Job for Ph.D, M.Pharm as Project Associate at PBTI

Govt Job
Picture: Pixabay

Last Updated on October 12, 2024 by The Health Master

Department of Science, Technology and Environment, Government of Punjab (GoP) with the financial support of Department of Biotechnology (DBT), Govt. of India (GoI) setup Punjab Biotechnology Incubator (PBTI) in 2005. PBTI is a component of Agri Food Biotechnology Cluster, Knowledge City, Sector 81, SAS Nagar (Mohali). PBTI, a registered Society under Societies Registration Act is professionally governed by Governing Council under the Chairmanship of Chief Secretary Punjab.

PBTI started providing hi-end world class NABL accredited analytical services to Agri, Food, Environment and Allied Sectors from transit premises in Mohali. In addition, contract research services, technology validation services and Project Management Consultancy (PMC)/Project Management Advisory (PMA) services are also being provided. Farmers, entrepreneurs, startups, industries, exporters and regulators etc.

Project Associate
Salary : Rs.25,000 p.m. fixed
Project title : IAEA Project titled “Stable Carbon Isotope Ratio based authentication of Honey – validation of the tool for Indian honey”

Qualification and Experience :
Essential :

(i) Ph.D. with research in relevant area
(ii) 1st class M.Tech or equivalent in Biotechnology / Food Technology / Dairy Technology OR 1ST Class M. Pharma from a recognized University/Institute. Atleast 2 years analytical experience in the relevant field after essential qualification.
(iii) 1st class Master Degree in Basic / Chemical / Life / Environmental Sciences / Food Sciences from a recognized University/Institute with atleast 3 years analytical experience in the relevant field after essential qualification.

Desirable : Experience of working with national / international testing & certification laboratories / organizations. Knowledge of national / international Laboratory Quality Management Systems and standards for quality testing.
Job Requirement: The incumbent would be responsible for analysis of food samples & beehive products, data processing & interpretation, technical report preparation, scientific publications etc.
Age : 37 years or below

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Project Associate
Salary : Rs.25,000 p.m. fixed
Project title : National Reference Laboratory for Sweets and Confectionery including Honey under Network of NRL’s of FSSAI

Qualification and Experience :
Essential :

(i) Ph.D. with research in relevant area
(ii) 1st class M.Tech or equivalent in Biotechnology / Food Technology / Dairy Technology OR 1ST Class M. Pharma from a recognized University/Institute. Atleast 2 years analytical experience in the relevant field after essential qualification.
(iii) 1st class Master Degree in Basic / Chemical / Life / Environmental Sciences / Food Sciences from a recognized University/Institute with atleast 3 years analytical experience in the relevant field after essential qualification.

Desirable : Experience of working with national / international testing & certification laboratories /organizations. Knowledge of national / international Laboratory Quality Management Systems and standards for quality testing.
Job Requirement : The incumbent would be responsible for Development / Validation of Methods, planning & organization of trainings, analysis of agri / food & allied products and other Quality assurance activities.
Age : 37 years or below

Project Associate
Salary : Rs. 18,000 p.m. fixed
Project title : “Validation of method for Analysis of Elemental Impurities in Drug Substances/Drug products by ICP-MS as per USP<233>”

For more Govt. Jobs, Click here

Qualification and Experience :
Essential :

(i) 1st class Master Degree in Basic / Chemical / Life / Environmental Sciences / Food Sciences OR 1st Class B.Tech OR equivalent in Biotechnology / Food Technology / Dairy Technology OR 1st Class B.Pharma from a recognized University / Institute.

Desirable : Experience of working with National/International testing & certification laboratories /organizations. Knowledge of National/International Laboratory Quality Management Systems and standards for quality testing.
Job Requirement : The incumbent would be responsible for Chemical/Biological/Physical analysis of agri/food & allied products/Environmental monitoring.
Age : 37 years or below

Candidates having requisite qualifications and experience may submit application in the prescribed format PROFORMA-I which is available on the below link along with the demand draft (Non-refundable) of Rs.500/- in favour of “Punjab Biotechnology Incubator” payable at Mohali and accompanied with the copy of following documents be submitted.

1) Matriculation Certificate (for age proof);
2) Certificate of Qualifying Degree along with mark sheets;
3) Certificates of other qualifications, if any;
4) Certificates in proof of experience, as applicable, clearly indicating the length and line of experience as per eligibility conditions;
5) Community certificate, if applicable;

6) DD for Rs.500/- for UR applicants in original. (Applicant are required to mention the name & post applied for on back side of DD). No fee will be payable by Schedule Caste (SC)/ Schedule Tribes (ST) candidates. After sending the hard copy, the candidates are also required to send a soft copy in M.S.

Word format of the PROFORMA-II through e-mail on PBTI’s e-mail address i.e. Incomplete or without fees applications will not be considered. The Appointing Authority reserves the right to reject any or all applications without assigning any reason. The above post would be temporary post for fixed duration.

Last date extended for Advt. published in News Papers for Project Posts on 20.02.2020.
Last Date : 23.04.2020

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