Fever: 3 things to do and 3 things you shouldn’t

The rise in body’s temperature can make one feel even more uncomfortable. But the good news is there is nothing to worry about it.

Picture: Pixabay

Last Updated on February 13, 2021 by The Health Master

Has the sight of someone around you coughing and sneezing become common? If yes, know it’s officially the season of cold and flu.

And the rise in body’s temperature can make one feel even more uncomfortable. But the good news is there is nothing to worry about it.

Here we tell you four easy ways to reduce a fever associated with cold and flu and feel better fast.

Picture: Pixabay

What you should do

Drink a lot of fluids
This is the first thing that doctors tell us when we complain of cold and flu. This is because higher body temperature can lead to dehydration quickly.

You can have warm water, juices, coconut water, teas and more. If you have flu, aim for at least 8 to 12 glasses in a day.

Drinking more liquids also helps your body get rid of toxins.

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Rest rest and rest
Staying active can actually raise your body temperature. Resting will help reduce the temperature and will help in faster recovery.

Though medication is not always needed, you must consult a doctor if your body temperature is more than 102 F.

Consult your doctor if your fever is accompanied with unbearable body ache, headache, stiff neck, shortness of breath, vomiting or any other unusual signs and symptoms.

Take a bath
You can ask someone to place a damp towel on your forehead and the back of your neck to lower your fever.

You can also try taking a sponge bath with water to reduce the fever quickly. Do not try a cold bath without your doctor’s permission as that might lead to shivering, which might further increase your body temperature.

Water should be of comfortable temperature as that will help you relax and will bring down your body’s temperature.

What you shouldn’t do when you have a fever

Rubbing the body with alcohol
This is a very old technique to reduce fever, which is not at all safe. The technique is not only ineffective but can also lead to alcohol poisoning.

Take an ice bath
As we explained earlier that taking a bath might help in reducing the temperature but an ice-cold bath can lead to shivering of the body and rise in the body temperature.

Double up the medications
Doubling up the medication or taking two different types at one time is not only ineffective but can be dangerous too.

It won’t bring down your body temperature quickly and might even harm your body organs.

When to see the doctor for kids

Children between 0 to 3 months – If the temperature is 100.4 F or higher.
Children between 3 to 6 months – 
If the temperature is above 102 F and they are sleepy or irritable.
Children between 6 to 24 months – If the temperature is above 102F and lasts for more than a day. If they have any other symptoms like rash, vomiting or diarrhoea, you can check with the doctor sooner.

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