Job for Pharmacists in DCHS

Job for Pharmacists (10 posts) in DCHS | Government Jobs - Last date 06-07-2020

Govt Job
Picture: Pixabay

Last Updated on October 19, 2024 by The Health Master

Applications are invited from eligible candidates for recruitment of the following posts to work at A.P. Vaidya Vidhana Parishad Hospitals in E.G. District on contract basis/outsourcing basis.

Post : Pharmacist Gr.II
No of Posts : 10
Mode of appointment : Contract Basis
Remuneration per month : Rs.28,000/-
Education Qualification : Pass in Inter with Science Group/D-Pharmacy / B.Pharmacy from the recognized institutions and registered with AP Pharmacy Council and AP Paramedical Board.

Age : No person shall be eligible for appointment if he/she is less than 18 years of Age and if he/she is more than 42 years of age as on 1.6.2020.
Ex-Service Man : 3 Years
NCC(who worked as instructor in NCC) : 3 Years
SC, ST, BCs : 5 Years
Physically Handicapped person : 10 Years

General Selection Process : General Selection Process will be done as per merit in according to the prevailing Government orders. 
Rules of Reservation : Rule of Reservation will be followed as per the A.P State and Subordinate Service Rules, 1996, read with the relevant Specific Rules applicable as per Presidential order.

Also read: Career for Pharmacists under DM&HO

How to apply :
a. Applications forms along with the instructions can be downloaded from official website
b. Filled in application forms shall be submitted in person or through post to Office of the District Coordinator of Hospital Services, E.G.District, Rajamahendravaram to reach on or before 6.7.2020 by 5.00 P.M. Applications which are received after due date will be summarily rejected. District selection Committee is not responsible for postal delays.
c. Self-attested Xerox copies of the following certificates shall be enclosed along with the application form.

1. Date of Birth(S.S.C or Equivalent examination)
2. Intermediate & Degree Certificates
3. Qualification Examination Pass Certificate (Academic &Technical)
4. Marks memos of all years(Qualifying examinations)(Academic & Technical) 5.Registration certificates of respective councils (A.P.NursingCounsil, A.P.Paramedical Board, A.P.Pharmacy Council etc).
6. Latest Caste certificate issued by the Tashildhar/MRO concerned
7. Study certificates for the years from 4th class to 10th class
8. PH Certificate in respect of candidates Claiming reservation under PH Quota.
9. Relevant Certificates in respect of candidates claiming Ex Service man Quota
10. Contract/Out Sourcing Service Certificate.

Note :-
1. Application which are not having up to date renewals of respective Council/Board will be summarily rejected.
2. If attested copies of Caste certificate/Physically handicapped certificate/ Ex-Servicemen certificate not enclosed, the candidate will be treated under Open Category. 3. If Certificate copy of study certificates i.e., IV to SSC is not enclosed, the candidate will be treated as Non-Local.
4. If attested copies above are not enclosed, the application will be summarily rejected. 5. Application shall be submitted in the format enclosed to this guidelines only.

Conditions on Appointment:-
The candidate selected and appointed on contract basis shall not be regarded as a member of the service in which the post to which he/she is appointed, is included, and shall not be entitled by reason only of such appointment, to any preferential right to any other appointment in that or any other service. The department or the person may revoke the contractual appointment ordiscontinue the contract by giving one month’s notice in writing on either side. This contract wouldautomatically cease to operate on lapse of contract period and both parties will be discharged of their respective obligations and liabilities without any formal or informal communication.

For more Govt. Jobs, Click here

1. Candidates should make sure of their eligibility to the post applied for and that the declaration made by them in the format of application regarding their eligibility in all respects. Any candidate furnishing incorrect information or making false declaration regarding his/her eligibility at any stage or suppressing any information is liable to be debarred from recruitment conducted by the department and summarily rejection of their candidature for this recruitment and future recruitments.
2. The department is vested with conducting recruitment and selection as per rules duly maintaining utmost secrecy and confidentiality in this process and any attempt by any one causing or likely to cause breach of this duty in such manner or by such action as to violate or likely to violate the fair practices followed and ensured by the Department will be sufficient cause for rendering such questionable means as ground for debarment.

The decision of the department/Dist. Selection Committee pertaining to the application and its acceptance or rejection as the case may be, and conduct of counseling and at all consequent stages culminating in the selection or otherwise of any candidate shall be final in all respects and binding on all concerned under the powers vested with it. The department/DSC also reserves its right and modify regarding terms and conditions laid down in the notification for conducting the various stages up to selection duly intimating details thereof to all concerned as warranted by any unforeseen circumstances arising during the course of this process. The Department/Dist. Selection Committee is empowered to increase or decrease the total vacancies notified subject to availability of vacancies as on the date of selection.

Last Date : 6.7.2020 by 5.00 P.M

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