Govt Job: For Pharmacists under Staff Selection Board

Last date for submission of online application forms: 10th October 2022

Govt Job
Picture: Pixabay

Last Updated on October 4, 2022 by The Health Master

Apply online, the link is given below: Online applications are invited from indigenous inhabitants of Nagaland to fill up the following Group C vacancies under the Government of Nagaland to be recruited by the Nagaland Staff Selection Board (NSSB) as given below.

Post: Pharmacist – II

Pay Matrix: Level-7
No of post & Department: 02
Geology & Mining – 01 (001 postcode)
Prison – 01 (002 postcode)

Required Qualification :
001 postcode: Bachelor in Pharmacy
002 postcode :  D.Pharm/ B.Pharm/ M.Pharm

Age as of 01-01-2022 :
Minimum: 21 years
Maximum: 30 years

Govt Pharma Pharmacist Job Opportunity
Picture: Pixabay

Mode of Examination based on Category of Group :
The mode of examination is based on different categories of posts as under. Candidates are therefore requested to prepare accordingly.

Paper I: 200 marks
Paper II: 200 marks
Paper III: 200 marks
Viva Voce: 12.5 % of the Total marks

1. Syllabus and pattern of the exam can be downloaded from the official website of the Nagaland Staff Selection Board at

2. The upper age limit is relaxable by:

(a) 5 (five) years for candidates belonging to SC/ST.

(b) Age concession for serving Government employees will be allowed, the equal number of years they are in service subject to a maximum of 5(five) years.

(c) Age relaxation of 3 (three) years w.e.f 22-04-2020 will be applicable as per Government OM NO.AR-5/ASSO/98(Vol-I) Dated 16-07-2021 and OM NO.AR- 5/ASSO/98(Vol-I) Dated 28-02-2022.

3. 100% of the vacancies are reserved for Indigenous Inhabitants of the State of Nagaland.

4. A candidate may exercise the option for as many Posts as possible, subject to fulfillment of the educational and professional qualifications as required.

5. Implementation of reservation for Backward Tribes in the State shall be in accordance with the Notification issued vide NO.RCBT 5/87(pt-II) dated14-04-2011, 15-06-2012 & 04.09.2015.

6. Reservation for Persons with Benchmark Disabilities (inclusive of age relaxation), wherever applicable as sanctioned by the user department in accordance with the Government Notification NO.AR-3/Gen-9/97 dated 13 th August 2020.

(The list of posts identified for Persons with Benchmark Disabilities can be downloaded from the NSSB website

7. Terms & conditions.
i. Only those candidates who possess the requisite qualification acquired from a recognized university/institution at the time of applying will be eligible to apply for the post(s).

ii. Candidates must produce attested/self-attested photocopies of the following documents/materials to the Board as and when called for:

a) HSLC/Matriculation/Equivalent Admit Card for proof of Date of Birth. No other Certificate will be accepted for age proof.

b) Indigenous Inhabitant Certificate, Scheduled Tribe Certificate, and Backward Tribe Certificates as relevant and applicable.

c) For the physically handicapped candidate, a certificate from a competent medical authority is required.

d) Proof of Educational Qualifications: Mark Sheets & Pass Certificates/Provisional Pass certificates from matriculation onwards till requisite qualification.

If for any reason pass certificates/ provisional pass certificates is not issued by the Board/ Institute/University, a letter/certificate to that effect from the Board/Institute/University must be submitted.

e) No Objection Certificate (NOC) from the Head of Department/Public Undertaking to be furnished in case the applicant is an employee of the Government or Public Undertaking (NOC can be downloaded from the official website).

f) All relevant documents/certificates to be submitted should have been issued by the concerned authority/institution/board/university on or before the last date of submission of the application form.

g) All original documents are also to be produced as and when called for and also during an interview without which candidates will not be allowed to appear in the interview.

8. Indigenous Inhabitant Certificate (IIC), Scheduled Tribe (ST) & Backward Tribe (BT) Certificates should be signed only by District Authority and not below the rank of Additional Deputy Commissioner.
9. In case it is detected at any stage of recruitment that a candidate does not fulfill the eligibility norms and/or that he/she has furnished incorrect/false information or has suppressed any material fact(s), his/her candidature shall stand canceled.

10. The decision of the Board in all matters regarding eligibility, the conduct of examination, other tests, and selection would be final and binding on all candidates.

No representation or correspondence shall be entertained by the Board in this regard.

11. Application forms will not be issued from the Office of the Nagaland Staff Selection Board (NSSB).

12. Only online application is allowed. Candidates can submit the online application through

13. The Online application will be available w.e.f 12:00 Noon on 15th September 2022 till 4:00 PM on 10th October 2022 (Candidates are advised to apply well ahead of the last date to avoid network traffic).

14. Examination Fee of Rs 100/- (Rupees One Hundred) only will be charged which should be paid via online mode. PWD candidates are exempted from payment of examination fees.

15. For candidates who are Government employees, “NO OBJECTION CERTIFICATE” signed by the Head of Department should be uploaded while submitting an online application.

Last date for submission of online application forms: 10th October 2022

Date of written examination (Tentative): 11th & 12th November 2022

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