturing is also discussed in frames of PHARMAP 2023. “For sure, continuous manufacturing is representing innovation in this area and is something we need to work together to arrive to something that is more known and reduced so we can reduce the effort in transferring products there and launching products on this equipment, this technology”, said Domenico Annese, Technical Operations Sr Lead Janssen (Johnson & Jonson).

The pharma industry stands out from many other manufacturing industries that have been using the continuous manufacturing technique for decades.

Despite the fact that the use of continuous manufacturing techniques has been slow, more facilities are choosing continuous manufacturing processes when releasing a new product.

At least for new products and new facilities, continuous manufacturing is the future of the pharmaceutical industry.

Pharma biotech

Pharma biotech is a rapidly expanding field focusing on the production of biopharmaceuticals that could lead to cures for many diseases.

“I think there are various different ways of development. As I can see from one perspective more and more important starts to be biological products or biotechnology in general”, said Piotr Lipiński, Global Quality Auditor, Novartis.

Pharma biotech is a growing field in which the principles of biotechnology are applied to the development of drugs.

Biotechnology helps the pharmaceutical industry to develop new products, new processes, methods and services and to improve existing ones.

Sustainable future of the pharma industry

Looking after the health and well-being of patients is a top priority for the pharmaceutical industry, but there are steps that should be taken to reduce environmental impact without compromising patient safety.

In frames of PHARMAP 2023 speakers are going to talk about the sustainable future of the pharma packaging model and present topics regarding recycle-able vs biodegradable solutions in pharma packaging and packaging solutions for security and brand protection.

“Sustainability topic, you see that a lot of changes are going on with the packages. This should be sustainable or renewable, and that is one of the topics which make it really interesting for us because all these new packages also need very good air tightness of their packages and that’s where leak detection comes in.

So, there is a good match within the new sustainability topics and the goals set for the different big companies”, said Serge Smit, Managing Director, Oxipack BV.

Many other topics related to the latest pharma trends will be covered at PHARMAP 2023 where leading representatives of the pharma industry share their experiences.

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