Govt Job: For Doctoral Degree in Pharma at IMTech | Salary Rs. 42,000 pm

Monthly Emoluments : Rs.42,000/- + HRA

Govt Job
Picture: Pixabay

Last Updated on March 22, 2022 by The Health Master

Established in 1984, the Institute of Microbial Technology (IMTech) is one among the chain of 37 national laboratories, 6 units and 39 outreach centres of the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research.

Set-up to be a fore-runner in the niche domain of microbial biotechnology, the Institute in its initial years functioned from a start-up laboratory that provided a truly world-class R&D ambience in an area of over 10,000 sq. ft. to its researchers.

In September, 1989, upon completion of the permanent campus, the Institute shifted to occupy an area of about 47 acres, of which the labs covered 22 acres and the residential campus 25 acres.

Govt Pharma Pharmacist Job Opportunity
Picture: Pixabay

Post :Senior Project Associate (01 post)

Project titled : “Iron Deficiency Anemia Solutions via Microbial”

Project Code : MLP-0039

Essential Qualification :
(i) Master’s Degree in Natural or Agricultural Sciences / MVSc or bachelor’s degree in Engineering or Technology or Medicine from a recognized University or equivalent; and

(ii) 4 years experience in Research and Development in Industrial and Academic Institutions or Science and Technology Organisations and Scientific activities and services.

OR Doctoral Degree in Science / Engineering/ Technology / Pharma / MD / MS from a recognized University or equivalent

M.Sc. Biotechnology/Animal Biotechnology with at least three years hands on research experience in the following areas:-

1. Development of various iron deficiency and other metabolic disorder models.

2. Experience in; experimental handling of small animals for feeding, nebulization & gavaging.

3. Assessment of Iron uptake by cells using Radiolabelled Isotope and fluroscence indicators.

4. Experience in animal tissue culture, maintenance of cell lines, cryo preservation. Isolation of primary cells including hepatocytes, peritoneal and spleenic lymphocytes & macrophages, pancreatic cells, bone marrow cells and enterocytes.

5. Extensive experience of working in a BSL-3 containment laboratory. Extensive experience in; handling of pathogenic strains of tuberculosis and pathogenic viruses, including culture & preservation. Quantification of viral titer by RT-PCR. Experience of working with bacterial pathogen infected mammalian cells in BSL-3 containment.

6. Generation of mice tumor model using cancer cell lines. neutralization assay by using pseudovirus particles.

7. Hands on experience in; collecting, analyzing & presenting data, using flowcytometer, confocal and electron microscopy. Data analysis by Cell Quest Pro, Diva and Flowjo Software’s

8. Hands on experience with general laboratory experiments involving use of; ultracentrifuge, Real time PCR, SDS PAGE, Western Blotting, affinity chromatography and intermolecular affinity analysis, Isothermal Calorimetry (ITC), Isolation of genomic DNA & Plasmids.

9. Fluorescence based Receptor-Ligand kinetics assays like Binding and Internalization Kinetics, Recycling kinetics with mammalian cell lines and detailed kinetics analysis.
10. Experience in using Graph-pad Prism, Sigma Plot, Origin and other statistical analysis software’s.

Upper Age limit (years) – 40

Monthly Emoluments : Rs.42,000/- + HRA



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