Govt Job for Pharmacists at Office of CMHO

Interested Eligible candidates should submit the Google Form online on 23.06.2021 till 05.00 PM through the below given Google link or QR code.

Govt Job
Picture: Pixabay

Last Updated on June 22, 2021 by The Health Master

For effective control and management of C-19 global epidemic, letter no.1 of Government Deputy Secretary No.1 (1) Chiswa/Group-2/2020 dated 27.04.2021 and letter no.1 of Mr. Principal Secretary to Government.  1) Chiswa / Group-2 / 2020 dated 05.05.2021 and letter no. No. 1 (1) Chiswa / Group-2 / 2020 dated 26.05.2021.

It is in compliance with the approval of human resources received after medical and health department in the district  In view of the urgent need of the present emergency time of epidemic against the sanctioned posts of various cadre nursing and paramedical cadre, control of C-19 at the prescribed monthly honorarium rates of the State Government through District Health Committee.

Govt Pharma Pharmacist Job Opportunity
Picture: Pixabay

This is on UTB basis or the current year 2021-22 or  According to the provisions of Rajasthan Medical Service Rules 1963 and Rajasthan Subordinate Medical Service Rules 1965 and Rajasthan Service Rules, for recruitment to the following posts as per rules, at the approved rate till regular personnel are available on vacant posts, whichever is earlier in google form are invited.

No of Posts : 40
Qualification : D.Pharm, B.Pharm ; Registration in Rajasthan Pharmacy Council of India.

Increase / decrease in the above posts can be done by the selection committee. Interested Eligible candidates should submit the Google Form online on 23.06.2021 till 05.00 PM through the below given Google link or QR code. 

Candidates will be selected according to the following points
1. In the selection list, preference will be given to the local candidates in the selection.  
2. For Nursing / Para medical personnel, selection will be made on the basis of percentage of educational qualification + technical, percentage of qualification and experience.  

3. 10 points extra for the candidates who have worked in C-19 for more than 3 months, 7 points for the experience holders of 2 months 3 months, 4 points for the experience holders of 1 month 2 months and 1 month  Preference will be determined by giving 2 marks to the candidates having experience of less than the period.  

4. If there are candidates securing equal marks in the same post, preference will be given to the candidate having more age.

On the basis of the average mark percentage and experience of the 12th and degree / diploma / technical qualification of the applicant obtained, two times the candidate in the seniority list will be called on the basis of cutoff mark for document verification. 

After the prescribed information for document verification, on 28.06.2021 and 29.06.2021 at 10.00 am, it will be mandatory for the applicant to be present at Master Adityaendra Government Higher Secondary School, Bharatpur following the guidelines of C-19 and finally the eligible applicant will receive the order. 

It will be mandatory to join within three days, that is, if the finally eligible applicant does not join within three days, the seat/post will not be kept vacant and other eligible applicants will be automatically directed to join.

Interested Eligible candidates should submit the Google Form online on 23.06.2021 till 05.00 PM through the below given Google link or QR code. 

Google Link>>

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