Opportunity for Pharmacist at CUHP

Opportunity for Pharmacist at CUHP. Last date fixed for submission of online application form is 31.01.2020.

Govt Job
Picture: Pixabay

Last Updated on October 12, 2024 by The Health Master

Opportunity for Pharmacist at CUHP

The Central University of Himachal Pradesh strives for Inclusive Access to Excellence in Higher Education and Research to emerge as Premier University of the Country at par with the best Universities of the World in terms of Programme Offerings, Curricular Framework, Pedagogy, Research, Publications and Integration with the World of Work.

Online Recruitment Applications are invited from eligible Indian citizens for the followings Non-Teaching positions on Direct Recruitment basis in Central University of Himachal Pradesh, Dharamshala.

Also read: Walk in interview for B.Pharm or D.Pharm as Pharmacist

Post : Pharmacist

Classification Group : C

Pay Matrix Level : Level-5

Age limit for direct recruits : Not exceeding 45 years

Essential Qualifications:
i. 10+2 in Science stream from a recognised Board / University.
ii. A minimum of two-year Diploma in Pharmacy.
iii. Registered with Pharmacy Council of India / State
iv. 5 years’ experience as a Compounder / Pharmacist in a reputed dispensary or hospital.

Also read: Recruitment for Pharmacists at BPPI

General Instructions
1. The Link for submission of online application form shall be open w.e.f. 15.01.2020.
2. Last Date of receipt of applications: 31.01.2020.
3. Application Fee: Rs. 500/- for General and Rs. 400/- for OBC category. The SC/ST/PWD/Female applicants and internal regular employees of university are exempted from paying the application fee. The application fee once paid shall neither be refunded nor be held in reserved for any other examination or selection under any circumstances. NO claim for refund shall be entertained.
4. Candidates desirous of applying for more than one post should submit separate application for each post alongwith requisite application fee.

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5. Any corrigendum/change/update related to the recruitment process shall be placed only on the official website of Central University of Himachal Pradesh cuhimachal.ac.in and query, if any, may be forwarded at email: ntempnno0022020@gmail.com. For any Technical Issue/inquiry, candidate may contact Sh. Rohit Dhiman – 9805229220, Sh. Sudhakar – 7018316529 between 09:00AM to 05:00PM.
6. The candidates must read the INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY FOR APPLYING ONLINE, which are available on the website of the university, i.e. cuhimachal.ac.in before filling up Online Recruitment Application Forms for the concerned post(s).
7. The candidates must ensure their eligibility in respect of category, age and essential qualification(s) etc. as mentioned in the advertisement to avoid rejection at any later stage.
8. Mere eligibility will not entitle any candidate for being called for Written Test and Skill Test. Only short-listed candidates will be called for Written Test or Skill Test. The University reserves its right to place reasonable limit on the total number of candidates to be called for Written Test or Skill Test. The number of such candidates will be decided by the Screening Committee constituted by the University for the purpose. The decision of the Screening Committee shall be final.

9. The eligibility of candidates will be determined as on the last date fixed for submission of online application form i.e. 31.01.2020.
10. If any suitable PWD candidate(s) is found against any post (if eligible otherwise), the university, may consider to give preference to such candidates in order to give prescribed quota to PWD category candidates, irrespective of fact that the post was not earmarked for PWD candidates in the advertisement.
11. The eligibility of candidates for Non-Teaching positions shall be determined strictly as per Cadre Recruitment Rules (CRR) of the University which are annexed as ‘Annexure-I’.
12. Only Matriculation/SSC certificate/passing certificate issued by the concerned educational board will be considered as proof of date of birth. No other document will be accepted for verification of date of birth.

13. Incomplete Online Recruitment Application Forms submitted without requisite examination fee, scanned photograph, scanned documents & scanned signatures of prescribed size etc. will be rejected straightway.
14. Candidates belonging to SC/ST/OBC category should submit prescribed certificate as per the proforma of Govt. of India/State.
15. Candidates belonging to OBC category, but coming in creamy layer will not be entitled to the benefits of reservation and should apply as Unreserved Category candidate.
16. The benefit of reservation for ‘Group C’ post(s) will be admissible only to the candidates, who are bonafide residents of Himachal Pradesh in respect of categories, viz., S.C., S.T., O.B.C. and Physically Disabled (Orthopaedically Disabled/ Visually Impaired/ Blind / Hearing Impaired / Deaf & Dumb) etc. and the reserved category candidates belonging to other states will be treated as UNRESERVED CATEGORY CANDIDATES and the benefit of reservation and fee concession will not be admissible to such candidates.

17. Number of post(s) is/are tentative and may increase or decrease. The University reserves the right to Revise/Reschedule/Cancel/Suspend/withdraw the recruitment process without assigning any reason. The decision of the University shall be final and no appeal in this regard shall be entertained.
18. In service candidates should submit his/her application through proper channel. However, he/she may send an advance copy of his/her application and should produce a “No Objection Certificate” issued by the employer should be submitted before the written test/skill test failing which he/she shall not be allowed for written test/skill test. 19. The candidate must upload soft copy(ies) of all relevant documents which they have claimed in the online application form. The original certificates would be required at the time of verification of documents after the written test and skill test.
20. The decision of the Vice-Chancellor, Central University of Himachal Pradesh in all matters relating to eligibility, acceptance or rejection of applications, mode of selection and conduct of written test and skill test will be final and binding on all the candidates. No enquiry or correspondence will be entertained in this connection from any individual or his/ her agency.

21. In case of any dispute, any suite or legal proceeding against the University, the territorial jurisdiction shall be Himachal Pradesh High Court at Shimla.
22. The written test and skill test will be conducted at various centres located at places with in the Himachal Pradesh depending upon the number of candidates However, the allotment of examination centres will be at discretion of the University. No application for change of centre or any other entry in the application form shall be entertained.
23. Canvassing in any form will be treated as a disqualification for the post.
24. Candidates must be in sound health. They must, if selected be prepared to undergo such medical examination and satisfy such medical authority as the University may require.
25. The Candidates should keep a copy of online application printout alongwith fee submission receipt. The candidates are not required to send hard copy of application form to the University. However, the same will have to be produced by the candidates at the time of document verification before issuing the offer of appointment.

26. The age condition shall not be applicable to the regular employees of this University who apply for direct recruitment. However, they have to fulfil the eligibility criteria in respect of qualification and experience prescribed for Direct Recruitment.
27. The relaxation in age, qualification etc., shall be applicable to the SC/ST, OBC, Physically Challenged (Divyang) etc., as per rules of GOI. The employees of Central Govt./State Govt./Universities and Autonomous bodies, shall be granted 5 years relaxation in age limit. The age limit shall be determined with reference to the age as on the last date for submission of application.
28. The University shall verify the qualifications/experience/antecedents and documents submitted by the applicant before the final selection and during the tenure of service. In case, it is detected that the documents submitted are fake or the candidate has clandestine antecedents / background and has suppressed the said information, his / her services shall be terminated forthwith.
29. Experience will be considered only after the date of fulfilling the minimum educational qualification as required for the post.

30. In case the working experience in private organization/firm/company/sole proprietorship, etc. is claimed by the applicant in the application form, the University shall verify the authenticity of experience certificate from the related Government Institutes of the region i.e. Labour Office/EPFO/ESIC, etc. Such working experience certificate should have been countersigned by the Labour Officer of the concerned region/area.
31. Selected candidates may be posted at any place within the jurisdiction of the University.
32. In case of any inadvertent mistake in the process of selection, which may be detected at any stage even after the issue of appointment order, the University reserves the right to modify / withdraw / cancel any communication made to the candidates.

Central University of Himachal Pradesh
Camp Office, Near HPCA Cricket Stadium,
Dharamshala, District Kangra (HP)-176215