Govt Job: For Assistant Drug Analyst – Apply online

Last date for depositing application fee using the applicable payment modes : 02.02.2022 (5.00 pm)

Govt Job
Picture: Pixabay

Last Updated on October 10, 2024 by The Health Master

Rajasthan University of Health Sciences is a state university located in Pink City Jaipur, Rajasthan, India. It was established on February 25, 2005 under The Rajasthan University of Health Sciences, 2005 and started functioning in January 2006.

Rajasthan University of Health Sciences, Jaipur invites on-line applications in compliance of the order no. P17(1)(M&H)/2/2018 dated 14.09.2020 of Medical & Health Department (Gr.-2), Govt. of Rajasthan, for direct recruitment of Assistant Drug Analyst.

Post : Assistant Drug Analyst

No of Posts :11 (SC – 1, ST – 1, OBC – 2, GEN – 6, EWS – 1)
ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA (as per the ARTHANA available in this information booklet)

1. Educational Qualification B.Pharm with 3 years experience of analysis of drugs in a laboratory under Govt. Analyst*

Govt Pharma Pharmacist Job Opportunity
Picture: Pixabay

possesses Associateship Diploma of the Institution of Chemist (India) obtained by passing the said examination with ‘Analysis of Drugs and Pharmaceuticals’ as one of the subjects with 1 year experience of analysis of drugs in a laboratory under the control of Govt. Analyst or B.Pharm with 3 years experience of analysis of drugs in a laboratory approved under Drugs and Cosmetics Act 1940 (23 of 1940)* *

* Certificate in prescribed proforma 1A and/or 1B, issued by Govt. Analyst on or before the date of the recruitment examination i.e 10.02.2022, is mandatory for submission by 13.02.2022 through candidate login at the RUHS website.

* * Certificate in prescribed proforma 2A and/or 2B, issued by manufacturing company / approved analytical laboratory and subsequently approved by / countersigned by Drugs Controller / Licensing Authority on or before the date of the recruitment examination i.e 10.02.2022, is mandatory for submission by 13.02.2022 through candidate login at the RUHS website.

Other qualification
Knowledge of Hindi language in devnagri script (lipi) – to read, to write and to speak.

Age limit : Minimum 22 years and maximum 48 years as on 01.01.2022 (as per the notification dated 23.09.2008 from DoP, Govt. of Rajasthan) The relaxation in upper age limit for reserved category candidates in Rajasthan shall be applicable as per state government rules.

All candidates have to pay non-refundable application fee of Rs. 5000/- (Rs. 2500 for SC, ST category candidates of Rajasthan state) using the procedure mentioned at the website while filling the application form. The application fee is neither refundable, nor transferable and nor adjustable for any other recruitments. Any plea in this matter shall not be entertained.

Before filling the on-line application form, read the notification, information booklet etc. carefully. Ensure the eligibility and other requirements / criteria for recruitment as given in this booklet and the arthana. You should be very careful in filling-up the on-line application form. If any lapse is detected during the scrutiny, your candidature will be rejected even if you come through the final stage of recruitment process or even at a later stage.


Follow the steps as given in “Instructions to fill up on-line application form” available at the website. In case you have any difficulty while filling on-line application form, send email to Helpline at Note the Form no. (User ID) for further steps.

Keep it safe. RUHS will not be responsible for any consequences arising out of forgotten password / misuse of your password. It is your responsibility to maintain confidentiality of your password. Sharing of your password can result in its misuse by somebody else, leading to even exclusion of a genuine candidate from the recruitment process. After payment of application fee you can access to Part II of the on-line application form by entering your Form no. and date of birth.

Syllabus for Written Test
Analysis of Drugs and Pharmaceuticals
1. Rules and regulations of Drugs and cosmetic Act 1940 and Rules there under, 1945 with ammendment, Pharmacy act 1948, Poison act 1919 and Prevention of Cruelty to Animal act

2. Definition: Materia Medica, Pharmacy, Pharmacology and therapeutics

3. Exploration of some imporlant items: Parental Preparations, Ophthalmic preparations, Tablets and Capsules, Emulsions, Suspension, Ointment and Cream, concentration, granulations, anthemintics, anesthetics, Hypnotics, Maceration, surgical dressings, etc.

4. Composition : Standardization and assay of important I.P, B.P and USP Drugs.

5.Study of Antibiotics, Vitamins, enzymes, steroids and hormones

6. Advantage and limitations : (a) Chemical methods of analysis (b) Instrumental method of analysis.

7. Theory and applications of visible spectrophotometry, UV spectrophotometer, Infra red spectrophotometer, refrectometer, polarimetry, Potentiometry, Fluorimetiy, Flame photometer and Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer. %

8. Chromatography: Introduction, Principals and experimental details and apr ’ ‘cations of paper , thin layer , Gas (GC) , liquid chromatography (HPLC) and ion exchange chromatography.

9. Measurement of pH, detection and determination of pH, Instrumentation.

10. Dissolution and Disintegration test , Limit test and Alcohol determination

11. Accuracy & precision , classification of errors, minimization of errors, mean (average) deviation, standard deviation , calibration of analytical equipments.

12. Explains: Titrametric analysis , aqueous acid base titration, non aqueous acid base titration, complexometric titration, precipitation titration, oxidation-reduction titration including idometry and iodimetry, gravimetric  analysis, Miscellaneous methods ; Sodium nitrite titration and Karl fisher titration etc.

13. Pharmacognosy study of various systems of classifications of crude drugs

14. General methods of extraction , isolation, identification, standardization of ayurvedic formulations.

15.Sterilization, different methods, evolution of sterilization methods, sterility testing of pharmaceuticals products.

16. Microbiological assay of antibiotics and vitamins

17. Bacterial Endotoxin Test and Pyrogen Test.

18. Basic aspects of Computer applications : Introduction to Computers, Hardware Components, Input and Output devices, Overview of Operating Systems, Application Software.

Start date for filling of on-line application form at RUHS website : 12.01.2022

Last date for depositing application fee using the applicable payment modes : 02.02.2022 (5.00 pm)

Last date for submitting the on-line application form at RUHS website : 02.02.2022 (11.55 pm)

Printing of admit card To be announced later Entrance examination at Jaipur : 10.02.2022 (Tentative)

Submission of printout of the on-line application form (along with all relevant documents) : To be intimated later

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