AMC announces ‘Doctor Mitra’ scheme

Doctors appointed under the scheme will be available at these UHCs 5pm to 9pm.

Stethoscope Doctor
Picture: Pixabay

Last Updated on May 29, 2022 by The Health Master

Ahmedabad: The Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation (AMC) announced its ‘Doctor Mitra’ scheme, which will be implemented at 21 urban health centres (UHCs) in the city. Doctors appointed under the scheme will be available at these UHCs 5pm to 9pm.

Thus, medical services will be provided at these 21 UHCs from 9am to 9pm. Regular doctors will be available from 9am to 5pm, after which these doctor mitras will take over.

Of these 21 UHCS, those in the western part of the city are Thaltej, Bodakdev and Ghatlodia UHCs in the North West Zone, Sarkhej and Jodhpur in the South West Zone, and the UHCs of Ranip, Ambawadi, Vasna and Stadium in the West Zone.

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Under the scheme, doctors will treat citizens for fever, cough, cold and will also conduct basic lab tests and prescribe medicines. Each Doctor Mitra team will have a physician, a medical officer, a laboratory technician and a paramedical staffer.

They will be appointed on contract for three months. The physician and medical officer will get Rs 30,000 per month, while the other members will get Rs 10,000 per month.

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