Govt jobs for Ph.D, M.Pharm, M.Sc in AIIMS

Multiple Vacancies in All-India Institute of Medical Sciences | Ph.D, M.Pharm, MSc apply | Last date 19-11-2020

Govt Job
Picture: Pixabay

All-India Institute of Medical Sciences was established as an institution of national importance by an Act of Parliament with the objects to develop patterns of teaching in Undergraduate and Post-graduate Medical Education in all its branches so as to demonstrate a high standard of Medical Education in India; to bring together in one place educational facilities of the highest order for the training of personnel in all important branches of health activity; and to attain self-sufficiency in Post-graduate Medical Education.

S No – 2
Pay Level in the Pay Matrix as per 7th CPC : Level-10 in the Pay Matrix
Essential eligibility criteria :
(i) M. Sc degree in Organic Chemistry / Biochemistry or Pharmacology from a recognized University/Institution
(ii) Three years teaching and /or research experience
Age Limit for Direct Recruits : 30
Total number of vacancies* and reservation : 2 (1 UR& 1 OBC)
Process of Selection : Interview

S No – 5
Scientist I
Pay Level in the Pay Matrix as per 7th CPC : Level-10 in the Pay Matrix
Essential eligibility criteria :
MSc 1st class in the relevant subject. Preference will be given to those possessing Ph.D
Pharmacology / Toxicology/ Molecular Biology/ Biotechnology/ Biochemistry / M. Pharma (Pharmacology)
Age Limit for Direct Recruits : 45
Total number of vacancies* and reservation :  1 UR & 2 SC
Process of Selection : Interview

S No – 6
Scientist II (CRU) Biostatistics
Pay Level in the Pay Matrix as per 7th CPC : Level-11 in the Pay Matrix
Essential eligibility criteria :
Ph.D. One year research experience post- Ph. D in the field, (This is in addition to experience of two years during the period of Ph.D.) Ph. D in Biostatistics after Post Graduation in Statistics/ Biostatistics. Research experience for at least two years (including period of PH.D).
At least one First author/ Joint first author/ corresponding author publication in a peer reviewed journal indexed in Journal Citation Report. One year research experience post-Ph. D degree (in addition to the two years experience during the period of Ph. D)
Age Limit for Direct Recruits : 45
Total number of vacancies* and reservation :  1 UR. 1 OBC & 1 EWS
Process of Selection : Interview

Scientist II (CRU) Clinical Trials
Pay Level in the Pay Matrix as per 7th CPC : Level-11 in the Pay Matrix
Essential eligibility criteria :
Ph.D. One year research experience post- Ph. D in the field, (This is in addition to experience of two years during the period of Ph.D.) Ph. D in Biostatistics after Post Graduation in Statistics/ Biostatistics. Research experience for at least two years (including period of PH.D).
Ph. D in life sciences along with a course in clinical trial management. Research experience for at least two years (including period of PH.D). At least one First author/ Joint first author/ corresponding author publication in a peer reviewed journal indexed in Journal Citation Report. One year research experience post-Ph. D degree (in addition to the two years experience during the period of Ph. D) OR Ph. D in Clinical Research Research experience for at least two years (including period of PH.D). At least one First author/ joint first author/ corresponding author publication in a peer reviewed journal indexed in Journal Citation Report. One year research experience post-Ph. D degree (in addition to the two years experience during the period of Ph. D) OR DM (Clinical Pharmacology) At least one First author/joint first author/ corresponding author publication in a peer reviewed journal indexed in Journal Citation Report. OR MD/MS/MDS (in any clinical subject) At least one First author/ joint first author/ corresponding author publication in a peer reviewed journal indexed in Journal Citation Report. One year research experience post- qualifying degree

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Age Limit for Direct Recruits : 45
Total number of vacancies* and reservation :  1 UR* & 1 ST (*1 UR post is earmarked for PWBD- OA. OL,AAV,Dw, LC(OA,OL
Process of Selection : Interview

S No – 7
Scientist II (CCRF) Bioanalytics
Pay Level in the Pay Matrix as per 7th CPC : Level-11 in the Pay Matrix
Essential eligibility criteria :
Ph.D. One year research experience post- Ph. D in the field. (This is in addition to experience of two years during the period of Ph.D.)
(1) Ph.D. in the area of biological/life sciences/ chemistry. Proven hands-on lab work experience in Bioanalytics as related to the job profile, for at least two years (including period of PhD) supported by publications and work experience documentation especially in the field of LC-MS/MS. Should have at least one First author/Joint first author/ Corresponding author publication in a peer reviewed journal indexed in Journal Citation Reports (as per Thomson Reuters – now Clarivate Analytics). (2) Work experience – One year experience post- Ph.D in the field, (This is in addition to experience of two years during the period of Ph.D.)

Age Limit for Direct Recruits : 45
Total number of vacancies* and reservation :  1 EWS
Process of Selection : Interview

Scientist II (CCRF) Bioinformatics
Pay Level in the Pay Matrix as per 7th CPC : Level-11 in the Pay Matrix
Essential eligibility criteria :
Ph.D. One year research experience post- Ph. D in the field. (This is in addition to experience of two years during the period of Ph.D.)
(1)  Ph.D. in the area of biological / life sciences / computer sciences / bioinformatics / information technology. Proven hands-on experience in Bioinformatics/ Computational Biology for at least two years as related to the job profile (including period of PhD) supported by publications and work experience documentation especially with regard to managing linux systems and knowledge of Bio-Perl/Perl/ Python languages. Should have at least one First author / Joint first author/Corresponding author publication in a peer reviewed journal indexed in Journal Citation Reports (as per Thomson Reuters – now Clarivate Analytics). (2) Work experience – One year experience post- Ph.D in the field, (This is in addition to experience of two years during the period of Ph.D.’)

Age Limit for Direct Recruits : 45
Total number of vacancies* and reservation :  1 UR
Process of Selection : Interview

Scientist II (CCRF) BSL-2/3
Pay Level in the Pay Matrix as per 7th CPC : Level-11 in the Pay Matrix
Essential eligibility criteria :
Ph.D. One year research experience post- Ph. D in the field. (This is in addition to experience of two years during the period of Ph.D.)
(1) Ph.D. in the area of biological / life sciences. Proven hands-on work experience in BSL-3 and/or BSL-4 laboratory for at least two years as related to the job profile (including period of PhD), supported by publications and w’ork experience documentation. Should have at least one First author/Joint first author/Corresponding author publication in a peer reviewed journal indexed in Journal Citation Reports (as per Thomson Reuters – now Clarivate Analytics). (2) Work experience- one year post – Ph.D. in the field. (This is in addition to Ph.D in the field experience of two years during the period of Ph.D.)

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Age Limit for Direct Recruits : 45
Total number of vacancies* and reservation :  1 UR
Process of Selection : Interview

Scientist II (CCRF) Flow Cytometry
Pay Level in the Pay Matrix as per 7th CPC : Level-11 in the Pay Matrix
Essential eligibility criteria :
Ph.D. One year research experience post- Ph. D in the field. (This is in addition to experience of two years during the period of Ph.D.)
(1) Ph.D. in the area of biological/life sciences. Proven hands-on experience for at least tw’O years (including period of PhD) in Multicolour Flow Cytometry/Sorting as related to the job profile supported by publications and work experience documentation. Should have at least one First author/Joint first author/Corresponding author publication in a peer reviewed journal indexed in Journal Citation Reports (as per Thomson Reuters – now Clarivate Analytics). (2) Work experience – One year

Age Limit for Direct Recruits : 45
Total number of vacancies* and reservation :  1 UR
Process of Selection : Interview

Scientist II (CCRF) General Facility
Pay Level in the Pay Matrix as per 7th CPC : Level-11 in the Pay Matrix
Essential eligibility criteria :
Ph.D. One year research experience post- Ph. D in the field. (This is in addition to experience of two years during the period of Ph.D.)
Ph.D. in the area of biological/life sciences. Proven hands-on work experience as related to the job profile in molecular techniques such as PCR. real time PCR. protein purification techniques (use of ultra-centrifuge), microscopy etc. for at least two years (including period of PhD) supported by publications and work experience documentation. Should have at least one First author/Joint first author/Corresponding author publication in a peer reviewed journal indexed in Journal Citation Reports (as per Thomson Reuters – now Clarivate Analytics). (2) Work experience – One year experience post Ph.D in the field, (This is in addition to experience of two years during the period of Ph.D.)

Age Limit for Direct Recruits : 45
Total number of vacancies* and reservation :  1 UR
Process of Selection : Interview

Scientist II (CCRF) Genomics
Pay Level in the Pay Matrix as per 7th CPC : Level-11 in the Pay Matrix
Essential eligibility criteria :
Ph.D. One year research experience post- Ph. D in the field. (This is in addition to experience of two years during the period of Ph.D.)
Ph.D. in the area of biological/life sciences. Proven hands-on lab work experience as related to the job profile in generation of high throughput genomics and transcriptomics data, and in relevant experimentation including Sanger sequencing/ NGS/ Microarray/ Transcriptomics for at least two years (including period of PhD) supported by publications and work experience documentation. Should have at least one First author/Joint first author/Corresponding author publication in a peer reviewed journal indexed in Journal Citation Reports (as per Thomson Reuters – now’ Clarivate Analytics). (2) Work experience – One year experience post- Ph.D in the field, (This is in addition to experience of two years during the period of Ph.D.)

Age Limit for Direct Recruits : 45
Total number of vacancies* and reservation :  1 EWS
Process of Selection : Interview

For more Govt. Jobs, Click here

Scientist II (CCRF) Microscopy
Pay Level in the Pay Matrix as per 7th CPC : Level-11 in the Pay Matrix
Essential eligibility criteria :
Ph.D. One year research experience post- Ph. D in the field. (This is in addition to experience of two years during the period of Ph.D.)
Ph.D. in the area of biological / life sciences. Proven hands-on experience in high end Microscopy including con focal microscopy for at least two years (including period of PhD) as related to the job profile supported by publications and work experience documentation. Should have at least one First author/Joint first author/Corresponding author publication in a peer reviewed journal indexed in Journal Citation Reports (as per Thomson Reuters – now’ Clarivate Analytics). (2) Work experience – One year experience post- Ph.D in the field, (This is in addition to experience of two years during the period of Ph.D.)

Age Limit for Direct Recruits : 45
Total number of vacancies* and reservation :  1 OBC
Process of Selection : Interview

Scientist II (CCRF) Proteomics
Pay Level in the Pay Matrix as per 7th CPC : Level-11 in the Pay Matrix
Essential eligibility criteria :
Ph.D. One year research experience post- Ph. D in the field. (This is in addition to experience of two years during the period of Ph.D.)
Ph.D. in the area of biological/’life sciences. Proven hands-on lab work experience in proteomics for at least two years (including period of PhD) as related to the job profile supported by publications and work experience documentation especially with regard to technical knowledge and practical experience on MS/MS machine/s and data analysis. Should have at least one First author/Joint first author/Corresponding author publication in a peer reviewed journal indexed in Journal Citation Reports (as per Thomson Reuters – now Clarivate Analytics). (2) Work experience – One year experience post- Ph.D in the field, (This is in addition to experience of two years during the period of Ph.D.)

Age Limit for Direct Recruits : 45
Total number of vacancies* and reservation :  1 UR
Process of Selection : Interview

S No – 8
Scientist II (Gastroenterology)
Pay Level in the Pay Matrix as per 7th CPC : Level-11 in the Pay Matrix
Essential eligibility criteria :
Ph.D in Gastro. & HNU/ Biochemistry/ Biotechnology. Person should have a thesis topic preferably related to the field of Gastroenterology & Human Nutrition. Preference will be given to those possessing some experience and publications in the line.
Age Limit for Direct Recruits : 45
Total number of vacancies* and reservation :  1 UR & 2 SC
Process of Selection : Interview

S No – 9
Senior Chemist
Pay Level in the Pay Matrix as per 7th CPC : Level-11 in the Pay Matrix
Essential eligibility criteria :
(i) A good Masters degree in Chemistry with Organic chemistry as special subject / Biochemistry or Pharmacology from a recognized University / Institution
(ii) Seven years teaching and /or research experience (iii) Technical competence to handle sophisticated instruments used in chemical laboratories.
Age Limit for Direct Recruits : 30
Total number of vacancies* and reservation :  1 OBC Post is earmarked for PWBD-LV
Process of Selection : Interview

1. The posts carry usual allowance as admissible to Central Government Servant of similar status stationed at Delhi/New Delhi.
2. The aspiring applicants satisfying the eligibility criteria in all respect can submit their application only through ON-LINE mode. The On-line registration of applications is made available on AIIMS website from 21.10.2020 to 19.11.2020 upto 5:00 P.M. No documents including the Registration Slip of on-line application form is required to be sent. However, all the applicants should keep a copy of registration slip with them, alongwith proof of payment for future reference.

3.  The applicants applying in response to this advertisement should satisfy themselves regarding their eligibility for the post applied for. They must be fulfilling all the eligibility criteria as on the closing date of applications, failing which their application will be rejected. Required educational qualification/ experience should be completed on or before last date of application. In case of educational qualification, the candidate should have completed residency period for the desired educational qualification including internship on or before last date of submission of application and should had been declared to have passed examination on or before this date. Likewise candidate must have completed duration of desired experience on or before cut off date i.e last date of submission of online application.

4. The applicants while applying in response to this advertisement for the posts mentioned at Sr. No. 1 to 11 are required to upload the following documents in PDF format w here applicable in support of their appiications:-
a) Proof of Date of Birth
b) Valid Caste certificate if applied under SC/ST/OBC/PWBD category (as per advertisement)
c) Valid EWS certificate if applied for EWS category (as per advertisement)
d) Certificate for Age relaxation, if applied for.
e) Degree / Master Degree
f) Experience Certificate
g) PhD degree certificate indicating the department in which you have been registered at your institute/ university and Title of the thesis, where applicable.
h) In case your PhD degree does not mention all these, you must also upload the PhD registration / admission letter/ any other certificate of the Institute / University indicating the Department of registration and Title of the PhD.
Even if department is not mentioned, document indicating Title of PhD thesis is mandatory.

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The above will be in addition to the PhD degree certificate.
i) Abstract of PhD thesis format should be as follows:
• Introduction
• Aim & Objectives
• Methodology (especially in relation to the post applied for)
• Results
• Consultation
j) Documentary proof of post-PhD experience in the field/ post applied for with duration, where applicable.
k) One publication relevant to the field / post you have applied for in a journal indexed in Journal Citation Reports (as per Thomson Reuters- now Clarivate Analytics) where you are the first authors/ joint first author/ corresponding author, where applicable.
The On-line Registration will be closed by 05:00 PM on 19-11-2020. The candidature of such applicants who fails to complete the online registration by the stipulated date and time will not be considered and no correspondence in this regard will be entertained.
In case a candidate wishes to apply for more than one post, he/she is required to fill in the form separately through online mode only.

The candidate must ensure that their photo, signature and thumb impression are as per the Guidelines mentioned in the ‘Upload Image Instructions’ given in the General links and are clearly visible in preview at the time of filling of application in online mode. If photo/signature/thumb impression image are not as per instructions given in the ‘Upload Image Instructions’ in that case, application will be rejected. So, be very careful while uploading your photo, signature and thumb impression.

1) General/OBC Candidates – Rs.1500/- (Rupees Fifteen Hundred only)
SC/ST Candidates/EWS – Rs.1200/- (Rupees Twelve Hundred only)
Persons with Disabilities – Exempted
2) The candidate can pay the prescribed application fee through DEBIT CARD/CREDIT CARD/ NETBANKING. Transaction / Processing fee, if any, as applicable, will be payable to the bank by the candidate.
3) Application fee once remitted shall not be refunded under any circumstances.
4) Applications without the prescribed fee would not be considered and summarily rejected.

1. Cut off date to determine eligibility in terms of age of candidates will be the last date of submission of online application i.e. 19.11.2020
2. SC/ST/OBC/PWBD candidates who opt to apply as unreserved candidate will not be eligible for age relaxation. Further, reserve category candidates ( SC/ST/OBC/PWBD) who become eligible by virtue of age relaxation applicable in their case, will be considered only for reserved seats of the category to which they belong even if they have the merit to be considered otherwise for UR.
3. Age relaxation is permissible to various applicants is as under:-

9. Verification of Documents:
The original certificates/documents/caste certificate of shortlisted’ provisionally selected candidates will be verified as per schedule given below. The shortlisted/provisionally selected candidates must bring all original certificates of Essential and Desirable Qualifications/caste certificate along with one set of self-attested photocopy of i) Copy of downloaded Registration Slip of on-line application form, ii) Copy of downloaded Admit Card, iii) Certificate showing the Date of Birth, iv) Caste certificate/ EWS Certificate issued by the competent authority if applied under SC/ST/OBC/EWS category, v) Disability Certificate, if applied under PWBD category, vi) Experience certificate, if any, as the case may be. vii) Certificate from competent authority in case where age relaxation has been sought for the basis other than caste/PWBD.
Will be notified later after declaration of result of Online (CBT) mode Examination, where applicable.

10. Those who are in employment with State/ Central Govt./PSU, must submit a “NO OBJECTION CERTIFICATE” from the employer at the time of verification of documents. Without said NOC the candidature will not be considered for appointment under any circumstances. Failure to produce NOC on the day of verification of document will lead to cancellation of candidature.
11. For posts having experience as an Essential Criteria, the experience which has been acquired only after obtaining Essential Qualification, will be considered as valid.
12. Canvassing in any form will be a disqualification.
13. On selection on any advertised posts, appointed candidates can be posted at any of the establishment of AIIMS, New’ Delhi including those located outside AIIMS. New Delhi campus i.e Ballabhgarh (Haryana)/ National Drugs Dependency Treatment Centre (Ghaziabad)/Badsa Jhajjar or at any other facility which may come up in future.
14. Any dispute with regard to any matter referred herein shall be subject to the jurisdiction of Delhi Courts alone.

Last Date : 19-11-2020


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