PCI directs State Pharmacy Councils to expedite transfer of registration of Pharmacists

“This effort of the State Pharmacy Councils will go in a long way in the interest of pharmacists having transferable job to serve the society in a better way,” it added.

PCI Pharmacy Council of India

Last Updated on January 4, 2024 by The Health Master

The Pharmacy Council of India (PCI) has advised the state pharmacy councils to expedite the process to transfer registrations within seven days, especially with regard to those in the Central government departments having a transferable job.

In a circular, the PCI said that its executive committee meeting held on November 11 considered matters related to the compliance of conditions prescribed under the Pharmacy Act, 1948, with regard to the pharmacist’s registration in the state where he or she resides or carries on the business or profession of pharmacy.

The circular comes in following the Council’s, earlier order in June, 2022, which advised the pharmacists should get registered in the state where they are residing or carrying on the business, in case they are registered in one state and carrying on business in another state.

In the latest circular, the PCI said, “State pharmacy councils shall expedite registration cases regarding transfer of registration within 7 days particularly with regard to pharmacists working in Defence Ministry and other Government of India’s departments having transferable job”.

“This effort of the State Pharmacy Councils will go in a long way in the interest of pharmacists having transferable job to serve the society in a better way,” it added.

In June, the PCI has advised all registered pharmacists to get the registration as a pharmacist in the State where they are residing or carrying on the business or profession of pharmacy. This has come after the PCI noticing that a pharmacist is registered in one state but residing or carrying on the business or profession of pharmacy in another state.

According to the statutory provisions of Section 32 (2) of the Pharmacy Act, 1948, which prescribes the conditions for registration as a pharmacist, one of the mandatory conditions for registration is that the person shall reside, or carry on the business or profession of pharmacy, in the State.

“After the Education Regulations have by or under section 11 taken effect in the State, a person shall on payment of the prescribed fee be entitled to have his name entered on the register if he has attained the age of 2[eighteen years], if he resides, or carries on the business or profession of pharmacy, in the State and if he has passed an approved examination or possesses a qualification approved under section 14 3[or is a registered pharmacist in another State],” states the Section 32(2) of the Pharmacy Act, 1948.

Having registration in one state and carrying on business or profession of pharmacy in another might lead to various practical issues in various situations, according to experts in the field.

“In the light of the above statutory provision, all pharmacists are advised to obtain registration as pharmacists in the state where they are residing or carrying on the business or profession of pharmacy,” said the PCI circular in June.

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