Govt Job: For M.Pharm, M.Sc under Ministry of Ayush, CARI – Salary upto Rs. 75,000 pm

Last date on date 06.07.2022 up to 9:00 AM

Govt Job
Picture: Piaxabay

Last Updated on July 3, 2022 by The Health Master

National Vrkshayuuveda Research Institute Jhansi established in the year 1973, renamed as Central Ayurveda Research Institute in Dec 2020, is engaged in the research with the focus mandate, conduct medicio-botanical exploration in parts of Central India ii.

Collect and supply genuine raw drug materials for R&D work To build up repositories for medicinal plants and crude drugs. To established herbal garden and carrying out cultivation of medicinal plants for Ayurveda.

Applications are invited from eligible candidates for engagement of Project Officer/ Coordinator, Consultant (Pharmacognosy) to be filled purely on contractual/tenure/on consolidated remuneration basis for a period of six months (further extendable based on the performance & policy of CCRAS under the project “Establishment of National Raw Drug Repository at Central Ayurveda Research Institute (CARI), Jhansi” funded by National Medicinal Plant Board (NMPB), Ministry of Ayush, Govt, of India.

Project Officer / Coordinator
No. of  post : One post

Govt Pharma Pharmacist Job Opportunity
Picture: Pixabay

Qualification Essential :
• Post Graduate Degree in Botany/ Dravyaguna/ Medicinal Plant/ Pharmacognosy/ Phytochemistry/ Pharmacy from a recognized University/ Institution with minimum 10 year of research experience in quality control of ASU medicines/ Herbals/ Botanicals.Desirable :
• Ph.D. degree in Essential Qualification Disciplines.

• Experience in development of any laboratory related to drug standardization/ Quality Control/ Quality Assurance.
• Experience in research management and research administration/ project management and execution & coordination (scientific, technical, human resources and finances)

• Skills of drafting editing of scientific documents/ articles/ technical reports etc.
• Publication in peer reviewed journals.
• Working knowledge of computer applications.
Age : Not exceeding 65 years on date of Interview.

Job Responsibility
• Coordination and project monitoring activities of development of NRDR.
• Development of an accredited reference library cum institution for authentication of raw drugs.

• Development of educational centre for training on importance of raw drugs, its collection, preservation and standardization.
• Development of study tool and Performa.
• Preparation of all necessary documents of the meetings.• Organizing meeting and preparation of minutes of the meeting.• Travel of participating sites for assessment and monitoring of progress.

• Liaoning of activities across CCRAS Headquarter, Regional Raw Drug Repositories and other agencies as per requirement.• Any other works related to the project or other scientific/technical activities.f. Consolidated Emoluments Rs. 75000/- consolidated per month (No other allowance of any kind will be admissible)

Tenure : Six months (extendable based on the performance and policy of CCRAS)
Place of work : Central Ayurveda Research Institute (CARI), Jhansi, Unit of CCRAS, Ministry of AYUSH.

Consultant (P’cognosy)
Educational Qualification
1. Post Graduate degree M.Pharm. in P’cognosy/M.Pham (Ay)/ M.Sc.(Medical Plant) with consolidated specialization in Pharmacognosy from a recognized University/Institution.

2. 05 years research experience preferably in field of P’cognosy funded by the Ministry of AYUSH, ICMR, CS1R, DST or equivalent organization.Desirable

1. PhD. In the relevant discipline.
2. Skills of drafting editing of scientific documents/ articles/ technical reports etc
3. Publication in peer reviewed journals.

4. Working knowledge of computer applications.
5. Sound knowledge of drug development, pharmacognostical techniques, drug standardization and analytical techniques.

Age Limit : Not exceeding 64 years as on date of advertisement.
Salary/Month (Rs.) : Rs 50,000/- per month

Candidate must be present along with Application Proforma and essential documents (a set of xerox copy and original) on date 06.07.2022 up to 9:00 AM at Central Ayurveda Research Institute, Gwalior Road, Jhansi-284003 (UP).

Application Form & More Info

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Govt Job: For M.Pharm, M.Sc under Ministry of AYUSH – Salary upto Rs. 75,000 pm

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Govt Job: For M.Pharm, M.S Pharm to work in SERB Project, NIPER

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Govt Job: For M.Pharm, M.Sc under Ministry of AYUSH – Salary upto Rs. 75,000 pm

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