‘India Pharma Innovation of the Year’ Award to Glenmark: GoI

We thank the government for its recognition; it serves as an encouraging reminder to keep up our good work in India and the world.- Glenmark

Picture: Pixabay

Last Updated on February 26, 2021 by The Health Master

Glenmark Pharmaceuticals received the “India Pharma Innovation of the Year” Award, as part of the India Pharma & India Medical Device Awards 2021.

The sixth edition of the annual awards is jointly organised by the Department of Pharmaceuticals, Ministry of Chemicals & Fertilizers, The Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce & Industry (FICCI) and Invest India.

Govt DoP

The award recognizes Glenmark’s multiple patents and innovations over the last three years, in its core therapy areas of Dermatology, Respiratory and Oncology.

It also acknowledges the company’s contribution to the healthcare sector, in meeting both pressing and long-term patient needs.

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Commenting on the award win, Glenn Saldanha, Chairman and MD of Glenmark Pharmaceuticals, said, “Now more than ever, we see the need for continuous innovation in pharma and healthcare to address infectious and chronic diseases.

Our goal at all times is to be future-ready, and to this end, innovation is ingrained in all our efforts.

We thank the government for its recognition; it serves as an encouraging reminder to keep up our good work in India and the world.”

Glenmark has previously won awards from the Dept. of Pharmaceuticals under the categories of India Pharma Leader Award (2015), Company of the Year (2016), and Corporate Social Responsibility Program of the Year (2017).

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