Job for M.Pharm, M.Sc in ICFRE

Job for M.Pharm, M.Sc in FRI - Walk in Interview on 18-02-2020 & 20-02-2020

Govt Job
Picture: Pixabay

Last Updated on October 17, 2024 by The Health Master

Indian Council of Forestry Research and Education (ICFRE), an apex body in the national forestry research system, has been undertaking the holistic development of forestry research through need based planning, promoting, conducting and coordinating research, education and extension covering all aspects of forestry.

The Council deals with the solution based forestry research in tune with the emerging issues in the sector, including global concerns such as climate change, conservation of biological diversity, combating desertification and sustainable management and development of resources.

Junior Research Fellow (Sl.No 1)
PI/ Division : Silviculuture & F.M / Dr. B.P.Tamta , Scientist-E
Name of Project : Develop Germplasm repository of Endangered Medicinal Tree Oroxylum indicum (Shyonak) funded by NMPB
Essential Qualifications: First Class M.Sc. in Botany/ Forestry
Desirable Qualification : Experience in Field visit, raw drug plants samples collection, nursery and field planting and data analysis. Knowledge of working in Computer
No. of Fellowship : 01
Stipend per month Rs. : 25000/- (Twenty Five thousand) only

Junior Project Fellow (Sl.No 2)
PI/ Division : G&TI. Dr. Ashok Kumar Scientist-F
Name of Project : AICRP on Gmelina arborea (Khamer or Gamhar) funded by CAMPA -ICFRE

Also read: Job for Pharmacists in HSSC

Essential Qualifications: First Class M.Sc. (Agriculture) in Biotechnology or First Class M.Sc in Biotechnology or  First Class M.Tech (Biotechnology)
Desirable Qualification : Experience in Biotechnology of forest tree species,. Candidates should also be willing to travel and stay in difficult terrains in far off places to complete field studies to collect field observations and samples.
No. of Fellowship : 01
Stipend per month Rs. : 16,000/- (Sixteen thousand) only

Junior Project Fellow (Sl.No 3)
PI/ Division : Forest Protection/ Dr. Sudhir Singh Scientist-G
Name of Project : AICRP on Gmelina arborea (Khamer or Gamhar) funded by CAMPA- ICFRE
Essential Qualifications: First Class M.Sc. (Agriculture) in Entomology or First Class M.Sc. in Zoology

Desirable Qualification : Experience in biotechnology of forest tree species.Candidates should also be willing to travel and stay in difficult terrains in far off places to complete field studies to collect field observations and samples.
No. of Fellowship : 01
Stipend per month Rs. : 16,000/- (Sixteen thousand) only

Junior Project Fellow (Sl.No 4)
PI/ Division : G&TI. Dr. Ashok Kumar Scientist-F
Name of Project : AICRP project on ‘Testing and deployment of clones and seed sources of casuarinas of different planting environments and end-use applications” funded by CAMPA ICFRE.
Essential Qualifications: First Class M.Sc. (Agriculture) in Genetics & Plant Breeding Of First Class M.Sc. in Biochemistry

Also read: Job for Pharmacists (50 posts) in VVMC

Desirable Qualification : Experience in nurery raising and establishing of progeny trials forest and or Agriculture species.Candidates should also be willing to travel and stay in difficult terrains and far off places to complete field studies to collect field observations and samples.
No. of Fellowship : 01
Stipend per month Rs. : 16,000/- (Sixteen thousand) only

Junior Project Fellow (Sl.No 5)
PI/ Division : Extension. Dr. A.K.Pandey Scientist-G
Name of Project : Phytochemical evaluation of Habenaria edgeworthii Hook.f. ex Collet and Habenaria intermedia D.Don the important Astavarg specie” funded by NMPB
Essential Qualifications: First Class M.Sc. in Chemistry/Organic Chemistry/Pharmaceutical Chemistry or First Class in M.Pharma
No. of Fellowship : 01
Stipend per month Rs. : 16,000/- (Sixteen thousand) only

Project Assistant  (Sl.No 6)
PI/ Division : G&TI/ Dr.Ashok Kumar, Scientist-F
Name of Project : AICRP on Genetic Improvement of Azadirachta indica. A. Juss. (Neem) funded by CAMPA -ICFRE
Essential Qualifications: Graduate in Science with Botany as one of the subject or B.Sc. in Agriculture

Desirable Qualification : Experience in nursery raising and establishing of progeny trials forest and or Agriculture species. Candidates should also be willing to travel and stay in difficult terrains and far off places to complete field studies to collect field observations and samples
No. of Fellowship : 01
Stipend per month Rs. : 15,500/- (Fifteen thousand Five hundred ) only

Project Assistant  (Sl.No 7)
PI/ Division : G&TI/ Dr.Ajay Thakur Scientist-F
Name of Project : AICRP on Genetic Improvement of Azadirachta indica A. Juss. (Neem) funded by CAMPA -ICFRE
Essential Qualifications: Graduate in Science with Botany as one of the subject or B.Tech (Biotechnology)

Desirable Qualification : Experience in tissue culture of forest tree species. Candidates should also be willing to travel and stay in difficult terrains and far off places to complete field studies to collect field observations and samples
No. of Fellowship : 01
Stipend per month Rs. : 15,500/- (Fifteen thousand Five hundred only

Project Assistant  (Sl.No 8)
PI/ Division : G&TI/Dr. Rama Kant, Scientist-D
Name of Project : AICRP on Genetic Improvement of Azadirachta indica A. Juss. (Neem) funded by CAMPA -ICFRE
Essential Qualifications: Graduate in Science with Botany as one of the or BSc. in Agriculture

For more Govt. Jobs, Click here

Desirable Qualification : Experience in nursery raising and establishing of progeny trials forest and Of Agriculture species. Candidates should also be willing to travel and stay in difficult terrains and far off places to complete field studies to collect field observations and samples
No. of Fellowship : 01
Stipend per month Rs. : 15,500/- (Fifteen thousand Five hundred) only

Project Assistant  (Sl.No 9)
PI/ Division : Chemistry & B.P. Dr.Y.C.Tripathi, Scientist-F
Name of Project : AICRP on Genetic Improvement of Azadirachta indica A. Juss. (Neem) funded by CAMPA -ICFRE

]Essential Qualifications: Graduate in Science with Chemistry as one of the Subject
Desirable Qualification : Experience in oil estimation and other related activities. Candidates should also be willing to travel and stay in difficult terrains and far off places to complete field studies to collect field observations and samples
No. of Fellowship : 01
Stipend per month Rs. : 15,500/- (Fifteen thousand Five hundred) only

Field Assistant (Sl.No 10)
PI/ Division : Chemistry & B.P. Dr.Y.C.Tripathi, Scientist-F
Name of Project : AICRP project on ‘Testing and deployment of clones and seed sources of casuarinas for different planting environments and end- use applications funded by CAMPA ICFRE

Essential Qualifications: Intermediate with Science or Agriculture
Desirable Qualification : Applicants should be willing to travel and stay in difficult terrains and far off places to complete field studies to collect field observations and samples.
No. of Fellowship : 01
Stipend per month Rs. : 13500/- (Thirteen Thousand Five hundred) only

Field Assistant (Sl.No 11)
PI/ Division : Forest Products Dr. Vikas Rana Scientist-F
Name of Project : “Application of Biobased Polymeric Blends as Strength Additives for papermaking” funded by ICFRE

Essential Qualifications: Intermediate with Science
Desirable Qualification : The candidate have B.Sc will be preferred
No. of Fellowship : 01
Stipend per month Rs. : 13500/- (Thirteen Thousand Five hundred) only

Tenure : Tenure will be initially for one year or up to project completion period whichever is earlier and may be extended as per ICFRE rules.

Age : Upper age limit for JRF/JPF is 28 years as on 01/06/2020, which is relaxable up to 5 years for candidates belonging to SC/ST, Women, Physically Handicapped and OBC

General Condition : Award of the fellowship is governed by the Indian Council of Forestry Research & Education, Dehradun rules and don’t guarantee subsequent employment in any Institute under the Council.

Walk-in-interview for the position of Junior Research Fellow (JRF)/ Junior Project Fellows (JPF), Pro jec Assistant (PA) and Field Assistant (FA) as per detail given below purely on temporary basis will be held on 18.02.202 and 20.02.2020 at 09.00 A.M. in the Board Room of FRI Main Building, P.O. New Forest, Forest Research Institute Dehradun-248006.

The interested and eligible candidates must bring the copy of bio-data along with recent passport size photograph, self attested copies of all educational certificates and relevant documents for submission to the office of Group Coordinator (Research), P.O. New Forest, FRI, Dehradun. No separate letter will be issued for attending the interview and No TA/DA will be paid for attending the Interview.

Candidates are requested to report for Registration at 9:0 a.m. as per Interview date i.e. 18.02.2020 and 20.02.2020 in the Board Room of FRI Dehradun.

Walk in Interview
Date SI.No. 1 to 5 : 18-02-202
Date SI.No. 6 to 10 : 20-02-202

Venue : Board Room of FRI Main Building, P.O. New Forest,
Forest Research Institute Dehradun-248006.

Forest Research Institute
(Indian Council of Forestry Research & Education )
P. O. New Forest, Dehradun