Telangana IPGA Hosts Workshop on Good Teaching Practices


Last Updated on September 13, 2023 by The Health Master

Good Teaching Practices

The Telangana State Branch of the Indian Pharmacy Graduates Association (TS-IPGA) is set to host a workshop on Good Teaching Practices, dedicated to enhancing the teaching prowess of faculty members across 156 educational institutions within the state.

This transformative event is scheduled for September 9 in Hyderabad and is poised to redefine teaching methodologies for pharmacy academics.

Promoting Good Teaching Practices (GTP)

The primary objective of this workshop is to instill Good Teaching Practices (GTP) within the pharmacy academic community throughout India.

The TS-IPGA strongly believes that educators should delve deeper into their subject matter, fostering innovation and honing their pedagogical skills.

Such an approach is crucial for inspiring students and ensuring they remain abreast of advancements in all facets of pharmaceutical sciences.

A Vision for Continuous Skill Development

G. Koteshwar Rao, the president of Telangana IPGA, emphasizes the need for ongoing skill development workshops to fulfill this educational mandate

The IPGA has thus conceived a series of continuous GTP programs aimed at achieving this goal.

Inaugural Session and Distinguished Guests

The workshop will begin with an opening session that will be attended by Dr. Kumar Kishan, CDSCO’s deputy drug controller, who will also serve as the chief guest.

Over 300 faculty members from 156 colleges across the state are expected to participate, with an additional 700 teachers joining the program online.

The event will be divided into two extensive sessions, one in the morning and another in the afternoon, and will be held at Sipra Labs, Sanath Nagar, Hyderabad.

Eminent Facilitators for Skill Development

Koteeswara Rao disclosed that the association has secured the expertise of two distinguished pharmacy academicians to lead the skill development sessions.

Both are retired principals of reputable pharmacy institutions.

Prof. Ram Babu, the former principal of the pharmacy college at Kakatiya University, and Dr. Prakash Katakam, the former principal of the Indira College of Pharmacy in Hyderabad, will impart their insights.

Dr. Katakam will delve into the intriguing realm of ‘3D Printing Technology for Drug Delivery Challenges’.

Filling a Critical Gap in Pharmacy Education

Koteshwar Rao pointed out a crucial gap in the education system: the lack of initiatives by state and central pharmacy councils to upgrade the professional skills of pharmacy teachers.

He highlighted that only a handful of institutions take it upon themselves to conduct training programs for academic professionals.

Addressing this shortcoming, the IPGA has committed to organizing these GTP workshops, extending them free of charge.

This responsibility encompasses a nationwide scope. Additionally, workshops tailored for industry pharmacists are also on the horizon.

Interactive Knowledge Exchange

The culmination of both sessions will feature an interactive program, providing a platform for teachers to seek clarifications, share knowledge, and foster a collaborative environment.

This workshop marks the inaugural effort by the Telangana IPGA in this endeavor, with another planned for October later this year.

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