Govt constitutes National Council for Clinical Establishments

The council will have one representative elected by CCIM representing the Siddha system of medicine

Govt of India
Govt of India

Last Updated on January 6, 2024 by The Health Master

The Union health ministry has constituted the National Council for Clinical Establishments consisting of a chairperson and 16 members from prestigious government institutions.

The council would consist of the Director General of Health Service (DGHS) as the ex officio-chairperson with one representative each elected by Dental Council of India (DCI), National Medical Commission (NMC), Indian Nursing Council (INC), Pharmacy Council of India (PCI), and one representative elected by Central Council of Indian Medicines (CCIM) representing the Ayurveda System of Medicine .

The council will have one representative elected by CCIM representing the Siddha system of medicine, one representative elected by CCIM representing the Unani system of medicine, one representative elected by Central Council of Homoeopathy (CCH), one representative elected by Central Council of Indian Medical Association (IMA), and one representative elected by Bureau of the Indian Standards (BIS).

Meeting Committee FDA
Picture: Pixabay

Besides, the council will consists of two representatives from zonal council set up under Section 15 of the State Reorganization Act, 1956, two representatives from the North Eastern Council set up under Section 3 of the North Eastern Council Act, 1971, one representative from the line of Paramedical Systems excluding systems that have been given representation under clause 2(b) of the Clinical Establishments Act, 2010, two representatives from National Level Consumer Group, to be nominated by Central Government, one representative from Associations of Indian Systems of Medicine relating to Ayurveda, Siddha and Unani as members and Secretary-General of the Quality Council of India as the ex-officio member of the council.

“In exercise of the powers conferred by sub Section (1) of Section 3 of the Clinical Establishments (Registration and Regulation Act, 2010 (23 of 2010) and in supersession of the notification dated June 18, 2020, the Central Government hereby constitutes a National Council for Clinical Establishments consisting of the Chairperson and following Members, with effect from the date of publication of this notification in the Official Gazette,” the notification stated.

National Council for Clinical Establishments is the National level body provided under the Clinical Establishments (CE) Act, 2010 under the chairmanship of DGHS for carrying out the following functions like compile and publish a National Register of clinical establishments within two years from the date of the commencement of this Act, classify the clinical establishments into different categories, develop the minimum standards and their periodic review and determine the first set of standards for ensuring proper healthcare by the clinical establishments.

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