- India and Pharmacy Education: Chapter: 13 - January 31, 2022
- India and Pharmacy Education: Chapter: 12 - January 25, 2022
- India and Pharmacy Education: Chapter: 11 - January 18, 2022
Last Updated on January 16, 2024 by The Health Master
India and Pharmacy Education: Chapter: 7
Continued……. India and Pharmacy Education: Chapter: 6
The previous chapter discussed about the career options after Graduation in Pharmacy. However, specialization in a subject enhances skills and hence career options.
After B. Pharmacy, a student can take up the course of M. Pharmacy. It a two year Post Graduation study course.
The course is approved by AICTE and Pharmacy Council of India (PCI). A student clears the exam of GPAT for admission to this course. National Testing Agency (NTA) conducts The Graduate Pharmacy Aptitude Test (GPAT) every year. Qualified students get scholarship of Rs. 12,400 per month for a period of 24 months.
M Pharmacy
M. Pharmacy is available in various specialized subjects including:
- Industrial Pharmacy,
- Pharmaceutics,
- Pharmacology,
- Pharmacognosy,
- Pharmacy Practice,
- Quality Assurance,
- Pharmaceutical Biotechnology,
- Pharmaceutical Analysis.
Many new subjects have been introduced by higher institutions such as:
- Pharmaceutical Management,
- Pharmaceutical Chemistry,
- Hospital Pharmacy,
- Clinical Research,
- Cosmeceutics and
- Regulatory Affairs.
Although GPAT qualification is compulsory, but if some seats remain vacant in an Institute, can be taken up by students without GPAT score.
A student specializes in is chosen stream with Analytical Techniques as a common subject for all streams. In the second year of study, he carries out research work and submits his thesis.

Various fields to enter
An individual with post graduation can enter into a variety of fields, including:
- Drug Regulatory Affairs,
- Research & Development,
- Academics,
- Quality Assurance,
- Medicinal Chemistry,
- Community connect,
- Medical writing Pharmacovigilance, and
- Clinical Research.
All the areas have growth opportunities which depends upon individual interest, aptitude, and location as well.
I shall discuss these areas of work profile one by one.
Clinical Research (CR)
Clinical Research (CR) is a growing industry and offers a broad scope of employment opportunities for trained professionals. It involves the scientific analysis of the drug impact on the body and its associated adverse effects.
Clinical research provides an excellent career options such as Clinical Research Scientist, Clinical Research Analyst. The prospects of this profession are more extensive in European countries.
A CR associate generally has a starting package of three lakhs in India and grows eventually with experience.
To be continued……. India and Pharmacy Education: Chapter: 8
By Dr. Kumud Madan
Author is Associate Professor at Sharda University, Greater Noida, India
India and Pharmacy Education: Chapter: 1
India and Pharmacy Education: Chapter: 2
India and Pharmacy Education: Chapter: 3
India and Pharmacy Education: Chapter: 4
India and Pharmacy Education: Chapter: 5
India and Pharmacy Education: Chapter: 6
India and Pharmacy Education: Chapter: 7
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