Recruitment for M.Pharm as Deputy Manager at KMSCL

Recruitment for M.Pharm as Deputy Manager at KMSCL - Last date 15.02.2020.

Govt Job
Picture: Pixabay

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Last Updated on October 17, 2024 by The Health Master

Kerala Medical Services Corporation Limited (KMSCL), a fully owned Government of Kerala Company, set up in 2008, as a procurement agency for Essential Drugs and Equipment for all Govt. Hospitals / Health Care Institutions of the State, including Medical College Hospitals, need the following personnel on Contract basis.

Post : Deputy Manager

No of posts : 03 (Essential Drugs, Karunya Purchase & Sales Divisions)

Qualification & Experience : M.Pharm. Experience (Mandatory) Candidates should have minimum Three years post qualification experience.

Out of which minimum One year expereience in the Pharma business field, Procurement and Logistics.

Remuneration : Consolidated Pay of Rs 30,000/- per month

Also read: Vacancy for M.Pharm, M.Sc in Research Project

Age : Candidate should have born 01.12.1979 or later

Computer proficiency is essential.

Interested candidates may send their application in the format available in the below link along with scanned copies of relevant documents, through email: 

or downloaded application form duly filled in the copies of relevant documents may be sent physically through speed post / courier, so as to reach in Head Office, on or before 15.02.2020.

The successful candidates will be appointed, on contract basis, initially for a period of one year.

The Corporation may at its discretion, based on the performance and integrity of the successful candidate, extend the period of contract.

Application Form

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