Job for D.Pharm, B.Pharm in DHFWS

Job Openings for D.Pharm, B.Pharm in DHFWS - Government Jobs | 17 Openings

Govt Job
Picture: Pixabay

Last Updated on October 19, 2024 by The Health Master

DHFWS Narnaul Invites application for filling up of various vacant posts under various schemes of NHM Programmes in different Health Institutions District Narnaul, through walk-in- interview purely on contract basis initially up to 31/03/2021 or as per approval received in NHM Haryana ROP 2020-21, Whichever is earlier. The Number and details of post are as under.

Post : Emergency Medical Technician (for Ambulance)
Programme : Referral Transport
No. of Post  :  Total= 17 General=11 (Gen-7, Ex Serviceman-2, EWS-2) SC-3, BC-A-2 BC-B-1
Proposed Qualification : (i) Registered B. Pharmacy/ D. Pharmacy/ GNM/ BSc Nursing
(ii) Hindi /Sanskrit up to Matric.

Functional Pav Structure
Name of Pay Band :  PB-1
Pay Band : 5200-20200
Grade Pay : 2800

Entry Level Pay/ Remuneration : 11170
Job Responsibilities: Transportation of patients in ambulance to other heath facility & other work assigned by officers.

Important Instructions:
• Application form will be available from day of advertisement published in newspaper till 30-09-2020 in O/o Dy. Civil Surgeon (NHM),Namaul on any working day up to 30-09-2020. 5:00 PM
• One Application will be considered for one post only. Application form without having the post name and catcgory/serial number will be rejected.

• Applicant should reach on given dates at 10:00 am in the DHFWS office for walk-in Interview. No applicant will be entertained after 10:00 am
• Fell particulars along with contact no., email id. Postal address with PINCODE, two Passport size photo and attested copies of Educational Qualification & Govt & Semi Govt Experience should be attached with the application form.

• Original documents in support of academic qualifications and work experience shall be required to be produced at the time of interview. For local area weightage marks . proof of residence (Ration Card, Voter Card. Aadhaar Card) will be required
• Know ledge of Hindi or Sanskrit up to Matric Standard is required.
• Working knowledge of Computer programme and commonly used packages like MS word. Excel, power point is desirable for all categories of posts

• District authorities (Civil Surgeon office) has right to reject any application if found improper or having misleading information. District Health & Family Welfare Society. Namaul has right to cancel any post ‘written test interview at any time without specifying any reason and No claim will be entertained in this regard. Any information provided in the application found false or misleading at any stage of recruitment as well as after recruitment, the contract of such candidate will be terminated without giving any further notice.

For more Govt. Jobs, Click here

• Number of Posts can be increased or decreased by District Authorities (Civil Surgeon Narnaul).   
• Post of reserve category will be filled up as per Haryana Government policy. Applicant should bring proof of reserved category in original and attested copy.
• All the posts arc non -transferrable and the selected candidate will remain posted at the place of appointment.

• Any additional work/placement under NHM can be assigned by appointing authority. Contract may not be renewed automatically and Civil Surgeon has the right to terminate the contract immediately if performance is found unsatisfactorily.
• Selected candidate shall not have any claim for regularization of his/her services based on the duties performed under this contract, as he/ she has been engaged for project financed by Government of India having specific tenure.

• Vide letter no U752/NHM/A4/20I4/9739I-429 dated 11.03.2014 O/o MD NHM Haryana. “There is no provision to allow private practice after duty times or on holiday s to staff recruited under NHM”
• No TA/DA will be paid for coming for interview and no separate information will he sent to applicant for interview.
• This office will not be responsible for any postal delay.

Application Form>>

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