Govt Job: For Pharmacists at Municipal Corporation

Every Monday and Thursday, walk-in interviews

Govt Job
Picture: Pixabay

Last Updated on October 4, 2022 by The Health Master

Applications are invited from the eligible candidates possessing prescribed qualifications for the purpose of selection/waiting list on a merit basis to fill up the following vacant and future vacant contractual fixed remuneration posts at The Urban Health Society under the National Urban Health Mission of Gandhinagar Municipal Corporation. 

Post: Pharmacist

No of posts: 03
Salary : Rs. 13,000

Qualification :
(1) should have completed a degree in pharmacy or a diploma in pharmacy course from a recognized institution with registration in the Gujarat Pharmacy Council

Govt Pharma Pharmacist Job Opportunity
Picture: Pixabay

(2) Candidate should have registrations from the Pharmacy Council of Gujarat

(3) Preference will be given to those having experience in dispensing medicine in a hospital or dispensary. 

(4) Should have completed CCC level computer course from a recognized institution.

Age: Age should not be more than 58 years. 

Terms and Conditions
1.  All authority regarding selection and interview shall be vested in the undersigned. 

Candidates having the above-approved qualifications and experience are required to submit the application form and last year mark sheet, an attempt/trial certificate, university degree certificate, class-12 mark sheet and trial certificate, school leaving certificate, two recent passport size photographs of the candidates, experience certificate, etc. 

The application along with all the documents must be sent to the address given below within 7 working days of the publication of the advertisement only from Register Post A.D. Cover 52 to the address given below with the name of the post for which you are applying.  

2. After filling up the posts of the above categories, and after completion of the waiting list, when the posts become vacant, as per NUHM rules, to fill the vacant post, the post will have to be filled by selecting the suitably qualified candidate through a walk-in interview on every Monday and Thursday. 

Take note of the standing notification.  

Every Monday and Thursday, walk-in interviews

Application Address
The Urban Health Society, First Floor, M.S.  Building, Sector-11,
Gandhinagar Municipal Corporation, Gandhinagar.

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