Recent Amendments in NIPER to appoint Director


Last Updated on January 20, 2024 by The Health Master

Amendments in NIPER

Amendments in NIPER: In a significant move to enhance the efficiency and dynamism of the National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research (NIPER), the Department of Pharmaceuticals (DoP) has recently introduced crucial amendments to its statutes.

These revisions aim to facilitate the appointment of a director on a contractual basis with the prior approval of the visitor.

Here’s a comprehensive look at the key changes and their implications for the institute’s leadership.

Statute 9: A Transformational Shift

Previously, Statute 9 governed the tenure and reappointment of the director.

It stated that the appointment would be for a five-year term, extendable for an additional five years, provided the upper age limit did not exceed 70 years.

However, the recent amendment in NIPER, effective from the date of its official gazette publication, has ushered in a new era.

The revised statute now empowers the National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research Council, with the prior approval of the visitor, to appoint a director on a contractual basis.

This contract spans a period of up to five years, with the possibility of renewal for an additional five-year term, ensuring the upper-age limit remains within seventy years.

Crucial Terms and Conditions

The amendment introduces a comprehensive schedule outlining the terms and conditions of the contract. According to this schedule:

  • The appointee assumes the vital roles of principal academic and executive officer of the institute. They serve as the full-time director with powers and responsibilities as defined by the Act.
  • The appointee dedicates their entire professional focus to the institute, adhering to the Conduct Rules and other provisions of the Act.
  • Information acquired during the appointee’s tenure is to be treated with the utmost confidentiality, in accordance with the Indian Officials Secrets Act, 1923 (19 of 1923), and any subsequent amendments.

Flexibility in Termination

The contract with the director is designed to offer flexibility to both parties. The institute reserves the right to terminate the contract with a three-month notice period. Conversely, the director also has the option to terminate their service by providing a three-month written notice to the institute.

Academic Involvement

In an encouraging development, the director, while holding this prestigious position, is accorded the status of professor in their respective department. This enables them to actively engage in teaching and research within the department, subject to their convenience and availability.

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