Govt Job: For B.Pharm as Government Analyst

Last Date :24-02-2023

Govt Job
Picture: Pixabay

Last Updated on October 18, 2024 by The Health Master

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Post :  Drug Analyst

No of posts : 07 (UR-3, SC-01, ST-01, OBC-2)
Department Name : Public Health and Family Welfare Department, Government of Madhya Pradesh

Main duties of the post : Checking / getting medicines and cosmetics done and issuing reports

Govt Pharma Pharmacist Job Opportunity
Picture: Pixabay

Educational Qualification
(a) A graduate in Medicine or Science or Pharmacy or Pharmaceutical Chemistry [from a University established by law in India or any equivalent qualification recognized and notified by the Central Government for such purpose]

At least 5 years post graduate experience in drug testing in a laboratory having control-

(i) the Government Analyst appointed under the Act (Drugs and Cosmetics Act, 1940) or
(ii) the head of the institution or laboratory approved for the purpose by the appointing authority; either

(b) a Master’s degree in Medicine or Science or Pharmacy or Pharmaceutical Chemistry [from a University established by law in India or any equivalent qualification recognized and notified by the Central Government for such purpose]

OR Must have passed the examination of Associateship Diploma from the Institution of Chemists (India) with one of the subjects of Analysis of Drugs and Pharmaceuticals.
After obtaining the aforesaid post graduate degree or diploma, at least three years of experience in drug testing should be from such laboratory, whose control is

(i) by the Government Analyst appointed under the Act (Drugs and Cosmetics Act, 1940) or (ii) by the appointing authority Head of the Institute or Testing Laboratory approved for the purpose

Note – A person shall not be appointed as Drug Analyst whose drug/cosmetic
Have any financial interest in the manufacture, import or sale.

Pay Scale –Rs. 56100-177500

Calculation of age :-
1. Age will be calculated with reference to 01 January 2023.

2. For the calculation of age, the same date of birth will be valid which is mentioned in the 10th (High School) mark-list of the candidate. Therefore, the candidate should mention the name, father’s name and date of birth mentioned in the said mark-list only in the online application form.

Application Fee
for unreserved candidates :  Rs.500 / – per question paper
for SC / ST / OBC / PWD : Rs.250 / – per question paper
for candidates (Only for the original residents of MP)
Online Application – Candidates who fill online through kiosk will pay the portal fee of Rs 40 / -.

A. Necessary instructions related to filling the application form :-

1. Madhya Pradesh Public Service Commission invites applications for filling up the posts of Food Analyst / Drug Analyst for Public Health and Family Welfare Department of Madhya Pradesh Government.

2. Online application for the above examination from 25.01.2023 (12:00 Noon) to 24.02.2023 (12:00 Noon) at and Can be filled After that this link will be closed.

3. Any kind of manual or post application will not be accepted by the Commission for the above examination.

Fee related instructions :-
1. The examination fee for the above examination can be paid by the candidate through Credit / Debit Card, Internet Banking. Apart from this, the examination fee of M.P. Cash will be accepted through authorized Kiosks of Online.

Refer Appendix-02 for fee details. Candidates should check the online application form and ensure that the payment details and “Payment Done” are clearly mentioned. No bank draft or check will be accepted for payment of examination fee.

2. Representations received for refund in connection with excess or erroneous payment of fees in addition to the fees determined by the Commission in the online application form under the recruitment process by the Commission will not be acceptable.

Pay the prescribed fees only after carefully observing the instructions given to the candidates. The Commission is not responsible for refund of erroneous/excess payment made through Kiosk or any other means.

Other instructions :-
1. All the necessary information regarding the advertisement is made available on the website of the Amendment Commission

Therefore, all the candidates should regularly visit the website of the Commission and take advantage of the available information. No action will be taken by the Commission in respect of e-mail / correspondence telephonic message received in this context.

2. Educational qualification, caste certificate, domicile certificate and all other documents of the candidates are not maintained by the commission. Only the work of matching the self attested documents submitted by the candidates with the original documents is done by the commission at the time of interview.

All the documents of the candidates selected in the final selection result and the candidates nominated in the waiting list are sent to the departments according to the merit list. The work of verification of documents is done by the department before appointment.

Therefore, it is not possible for the Commission to provide information about the documents of the candidates. No correspondence will be entertained by the Commission in this context.

The applications received in this context under the Right to Information will be transferred to the concerned departments after the final examination results.

3. Guidelines are circulated from time to time in relation to various recruitment examinations conducted by the Commission, in which clearly what materials are prohibited to be brought to the candidate at the examination center, therefore representations received through any means regarding unreasonable inquiries will not be accepted. will not be accepted.

4. Apart from the published recruitment advertisement, no other representations will be accepted regarding the unreasonable queries of the candidates through any medium.

5. Under this advertisement eligible candidates will be invited for interview. But if written examination is conducted as per requirement, then the information of examination centers will be published separately on the website of the Commission in due course of time.

6. The examination and selection system of the Commission is fair and transparent. No one is likely to benefit anyone by thwarting this system. So it is practically impossible for any person to claim benefits directly or through any other means.

Therefore, do not get misled by such a person and inform the Commission immediately after getting complete information about that person so that appropriate action can be taken against such a person. The name and address of the informer will be kept confidential.

More Info

Apply Online

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