Recruitment for B.Pharm in Public Service Commission

Recruitment for Pharmacy graduates in Public Service Commission | 69 posts -Last date 16-03-2020

Govt Job
Picture: Piaxabay

Last Updated on October 19, 2024 by The Health Master

The Bihar Public Service Commission came into existence from 1st April 1949 after its separation from the Commission for the States of Orissa and Madhya Pradesh, in accordance with sub-section (1) of section 261 of the Government of India Act, 1935, as adapted.

Its constitutional status was pronounced with the promulgation of Constitution of India on 26th January, 1950. It is a Constitutional Body under Article 315 of the Constitution of India.

Post : Project Manager

No of posts : 69
OBC-Female – 02

Pay Scale : Pay Band 9300-34800 Grade pay – 800 (pay level 9)

Also read: Recruitment for Pharmacists at ECHS

Qualification :
(i)  At least Second Class or equivalent degree in Mechanical Engineering or Electrical Engineering or Civil Engineering or Metallurgical Engineering or Textile Engineering or Computer Engineering or Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering or any other branch of Engineering. 

(ii) At least second class degree in Economics or Mathematics or Statistics or Physics or Chemistry from a recognized University.  (Degree means honors course)
(iii) MBA degree / PG Diploma from an institution recognized by All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE). 

(iv) Pharmacy degree from Institute / University recognized by All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE)
(v) Membership received from the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India. 

(vi) Membership of Institute of Cost and Works Accountant of India
(vii) All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) recognized degree or equivalent qualification in silk technical / management
(viii) Degree in Leather Technology or equivalent qualification from a recognized institute / university of All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE).

Also read: Recruitment for Pharmacists in CMHO

Age Limit : 21 years on date 01-08-2019

Fee :
(i) For General Candidates – Rs.600 / – (Six hundred) Rupees
(ii) For Scheduled Castes / Scheduled Tribes of Bihar State only – Rs.150 / – (One hundred and fifty)
(iii) Permanent of Bihar State  For all resident (reserved / unreserved category) female candidates – Rs.150 / – (One hundred and fifty)

(iv) For differently abled candidates (40% or more) – Rs.150 / – (One hundred and fifty) rupees
(v) Others  For all candidates – Rs 600 / – (Six hundred) above to the candidate  Expressed exam will charge determined by the addition of various banks charge, which will be taken as an automatic bank charged by the bank in order to pay online.  Notified amount will not be returned as application fee along with the application.

By the way, all candidates with disabilities and candidates coming from SC / ST category who claim disability / SC / ST grade, and submit the examination fee as per SC, ST and disability  And in future, the certificate related to disability by such candidate and of SC / ST  Evidence related to SC / ST by Brerthy – if the letter is not submitted or caused him to suspect some sort may be disqualified on the basis of discounted exam fee (Concessional Examination Fee). 

Disabled candidates and candidates belonging to Scheduled Caste / Scheduled Tribe category are informed in this context that if they voluntarily submit the examination fee as per the general candidates, then at this point their candidature will be protected.  Candidates can take their own decision on this.

For more Govt. Jobs, Click here

Note: -(1)
In order to fill the online application, certain information is taken from the candidates only to maintain the database.  If any exemption related to the said information is not mentioned in the advertisement, then its claim will neither be valid nor its profit will be payable.  The information / condition / information / discount of any kind mentioned in the advertisement will be final. 

Note: – (2)
At the time of interview, all the candidates appearing in the interview will be required to submit the following certificate in original for verification. 
1. Matriculation certificate / mark sheet (for proof of date of birth). 
2. Certificate in conformity with the mandatory qualification mentioned in Condica-3 of the advertisement. 
3. Mark sheet conforming to the mandatory qualification mentioned in Conduit-3 of the advertisement.

Important Dates
Date of registration : 17-02-2020 to 02-03-2020
Last Date to pay the examination fee : 06-03-2020
Last Date to fill online application : 16-03-2020