Pharmexcil to organise Pharma Expo on September 21-22

Pharma Expo on September 21-22


Last Updated on January 12, 2024 by The Health Master

To commemorate 75 years of Independence, “Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav”, the Pharmaceutical Export Promotion Council (Pharmexcil) will organise an exhibition and conference in association with the Government of Telangana on September 21-22.

The event will highlight 75 years of achievement in the thrust sectors and focus on export opportunities in biologics / vaccines, pharmaceuticals, bulk drugs, information technology, engineering and agriculture.

The event will include an exhibition and sector wise sessions for two days with participation by officials from the Ministry of Commerce, export promotion councils and members of industry.

“The conference will provide an opportunity for start-ups exporters to interact with Export Promotion Councils and Export Finance Institutions at one forum and avail guidance on export procedures and potential markets overseas,” R Uday Bhaskar, Director – General, Pharmexcil said in a release.

The technical sessions would include deliberations on the state policies, export financing, export opportunities and strategies for reinvigorating exports, he added.

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