Govt Job: For Pharmacist at Cantonment Board, Ministry of Defence

The last Date:20-01-2023 up to 5.00 PM positively

Govt Job
Picture: Pixabay

Last Updated on December 21, 2022 by The Health Master

Dagshai is one of the oldest cantonment towns in the Solan district of Himachal Pradesh.

It is located 11 kilometers from Solan on top of a 5689-foot (1734-meter) high hillock that stands sphinx-like astride the Kalka-Shimla Highway.

It was founded in 1847 by the East India Company by securing free of cost five villages from Maharaja of Patiala aka Bhupinder Singh of Patiala.

The names of these villages were Dabbi, Badhtiala, Chunawad, Jawag, and Dagshai. The new cantonment was named after the last-named village, as it was the largest and most strategically located.

Cantonment Board Dagshai invites applications from eligible candidates for the recruitment of the following posts.

Govt Pharma Pharmacist Job Opportunity
Picture: Pixabay

Completed applications should be submitted to the Cantonment Board Office, Dagshai District Solan (H.P.), on or before January 20, 2023, at 5:00 p.m.

No. of vacancies: 01 (UR)

Pay Scale( as per State Govt of Himachal Pradesh): Pay scale – Level 8, 29700-94100 as per HPCS (RP) Rules 2022

Age Limit (as of 20-01-2023): 21-30

Essential Qualification
(i) Should have passed 10+2 in science or its equivalent from a recognized University/Board
(ii) Bachelor’s Degree/Diploma in Pharmacy or its equivalent from a recognized University or an Institution duly recognized by the Central /State Government
(iii) Must be registered with the Pharmacy Council of the concerned State/ Central Government

Fees: Rs. 500/- only on account of the application fee in the case of the unreserved category and Rs. 300/- for the SC category through the E-Chhawani portal only online.

Mode of Selection :
R.M.O.: Written-test, Interview, and Medical fitness Pharmacist (Allopathy),
Clerk: Written test/skill test and medical fitness
Peon and Mali: Physical, skill test and medical fitness

General Conditions
1 application on the prescribed proforma as per Annexure-A on A4-size plain paper, duly typed in English or Hindi, and supported with copies of mark sheets, certificates, degrees, etc., should reach the Cantonment Board, Dagshai District, Solan (H.P.) 173210, on or before the last date of January 20, 2023, up to 5.00 PM. A candidate may only apply for one position in a single application.

The applications from the candidates residing in remote localities as defined by the Government of India should reach this office on or before February 4, 2023, at 5:00 p.m.

2. The selection for the post of resident medical officer will be based on a written test, an interview, and medical fitness. They will be called for an interview if otherwise found eligible. The selection for the post of pharmacist (allopathy) or clerk will be based on a written test/skill test and medical fitness. Selection for the post of Mali/Peon will be based on a physical and skill test as well as medical fitness.

3. The medium of examination will be Hindi/English.

4. A person should not be deemed disqualified for the reasons under Section 37 of the Cantonment Act, 2006.

5. The extract of Section 37 of Cantts. Act, 2006 is attached herewith.

6. The age limit for unreserved posts other than RMO will be 21 to 30 years old as of the last date of application. RMOs should be between the ages of 23 and 35.

Age relaxation for Reserved posts if any will only be given to (SC) as applicable as per Rules of Govt, of India.

7. The candidate should apply on the prescribed proforma only.

8. Only valid proof of age, i.e., a birth certificate issued by the competent authority, will be accepted (Certificate of Matriculation or Birth Certificate). No affidavit from the courts regarding proof of age will be accepted.

9. The photograph/Certificates should be attested by the Gazetted Officer only.

10. No TA/DA shall be paid for appearing in written tests/interviews etc.

11. Rs. 500/- only on account of application fee in case of unreserved category and Rs. 300/- for SC category through E-Chhawani portal only online mode.

The receipt for payment of the fee should be downloaded from the e-Chhawani portal and enclosed with the application. If the receipt of the fee is not enclosed with the application, the application will be rejected.

(a) To generate a payment receipt, the applicants can register/login themselves at the E-Chhawani portal at and then create a challan by using the option of “Challan System > New Challan.” after selecting Cantonment as Dagshai, the applicant, after filling all relevant details and selecting service category as Other Fee and Fines and service type as Application Fee (Building Construction, Layout Sanction), can make payment of the requisite fee through any available payment mode.

(b) A copy of the payment receipt generated shall be enclosed with the application.
Candidates are required to have a valid e-mail identification and an active mobile number, and all communication regarding recruitment will be made by this office through e-mail/mobile only.

12. The application by registered post should reach the office of the Cantonment Board, Dagshai, on or before the last date for submission of applications at 5.00 PM, accompanied by two latest passport-size photographs and two self-addressed, 12-by-28-cm envelopes affixed with postage stamps for Rs. 25/- each along with the application. The Cantonment Board, Dagshai, will not be responsible for any delay in transactions or non-receipt of application forms due to postal delays.

13. Canvassing in any form will be a disqualification, and the candidature of such candidates is liable to be summarily rejected.

14. The candidate should superscribe the post applied for on the top of the envelope.

15. Incomplete or unsigned applications and applications received without the prescribed fee, photographs, or proper enclosures, or received after the due date, will be summarily rejected.

16. For candidates already employed in any recognized institution, an autonomous body, or Central/State Govt, an undertaking should apply through proper channels or through his/her employer.

• Questions relating to Pharmacy
• Current events of National and International importance
• General Science
• Comprehension
• Logical reasoning and Analytical/Mathematical ability
• General mental ability
• Basic knowledge of computer

The last Date:20-01-2023 up to 5.00 PM positively

Application Form & More Info

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