Job for Pharmacist at District Medical & Health Office

District Medical & Health Officer Invites applications for Pharmacist | 28 vacancies - Last date 22-07-2020

Govt Job
Picture: Pixabay

Last Updated on October 19, 2024 by The Health Master

The history of Kadapa dates back to the 2nd century BC. The evidences of Archaeological Survey of India suggest that it started with Mourya and Satavahana Dynasty. And since then it has been under the rule of numerous dynasties including Chalukya, Cholas and Pallava. Among all of these dynasties, first one to rule over Kadapa was Pallava dynasty. Pallava kings ruled over the city during the 5th century after penetrating into North of Kadapa. After that Cholas ruled till the 8th century after defeating Pallavas. Later Banas ruled over Kadapa.

Post : Pharmacist Gr.II
No of Posts : 28
Remuneration per month : Rs. 28,000/-

NOTE : The No. of vacancies is provisional and likely to increase or decrease as per the need of the department and subject to the Legal Provisions Governing the Recruitment Process.

Educational Qualifications :
I. Two (02) years “ Diploma in Pharmacy Course” recognized by Govt. of A.P. after intermediate course
II. B. Pharmacy Course recognized by UGC.
III. Must be registered in A.P. Pharmacy Council (as on the date of notification).

Age : The minimum and maximum age shall be reckoned as on 01-07-2020 with the relaxations allowed for reckoning duly the maximum age limit as per rules. The candidate should not have completed (42) years of age as on 01-07-2020.
Note : Maximum age limit mentioned above is subject to issue of orders from the Government. Relaxation will be as follows:-
i) For S.C’s and S.T’s & B.Cs 5 (Five years).
ii) For ex-service Men 3 (Three) years in addition to the length of service in armed forces. iii) For Physically Challenged persons 10 (Ten) years.

Also read: Job for Pharmacists in DCHS

Fee :  Each applicant must pay application process fees of Rs. 200/- (Rupees two hundred only) in Account No: 067401001328 of ICICI Bank, Kotireddi Circle Branch, Kadapa, IFSC Code: ICIC0000674
Note : Payment receipt/Counterfoil shall be enclosed along with the application.

A. Selection Process:
a) Total Marks – 100.
b) 75% Marks will be allocated against marks obtained in the qualifying examination i.e., Aggregate of Marks obtained in all the years in the qualifying examination.
c) Weightage up to 15% Marks will be given to the Staff Working in 104 (MMU) and also working in HDS / CDS / Arogyasri – HCT, Trauma Care, APSACS and Other GOI schemes on contract / Outsourcing basis with the conditions as shown at “Para-B”.
d) Upto 10 marks @ 1.0 mark per each completed year after passing of requisite qualification to the said post B. Particulars of weightage:

1. @ 2.5 Marks per Six Months of service in Tribal area.
2. @ 2.0 Marks per Six Months of service in Rural Area.
3. @ 1.0 Marks per Six Months of service in Urban Area.
4. No weightage will be given for the service rendered less than six months.
5. The Staff who are working on contract / Outsourcing basis may be continuing in service (or) they may not be in service at present subject to condition that they shall not be removed from service on any disciplinary grounds/adverse remarks.
6. There will be no interview.

1. Caste & Community:
a) Community Certificate issued by the competent authority in terms of G.O.Ms.No. 58; SW(J) Dept., dt: 12-05-1997 ( Candidates belonging to BC, SC & ST of other States are not entitled for reservations)
b) The General Rule 22 of Special representation shall apply to the appointments of these posts subject to various provisions in the relevant Service rules, except in the case of Physically handicapped persons.
2. The reservation to Women will apply as per General rule 22-A (G.O.Ms.No. 41, WD&CW(Estt)Deptt., dt: 01-08-1996

3. The Rule of Reservation to local candidates is applicable : Zonal/Local : In terms of Para 8 of the G.O., A.P. Public Employment (Organization of local cadres) and regularization of Director Recruitment order 1975 (G.O.Ms.No. 674; G.A.(SPF.A)DEPARTMENT, DT: 29-10-1975) G.O.P No.763;G.A.(SPF.A)Department, dt: 15/11/1975), read with G.O.Ms.No.124, G.A.(SPF.A) Department , dt; 7/3/2002. Reservation to the local candidates is applicable as provided in the Rules and as amended from time to time as in force on the date of notification. The candidates claiming reservation as local candidates should enclose the required study certificates (from IV class to SSC) or Residence Certificate as the case may be. Subsequent production of the certificates will not be entertained under any circumstances.

A. Definition of local candidate:
i. “Local Candidate” means a candidate for direct recruitment to any a post in relation to that Local areas where he/she has studied in Educational Institution(s) for not less than four consecutive academic years prior to and including the year in which he/she appeared for SSC or its equivalent examination. If however, he/she has not studied in any educational Institution during the above four years period, it is enough if he/she has resided in that area which is claimed as his/her local area during the above said period. ii.

In case the candidate does not fall within the scope of the above, it will be considered if he/she has studied for a period of not less than seven years prior to and inclusive of the year in which he/she has studied for the maximum period out of the said period of seven years and where the period of his/her study in two or more local areas are equal such local area where he/she has studied last (in such local areas) will be taken for determination of the local candidature. Similarly, if he/she has not studied during the above said period in any Educational

Institution(s) the place of residence during the above period will be taken into consideration and local candidature determined with reference to the maximum period of residence or in the case of equal period where he/she resided last.
iii. If the claim for local candidature is based on study, the candidate is required to produce a certificate from the Educational Institution(s) where he/she has studied during the said 4/7 years period. If, however, it is based on residence, a certificate should be submitted which is obtained from an Officer of the Revenue Department not below the rank of Mandal Revenue Officer, in independent charge of a Mandal.

iv. If, however, a candidate has resided in more than one Mandal during the relevant four/seven years period but within the same District or Zone as the case may be separate Certificate from the Mandal Revenue Officers, exercising jurisdiction have to be obtained in respect of different areas. Note: A Single certificate, whether of study or residence would suffice for enabling the candidate to apply a “LOCAL CANDIDATE”
B) Residence certificate will not be accepted, if a candidate has studied in any Educational institutions up to S.S.C. or equivalent examination, such candidates have to produce study certificates invariably.

The candidates claiming reservation as Local candidates should enclose the required certificates issued by the concerned authorities. Subsequent production of the certificate will NOT be entertained under any circumstances.
4. Reservations to disabled persons, are subject to their eligibility to the posts shall be subject to special rules/ adhoc rules governing the posts

5. Rules : All are informed that the various conditions and criterion prescribed herein are Governed by the General rules of A.P. State and Subordinate Service Rules, 1996 read with the relevant specific rules applicable to any particular service in the Departments, any guidelines or clarification is based on the said rules, and in case of any necessity, any matter will be processed as per the relevant general and special rules, cited as in force.
6. The Department is empowered to conduct the recruitment for appointments to the posts notified herein duly following the principles of order of Merit and ensuring that the whole recruitment and selection process is carried out with utmost regard to maintain secrecy and confidentially, so to ensure that the principle of merit is scrupulously followed.

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Instructions to Candidates 
1) The above appointments are purely on contract basis. 
2) The selected and appointed candidates should stay at their bonafide Headquarters only. 
3) Selected candidates shall be liable to serve in any part of district.

1. Candidates should make sure of their eligibility to the post applied for and that the declaration made by them in the format of application regarding their eligibility in all respects. Any candidate furnishing in-correct information or making false declaration regarding his/her eligibility at any stage or suppressing any information is liable to be debarred from recruitment conducted by the department and summarily rejection of their candidature for this recruitment & future recruitments.

2. The department is vested with duty of conducting recruitment and selection as per rules duly maintaining utmost secrecy and confidentiality in this process and any attempt by any one causing or likely to cause breach of this duty in such manner or by such action as to violate or likely to violate the fair practices followed and ensured by the Department will be sufficient cause for rendering such questionable means ground for department.

The decision of the department pertaining to the application and its acceptance or rejection as the case may be conduct of counseling and at all consequent stages culminating in the selection or otherwise of any candidate shall be final in all respects and binding on all concerned under the powers vested with it. The department also reserves its right and modify regarding time and conditions laid down in the notification for conducting the various stages upto selection duly intimating details thereof to all concerned as warranted by any unforeseen circumstances arising during the course of this process.

A. Attested copies of the following certificates to be submitted with the application:
a. SSC or equivalent certificate (for Date of Birth)
b. Intermediate or equivalent certificate
c. Marks list of Technical qualification certificates obtained in qualifying examination ( GNM / BSc Nursing, B.Pahrmacy / D.Pharmacy, DMLT / B.Sc (MLT ) / PG.D in MLT and Clinical Bio chemistry course d. One Year clinical training / apprenticeship training certificate for the candidates of Intermediate vocational course in MLT and Certificate of Registration in A.P. Para Medical Board for the candidates applied for Lab Technician Post.   

e. Certificate of Registration in A.P. Nursing and Midwives council for the candidates applied for Staff Nurse post.
f. Certificate of Registration in A.P. Pharmacy council for the candidates applied for Pharmacist Gr.II post.
g. Study Certificates from class IV to X from the school where the candidate studied. If SSC or its equivalent done by private study, without attending any school, residence certificate from MRO for previous 7 years. (in prescribed proforma). In the absence of the above certificate the candidate will be considered as non- local.

h. PH Certificate (SADERAM) in respect of candidates claiming reservation under PH Quota.
i. Sports certificate in respect of candidates claiming under Sports Quota and relevant Certificate in respect of candidates claiming Ex-Service man Quota.
j. Fee Receipt / Counter foil paid in the Account No: 0674010001328 of ICICI Bank, Kotireddi Circle Branch, Kadapa, IFSC Code: ICIC0000674.
k. Copy of the latest Caste Certificate in case of SC/ST/BC (with categorization if any) issued by MRO concerned. In the absence of proper certificates the candidate will be considered as OC only. And latest Physically Challenged certificate issued by Medical Board should be uploaded online.

B. Service certificate from the controlling officer concerned (DM&HO/DCHS / Any other authority who appointed the applicant) in case of the staff working on contract / Outsourcing basis. In absence of which the candidate will not be given any weightage. C. The application submitted without the required certificates and incomplete applications will be rejected summarily.

Candidates should submit their Applications along with all relevant enclosures through Registered post / Hand Over at special counter provided in the O/o. DM&HO, Kadapa.

Last date for submission of application is 22-07-2020 at 5.00 P.M.

Download Application Form>>

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