Govt Job: For Pharmacist in Government General Hospital

Monthly remuneration : Rs. 28,000/-

Govt Job
Picture: Pixabay

Last Updated on October 19, 2024 by The Health Master

Applications are invited through off-line mode (Physical applications) from eligible candidates for various posts to work purely on contract& Out-sourcing basis in Govt., General Hospital/Super Speciality Hospital of Ananthapuramu District.

Post : Pharmacist

No. of Posts : 01

Monthly remuneration : Rs. 28,000/-

Mode of recruitment : Contract

Educational Qualifications
a) Candidates must have passed SSC or its equivalent exam. And mush have passed in Dip.Pharmacy or B.Pharmacy from the recognized institutions by Govt.,of AP.
b) Candidates must be registered in the AP. Pharmacy Council.
c) Pharma.D(Doctor of Pharmacy) candidates are not eligible.

Govt Pharma Pharmacist Job Opportunity
Picture: Pixabay

Age: 18–42 Yrs
Minimum 18 years & maximum 42 years as on 01.07.2021 as per G.O.Ms.No.105 GA(Ser-A) Dept., Dt.27.09.2021 (no person shall be eligible if less than 18 years and is more than 42 years).

SC/ST/BC & EWS : 5 years
Physically handicapped persons : 10 years
Ex-servicemen & NCC (who have worked as Instructor in NCC) : Shall be allowed to deduct from his age a period of 3 years in addition to the length of the service rendered by him in the Armed forces/NCC

** Provided that the persons referred to at serial no.4&5 above shall, after making the deductions referred to in sub rule 12(c)(i) & (ii) of AP State and Subordinate Services Rules not exceed the maximum age limit prescribed for the post.
** The age relaxation for Ex-servicemen is applicable for those who have been released from Armed forces other than by way of dismissal or discharge on account of misconduct or inefficiency.

Reservations :
1. There will be Local / Non-local reservations will be followed as per guidelines
2. Rule of reservation will be followed as per rules in force.

3. Evaluation of various Physical Disabilities and procedure for certifications will be as per order contained in G.O.Ms.No.56, WD,CW&DW(DW) Dept., Dt.02.12.2003 and G.O.Ms.No.31, WD,CW&DW(DW) Dept., Dt.01.12.2009.

Reservation to Local candidates :
Reservation to the local candidate is applicable as provided in Article 371-D as per G.O.Ms.674, GA(SPF-A) Dept., Dt.20.10.1975 and rules amendment from time to time and as in force on the date of notification.

The candidate claiming as local candidates should obtain the required study certificates (from 4th class to 10th class or SSC) or Residence Certificate in the proforma prescribed for those candidates who have not studied in any Educational Institutions as the case may be. The relevant certificate with authorize signature shall be produced as and when required.

Selection Process & Service Weightage
Aggregate of marks obtained in all the years in the qualifying examination : 75 marks
Weightage for experience of government services included Contract / out-sourcing service :

Based on working Area;
a) @2.5 marks for six months in Tribal area
b) @ 2 marks for six months in Rural area
c) @ 1 mark for six months in Urban area

Based on Covid duties (who were appointed exclusively for Covid- 19 purpose);
a) @ 5 marks per six months
b) @10 marks per one year
c) @15 marks per one year six months
d) proportionate weightage marks will be allowed as per the provisions given in G.O.Rt.No.7, HM&FW(B2) Dept., Dt:06.01.2022

Weightage for No. of years since passing qualifying examination : Upto 10 marks @ 1.0 marks per completed year after acquiring requisite qualification.

Note-1 : The maximum weightage as mentioned at point – (02) for Government service rendered in Tribal/Rural/Urban areas including Covid-19 duties is 15% marks as per GO.Ms.No.211, HM&FW(B2) Dept., Dt:08.05.2021 read with G.O.Rt.No.573, HM&FW(B2) Dept., Dt:01.11.2021 and G.O.Rt.No.07, HM&FW(B2) dept., Dt:06.01.2022.

Note-2 : The above Covid-19 shall be applicable only to the persons who have rendered their services for Covid-19 on Contract/Outsourcing/Honorarium basis and are appointed by the District Collectors or any other Competent authority exclusively for Covid-19 purpose, based on orders issued by the Government from time to time.

Note-3 : The candidate who claim service weightage should submit original service certificates in prescribed proforma duly issued by the competent authority along with copy of appointment orders issued by competent authority.

Those who fail to submit the original service certificate in prescribed proforma duly issued by the competent authority with appointment orders by competent authority will not be allowed service weightage.

Govt Pharma Pharmacist Job Opportunity
Picture: Pixabay

How to apply
The candidate is required to download the application forms from website ( and the copy of application form along with necessary documents shall submit in-person/by Registered post from 04.03.2022 to 06.03.2022 from 10.30 AM to 05.00 PM is the last date for submission of applications in-person/registered post).

This office is not responsible for postal delay if any and applications received after 05.00 PM of ‘ 06.03.2022 will not accept in any circumstances.

Attested copies of the following certificates to be enclosed to the filled-in application:
1. Filled in Application form (download from ).
2. SSC or its equivalent examination pass –cum-marks memo. (for all posts)
3. Intermediate or 10 + 2 examination pass-cum-marks memo. (for all posts)

4. Latest Caste certificate issued by the Tahsildar concerned (mee seva). (for all posts)
5. Study certificates from 4th Class to 10th Class (for local status). In case of private study, the residence certificate obtained from the Tahsildar concerned for consecutive 7 years prior to passing of SSC or its equivalent. (for all posts)

6. The persons seeking the benefit of reservations under EWS category shall obtain the necessary EWS certificate issued by the Tahsildar concerned and enclosealong with application form. (as per G.O.Ms.No.73, GA(Ser-D) Dept., Dt.04.08.2021.) (for all posts if applicable)

7. Physically Handicapped certificate (SADAREM Camp certificate) in case of candidates claiming reservation under PH quota. (for all posts if applicable)
8. Relevant certificate in respect of candidates claiming Ex-Servicemen quota. (for all posts if applicable)

9. The candidates who are rendered services on contract / Outsourcing basis under earmarked Govt., Institutions / State and Central Govt., Schemes in the State of Andhra Pradesh, should enclose Service certificate duly signed by competent authority along with attested copies of appointment order for considering contract / outsourcing service weightage.

10. Sports Quota: The eligible candidates must enclose relevant Eligibility Certificate issued by the Competent Authority for claiming reservation under Sports Quota. (refer GO.Ms.No.74, YA,T&C(Sports) dept., Dated:09.08.2012, GO.Ms.No.473, YA,T&C(Sports &YS) dept., Dated:03.12.2018 & GO.Ms.No.7, YA,T&C(Sports&YS) dept., Dated:07.03.2019) 11 Physically Handicapped candidates are exempted from payment of application fee.

11. Physically Handicapped candidates are exempted from payment of application fee.

Application Form & More Info

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