Latest on National Formulary of India (NFI)

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NFI National Formulary of India
Rakesh Dahiya

Last Updated on October 15, 2024 by The Health Master

Download Latest from National Formulary of India (NFI)

The National Formulary of India (NFI) is essentially meant for the guidance of the members of the medical profession; medical students, nurses and pharmacists working in hospitals and in sales establishments.


In the preparation of this Formulary, the expert opinion of medical practitioners, teachers in medicine, nurses, pharmacists and Pharmaceutical manufacturers has been obtained.

The selection of drugs for inclusion in the National Formulary has been made taking into consideration the relative advantages and disadvantages of the various drugs used, the extent of their use in current medical practice and their availability in the country.

Thus, the National Formulary of India (NFI) represents a broad consensus of medical opinion in respect of drugs and their formulations and provides the physician with carefully selected therapeutic agents of proven effectiveness that form the basis of national drug therapy.

The National Formulary of India would prove to be the authoritative guide to prescribing, dispensing and administering medicines for all healthcare professionals.

It will be useful for framing national drug policies in the country. The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Govt. of India vides its notifications F. No. X. 11035/2/06-DFQC, dated May 8, 2008, assigning this mandatory responsibility to the Indian Pharmacopoeia Commission (IPC), Ghaziabad, to publish NFI on a regular basis.

National Formulary of India (NFI) 2011

To download National Formulary of India (NFI) 2011, click below link

National Formulary of India (NFI) 2011

History of National Formulary of India (NFI):

The IPC with its mission to be one of the leading scientific institutions under the central government, puts stress on maintaining transparency, accountability, punctuality and on the publication of the NFI.

The National Formulary of India editions are as follows:-

1.National Formulary of India 1960 –The First Edition of NFI
2.National Formulary of India 1966 –The Second Edition of NFI
3.National Formulary of India 1979 –The Third Edition of NFI
4.National Formulary of India 2011 – The Fourth Edition of NFI (With CD)
5.National Formulary of India 2016 – The Fifth Edition of NFI
6.National Formulary of India 2021 – The Sixth Edition of NFI  (current edition)

Contents List for NFI 2016

Salient features of NFI 2016

Salient features of NFI 2021

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Compiled by:
Rakesh DahiyaSDCO cum Licensing Authority, FDA Haryana

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