Govt Job: For Pharmacists at Municipal Corporation

last date: within ten days (06.02.2023) of publication of the report by 5 PM.

Govt Job
Picture: Pixabay

Last Updated on February 1, 2023 by The Health Master

Pursuant to the order in view, the attached notice regarding accepting applications from eligible persons on contract basis for the post of Pharmacist to work in Urban Primary Health Centers in Madurai Corporation free of cost in any Tamil and English newspaper and Madurai Corporation It is also requested to publish the news on the website.

Post : Pharmacist

Applications are invited from eligible persons on purely temporary contract basis for the following posts to be employed by National Health Commission (NHM) in Urban Primary Health Centers in Madurai Corporation.

Govt Pharma Pharmacist Job Opportunity
Picture: Pixabay

No of posts : 9

Consolidated Pay Per Month Rs. : Rs.15,000/-

Qualification : 1. Diploma in Pharmacy or Bachelor of Pharmacy or Master of Pharmacy.

2. Must have registered Tamilnadu Pharmacy Council and must keep the registration alive by renewing it regularly every year.

These posts are purely temporary and are to be filled on contract basis only. It is further informed that the work will not be done on a regular or permanent basis for any reason.

Eligible and interested candidates are requested to send their resume along with photocopies of educational certificates to this authority either in person or by post within ten days (06.02.2023) of publication of the report by 5 PM.

1. Educational Qualification Certificate (10th,12th and Graduation)
2. List of Marks.

3. Previous experience certificate.
4. Widow Certificate.
5. Location certificate.

Address to which applications should be sent :
Municipal Welfare Officer,
3rd Floor, Public Health Section,
“Scholar Anna House”,
Madurai Corporation,
Madurai 625 002.

last date: within ten days (06.02.2023) of publication of the report by 5 PM.

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