Govt Job: For Pharma candidates at National Institute of Virology | Salary Rs. 78,000 pm

Due date of receipt of hard copy of online applications at NIV, Pune is on or before 30th March, 2022.

Govt Job
Picture: Pixabay

Last Updated on March 12, 2022 by The Health Master

The National Institute of Virology is one of the major Institutes of the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR). It was established at Pune, Maharashtra State in 1952 as Virus Research Centre (VRC) under the auspices of the ICMR and the Rockefeller Foundation (RF), USA.

It was an outcome of the global programme of the RF for investigating the Arthropod Borne viruses. Since the studies on arboviruses and their arthropod vectors involve most of the basic principles and techniques of general virology, entomology and zoology, these viruses were also considered to be an ideal group, to begin with, for intensive training and research in virology in our country.

Applications are invited through online for the following vacancies under non Institutional project human resource positions, purely on temporary contract basis for its short-term research projects, being undertaken at ICMR-National Institute of Virology, Pune.

Post : Project Scientist – D (Medical/Non-Medical)

Govt Pharma Pharmacist Job Opportunity
Picture: Pixabay

Title of project :“Health Technology Assessment resource center/hub”.

Number of Posts : 01 (UR)

Age Limit : 45 Years

Emoluments : Rs. 78000/- p.m. + HRA

For Medical Essential Qualification :
• Post Graduate Degree (MD/ MS/ DNB/ MPH) after MBBS with 6 year research experience in the relevant field OR

• MBBS degree with 8 years’ experience or Post Graduate Diploma in medical subjects after MBBS with 5 years’ experience in the relevant subject OR

• Ph.D in the relevant subject (Community Medicine/ Preventive & Social Medicine / Paediatrics / Medicine / Tropical Medicine / Community Health Administration / Health Administration/ Family Medicine / Epidemiology / Public Health) from a recognized university with 5 years’ experience in the relevant field PLUS

• Two years’ experience in the management of R&D projects in a team effectively.

For Non-Medical Essential Qualification
• Ph.D degree in Microbiology/ Biochemistry/Biotechnology subject from a recognized University with 5 years R&D/Teaching experience in the relevant subject after Ph.D. OR

• First class MPH / Pharm.D (Doctor of pharmacy) / Master’s degree in the relevant subjects from a recognized university with 8 years R&D/teaching experience in the relevant subject after 1st Class Master’s Degree. OR

• Second class M.Sc./ MPH+Ph.D degree in the relevant subject from a recognized University with 8 years R&D/teaching experience in the relevant subject post qualification.

Plus Two year’s experience in the management of R&D projects in a team effectively.

Desirable Qualification for both (Medical and Non -Medical)
• Additional Post-doctoral research / teaching experience in relevant subjects in recognized institute(s).

• Knowledge of Computer Applications / Data Management / Business Intelligence.
• Trained in Health Technology / Assessment / Modelling /Conducting systematic reviews.

• Expertise in Using Statistical software’s such as as SPSS, Epi-info, STATA, R etc.
• Excellent analytical skills and good scientific writing skills. Proficiency in writing reports and research papers

*Ph.D. shall be treated as three years experience.

Terms and Conditions
1. Candidates meeting the age criteria and possessing the required qualifications, experience, etc. as per the advertisement may fill the online application. After submission of the online application, the hard copy of the application form duly signed by the candidate should be sent to ICMR- National Institute of Virology, 20-A, Dr. Ambedkar Road, P B No. 11, Pune-411001 to reach at NIV, on or before 30th March, 2022 by 04.00 PM. There is no need to send any certificates/documents along with the hard-copy of application.

2. Candidates applying for more than one post should apply SEPARATELY for each position/reservation. Candidates applying for UR and reserved category under one post should apply separately.

3. Late and incomplete online applications or applications not submitted through online or application submitted in any other format or hard copy of online application not submitted in time or hard copy of online application without signature and photo etc. will not be considered. Candidates are therefore advised to submit their applications well in time without waiting for the last date for submission of online application.

4. Number of vacancies may vary.
5. Candidature of successful candidates shall be subject to verification of all original documents by ICMR-NIV and fulfilment of required eligibility criteria in all respects of qualification, age and experience, etc.

6. ICMR-NIV will not be responsible if candidate fails to submit their application within time for any reason. Applications received within the stipulated date, time and complete in all respects will only be screened by the screening committee of ICMR-NIV to shortlist candidates for further process of engaging the above project human resources.

7. These positions are meant for temporary projects and co-terminus with the project.

8. The engagement of the above advertised Project Human Resource positions will depend upon availability of funds, functional requirements and approval of the competent authority. Therefore, we are not committed to fill up all the advertised Project Human Resource positions and the process is liable to be withdrawn / cancelled / modified at any time.

9. Emoluments: The rates of emoluments/stipend shown in this advertisement are project specific and may vary according to sanction of the funding agency of the Project. Payment of emoluments to the project human resource will be depending on availability of funds from the funding agency.

10. Age relaxation will be as per the guidelines of ICMR. SC/ST/OBC candidates who apply against unreserved vacancies will not be eligible for age relaxation.

11. Category once applied will not be allowed to be changed at later stage and no communication in this regard will be entertained.

12. Cut-off date for age limit will be as on the closing date of receipt of online applications.
13. No TA/DA will be paid to attend interview/ personal discussion and candidates have to arrange transport/ accommodation themselves.

14. Qualification & experience should be in relevant discipline/field and from an Institution of recognized / repute. Experience should have been gained after acquiring the minimum essential qualification.

15. Mere fulfilling the essential qualification does not guarantee the selection.
16. Persons already in regular time scale service under any Government Department / Organizations are not eligible to apply.

17. The Institute reserves rights to consider or reject any application/candidature.
18. Submission of wrong or false information during the process of selection shall disqualify the candidature at any stage.

19. Project human resource cannot be permitted to register for Ph.D., due to time constraints.

20. Project human resource will normally be posted at the study site; however, they can be posted to any other sites in the interest of research work. They are liable to serve in any part of the country.

21. Project human resource shall not have any claim on a regular post in this Institute or any other ICMR Institute/centres or in any Department of Government of India and their project term with breaks or without breaks in any or multiple projects will not confer any right for further assignment or transfer to any other project or appointment/absorption/regularization of service in funding agency or in this Institute/ICMR. Benefits of Provident Fund, Pension Scheme, Leave Travel Concession, Medical claim, Staff Quarters and other facilities applicable to the regular staff of ICMR etc. are not admissible to the project human resource.

22. Tenure of the selected project human resource will vary depending upon the tenure of the project and fulfillment of other conditions.

23. Project human resource will normally be engaged initially for a period of six months and further continuation/ extension of project service will depend on tenure of the project and performance evaluation of the concerned project human resource, availability of funds, functional requirements and approval of competent authority.

The maximum term of any Project Human Resource in any or multiple projects, with breaks or without breaks shall be five years only.

The concerned Project Investigator, Division Head and Head of the host Institute shall personally be responsible and accountable for the continuation / extension given if any without prior concurrence of the Director General, ICMR to any project human resource beyond five years either with or without breaks in any or multiple projects.

24. Institute reserves the right to terminate project human resource even during the agreed contract period or extended contract period without assigning any reason.

25. Leave shall be as per the ICMR guidelines for project human resource.

26. Reserved category candidates must produce their latest Caste Validity Certificate and OBC candidates must possess a latest valid non-creamy layer certificate, during document verification, before the joining.

PWD candidates shall produce latest disability certificate issued by a Medical board of Government hospital with not less than 40% disability.

27. In the event of selection, a candidate must produce all documents or certificates in original relating to (1) Educational qualifications (2) Date of Birth (3) Experience certificates (4) One recent passport size photograph (5) Identity proof i.e. Aadhar/PAN/Voter ID/Driving License/Passport etc. (6) One set of self-attested photocopies of all documents (7) SC/ST/OBC/PwD Certificate, if applicable, for verification at the time of joining the post.

28. Candidates who fail to bring the original certificates at the time of joining and if any discrepancy is found in the documents, such candidates will not be allowed to join the selected project post and the position will be offered to the waiting list candidates.

29. ICMR-NIV reserves the right to cancel/modify the process at any time, at its discretion.

30. The decision of the Director, NIV / ICMR will be final and binding.

31. Canvassing in any form will be a disqualification.

Due date of receipt of hard copy of online applications at NIV, Pune is on or before 30th March, 2022.

Apply Online

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