Govt Job; For Pharmacist under Ministry of Chemicals and Fertilizers

Age limit (Max) as on 01.02. 2022 : Minimum :18 Years Maximum : 30 Years

Govt Job
Picture: Pixabay

Last Updated on March 10, 2022 by The Health Master

Brahmaputra Valley Fertilizers Corporation Limited (BVFCL) was incorporated on 5th April 2002 after segregation of Namrup units in Assam from Hindustan Fertilizer Corporation Limited (HFCL).

BVFCL is under the administrative control of Ministry of Chemicals and Fertilizers, Department of Fertilizers with 100 percent shareholding by the Government of India. It is the first factory of its kind in India to use associated natural gas as basic raw material for producing nitrogenous fertilizer.

Post : Contractual Pharmacist (01 no.)

Brahmaputra Valley Fertilizer Corporation Ltd, a CPSE under the Ministry of Chemicals & Fertilizers operates two Ammonia-Urea plants at Namrup in the Upper Assam District of Dibrugarh with a capacity to produce 3.90 lakh MT of urea per annum.

The company intends to engage personnel for the following post purely on contractual basis initially for a minimum period of 06 (Six) months which may be extended for another period of six months depending upon the requirement and performance of the staff in the job.

Govt Pharma Pharmacist Job Opportunity
Picture: Pixabay

The contract of engagement will be terminated after completion of job.

Consolidated pay per month : Consolidate emolument : Rs 16550/- (Rupees Sixteen thousand Five hundred fifty) only per months based on attendance including paid leave, holiday if any.

Job requirement : The incumbent will be responsible for maintaining records receipt, issuing/dispensing of medicine, preparation indent for injections and medicines on emergency basis, maintaining stock position of medicine& accessaries items on a daily basis.

Age limit (Max) as on 01.02. 2022 : Minimum :18 Years Maximum : 30 Years

Essential Qualification & experience excluding training (if any) as on 01.02.2022
Passed 10+2 in Science stream from a government recognized Board / University. Passed 02 years Diploma Course in Pharmacy from an institution recognized by Government of India and Pharmacy Council of India.

Must be recognized with Assam Pharmacy Council and should possess valid professional Pharmacist License. Must have minimum 02 years post qualification relevant work experience as Pharmacist.

General Information and instructions :
1) Essential qualifications as specified must be a government recognized Board / University.

2) Candidates belonging to SC/ST/OBC (non creamy layer)/PwBD/Ex-SM/EWS are required to submit attested copies of their caste/ non creamy layer certificate/ medical certificate /discharge certificate /latest income & asset certificate issued by the Competent Authority along with the application. OBC candidates who belong to “CREAMY LAYER” are not entitled for OBC concession and such candidates have to indicate their category as “General”.

3) For claiming the benefit of Physically Handicapped, the candidates should produce Medical Certificate issued by a Medical Board attached to the special Employment Exchange/Vocational Rehabilitation Centre for PwBD or Head of concerned Department of a Government Civil Hospital satisfying the prescribed disability criteria.

4) Age relaxation to SC/ST/OBC/PwBD/ExSM candidates would be provided as per Govt, guidelines.

5) Apart from the consolidated fee per month as indicated in the advertisement, no other financial benefits/perks, etc. will be available to contract personnel. However, Company’s residential accommodation and School facilities for children will be available at par with the regular employees.

The Medical facilities shall be limited to indoor and outdoor treatment to the extent available in BVFCL hospital.

6) The engagement is purely on temporary basis and it will not confer any right or claim for consideration for regularization/absorption against any permanent post in BVFCL.

7) Date of skill test cum Personal Assessment will be communicated to the applicants who meet the advertised criteria.

8) The contract of engagement is terminable by giving one month’s notice in writing from either side.

9) They will also be covered under the Group Personal Accident Insurance Scheme.

10) The Company would be free to terminate the contract of engagement in case of absence of the engaged official by more than 12 days beyond the entitled leave in a calendar year.

11) Before applying for the post, candidates should ensure that he/she fulfils the eligibility and other criteria mentioned in this advertisement.

12) No TA/DA will be paid to the candidates for appearing in the interview.

13) Any dispute with regard to the recruitment against the advertisement will be within the jurisdiction of Dibrugarh District court only.

14) Deserving candidates only may apply in prescribed format along with attested copies of certificates and testimonials regarding age, qualificatipn, experience, caste for SC/ST & valid non creamy layer certificate for OBC, PwBD certificate for physically challenged candidate from Competent Authority and two recent passport size photographs

5) Application duly complete in all respects superscribing on the envelope “Application for the post ” (name of the post) should be sent through Namrup Employment Exchange to Manager (HR), BVFCL, Namrup, P.O. Parbatpur, Dist : Dibrugarh, Assam, Pin-786623 within 30 days from the date of publication of this advertisement in local dailies. For detailed advertisement, specification, eligibility criteria and prescribed format etc. please visit our website

16) Applications received after last date of submission will neither be entertained nor returned. BVFCL will not be responsible for postal delay or loss/ non delivery thereof. No correspondence in this regard will be entertained.

17) BVFCL reserves the right to change the number of vacancies and cancel / restrict / modify / alter the recruitment/ selection process, if required, without issuing any further notice or assigning any reason thereof.

Application Form

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