Minding your mental health

Hospitality businesses are quite hard hit by the outbreak.

Health Brain
Picture: Pixabay

CHENNAI: During this quarantine period, my daily routine looks something like this — I wake up to news from the covidout.in, Dashboard and The Ken, and gauge the social and economic situation in the country. I also spend a few minutes checking out what the world has to say on social media. I clock in some family time during breakfast and proceed to work from home.

Working from home in the hospitality business is challenging but I try and support marketing and operational functions at Fromage, as much as I can, from my home. Hospitality businesses are quite hard hit by the outbreak.

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Having read and heard firsthand accounts of people with compromised immunity, anxiety issues, I have come to strongly believe that the mental health issues that have come up with the onset of the COVID-19 are going to be the most difficult for people to cope with.

Therefore, I try and do what I can, and spend plenty of time every day on social media to create awareness on social distancing, share ideas on how people can spend their time in quarantine and spread cheer and positive vibes. I have also been utilising this newfound spare time to shoot and create digital content for small businesses that I love.  

By Anjana Alagamai