Funds allocated for drugs, medical equipment

The TSMSIDC releases the money to Director of Medical Education, Director of Public Health and Family Welfare, and Telangana Vaidya Vidhana Parishad.

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Picture: Pixabay

HYDERABAD:  The amount spent on drugs, surgical, and other medical equipment by Telangana State Medical Services and Infrastructure Development Corporation (TSMSIDC) was much less than the actual amount sanctioned and released by the State government.

The TSMSIDC admitted that the spending was much less in a reply to a Right to Information (RTI) application filed by activist Sudheer Jalagam. The TSMSIDC releases the money to Director of Medical Education, Director of Public Health and Family Welfare, and Telangana Vaidya Vidhana Parishad.  

For example, in 2018-19, the State Budgetary provision for the purchase of drugs was Rs 440 crore. But, the actual amount released was just Rs 132 crore. Of the Rs 482.5 crore allocated for the purchase of medical equipment, the actual amount released was Rs 229.52 crore. But, the actual amount spent on the purchase of equipment was a meagre Rs 136.59 crore.Advertisement

Also read: Rs 35 crore spent in 4 months for medical oxygen

Sudheer told Express, on Friday, that there was no proper coordination and management by rural PHCs and CHCs for positioning the required stocks of drugs. Regular hospital development meetings in CHCs to monitor the availability of drugs and equipment were not organized, he added.

Rs 440 crore
Budget marked for drugs in 2018-19, but, the amount released was Rs 132 cr. Of the Rs 482.5 cr allocated for medical equipment, the amount released was Rs 229.52 crore

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