594 vacancies for ANM and other posts notified

A candidate should be between 18 to 40 years old as on January 1, 2020

Govt Job
Picture: Pixabay

Last Updated on October 3, 2020 by The Health Master

DHS Assam Recruitment 2020: The Directorate of Health Services (DHS), Assam has released an official notification for the recruitment of ANM, Steno Typist, Lab Tech and others in various departments on its official website. The online registration process will begin on October 6, 2020.

Once the application process begins, interested and eligible candidates will be able to apply for the posts online at dhs.assam.gov.in on or before October 21, 2020.

The recruitment drive is being conducted to fill 594 vacancies, out of which, 545 vacancies are for ANM (Auxiliary Nurse & Midwives), 16 for Computer, 11 for Field Worker/Social Worker, 8 for Junior Assistant, 7 for Steno Typist, 3 each for Field & Evaluation Worker, and Laboratory Technician, and 1 for Refrigerator Mechanic.

A candidate should be between 18 to 40 years old as on January 1, 2020. There will be upper age relaxation for the reserved category candidates as per the government norms.

For more Govt. Jobs, Click here

Educational Qualification:

1. Refrigerator Mechanic: A candidate should have passed HSSLC with ITI Diploma from govt. Recognized Institute.

2. ANM (Auxiliary Nurse & Midwives): A candidate should have passed ANM Training from Assam govt.institution or institution recognized by India Nursing Council and Assam Nursing Council and Registered under Assam Nursing Council.

3. Computer, Junior Assistant: A candidate should have a Graduate degree in Arts, Commerce or Science from a recognized University or equivalent and applicant must possess 6 months of diploma in Computer Application.

4. Field Worker/Social Worker, Field & Evaluation Worker: A candidate should have passed HSSLC from the recognized council with a minimum of 6 months of Diploma in Computer Application.

5. Steno-Typist: A candidate should have a Graduate degree in Arts, Commerce or Science from a recognized University or equivalent and applicant must possess 6 months of diploma in stenography.

6. Laboratory Technician: A candidate should have passed HSSLC with Diploma in lab technology from govt. Recognized Institute.

For more details, candidates are advised to read the notification. To download the notification, click official notification.

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