Lifestyle and Health – must read

Friends, everything is not that much green. There are many pitfalls and some disadvantages also

Stethoscope Doctor
Picture: Pixabay
Dr. NPS Verma

Last Updated on July 22, 2023 by The Health Master

Lifestyle and Health

I have seen the era when the mode of treatment was in the hands of Sadhus, Tantriks, quacks, and some herbal medicines to the enormous advancements in medicine and technology. Science and technology have done wonders in dealing with various serious ailments in diagnosis and treatment.

It has done wonders in controlling many dreaded communicable diseases. Surgery for many is thought to be an untreatable disease. It has decreased the morbidity and mortality rates in many deceases.

Friends, everything is not that green. There are many pitfalls and some disadvantages also. Science has made our lifestyle fast, but this speed has led to a number of lifestyle diseases like:

  • Cardiac problems (Heart attack, heart failure, Blood Pressure or Hypertension),
  • Brain Strokes,
  • Neurological problems (Paralysis, Headaches, Vertigo)
  • Psychological,
  • Anxieties,
  • Depression,
  • Genetic,
  • Congenital diseases,
  • Joint problems,
  • Diabetes,
  • Obesity
  • Respiratory problems like Allergies, Asthma,
  • Liver & Kidney diseases.

Every year there is a new type of viral infection for which either there is no medicine or the medicines are resistant to them. 

Above all, new dangerous diseases like various types of cancers and environmental and occupational diseases, which are difficult to treat, are on the rise and are occurring in children as well. 

Then there are allergic reactions and complications of many drugs also. Despite so many Hospitals, Doctors, and Health Care Facilities, the number of new diseases is increasing Day by day.

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The number of diseases and sufferings were not up to that extent and not as fatal as it’s today. Many diseases were self-limiting. What is the reason for all this…?


1. No respect for own health
2. People have time and money for their luxuries, like cars, houses, and mobile phones, but not for the body in which they are going to live till death. 
3. We earn money at the cost of our health and then spend the same money to recover our health. 
4. We have forgotten that health is the real wealth.
5. Luxurious Lifestyle 
6. No time for exercise
7. Bad Dietary Habits & Timings, Addiction to Smoking & Drinking
8. Poor Time Planning 
9. Personal & Environmental Hygiene 
10. No proper time for rest and sleep

How to remain Healthy, fit &  disease free

1. Awareness of your body. Give as much importance to your health as you give to your luxuries. 
2. Biannual Health Check-Ups Like our car etc, our body also possesses three filters.
(A) Air filter (Nose), most important, as we can’t live for more than 5 minutes without air.
(B). The fuel (oil) filter is the mouth, so use good quality food. No smoking, gutka, hard drinks, harmful drugs or
(C) Sound Filter (Ear) Avoid noise pollution 
3. Eat fresh, natural, and healthy foods. No fried, junk food.
4. Plenty of water and fluids
5. Five fruits per day
6. Laughter, enjoy the company of family and friends.
7. Seven-hour sleep
8. Keep one hour for walking, yoga, and exercise.
9. Take care of your personal and environmental hygiene.
10. Keep a regular check on your weight, BP, and other routine tests.

Take care of your body, it’s the only place where you live. The only person who can help you is YOU.

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