Draft regulations on MBBS courses and new medical colleges: NMC

The applications from medical colleges will be accepted between November 2 and 30 instead of the earlier deadline of October 16 to November 15.

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Picture: Pixabay

Last Updated on May 29, 2022 by The Health Master

The newly constituted National Medical Commission (NMC) has issued draft regulations on MBBS courses and establishment of new medical colleges in public domain, seeking feedback from people and various stakeholders.

To download the draft regulations, click here

These regulations shall be applicable for medical colleges being established from the academic session 2021-22 onwards.

The preamble to the draft regulations lays down the purpose of these norms. “There is a necessity to re-cast medical education and training to enable the medical graduate to be able to effectively discharge their role as a physician in this changing world.

The new demands on medical education also necessitate redefining the standards,” the document said.

The document said that there is a need to define standards based on functional requirements, rather than in absolute terms, and quality should be the benchmark of the new standard, the preamble stated.

The current regulations on minimum standards for undergraduate medical training institutions in India attempt to define the new standards in terms of the new paradigm, it added.

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The objective of these regulations is to prescribe for a medical college approved for admissions of MBBS students annually, the minimum requirements of accommodation in the college and its associated teaching hospitals, staff – both teaching and technical – and equipment in the college departments and hospitals.

The phase-wise requirements to be fulfilled by the applicant colleges for obtaining letter of intent and letter of permission for establishment of new medical college and yearly renewals for 100/150/200/250 MBBS admissions annually.

The regulations lay down the requirements for lecture theatres, libraries, laboratories, minimum bed requirements of the attached medical college, location of faculty offices and students’ accommodation.

The NMC proposed that every institution shall comprise of the medical college, the attached teaching hospital(s), and the hostels for the students and interns, with or without the residential area for faculty and other staff of college or hospital.

It said it would be desirable that all these establishments be in a unitary campus. If the campus is housed in more than 1 plot of land, the distance between each one of these plots should be less than 10 km or less than of 30 minutes travelling time, whichever is lesser.

NMC also proposed every medical college or medical institution shall have a college council comprising of the head of departments as members and Principal/Dean as chairperson.

The regulation also proposed that there shall be at least 30 books per annual intake of students comprising all subjects with at least 5 copies of each of the text books for the various subjects in MBBS curriculum.

NMC has also extended the date of submission of application for establishment of new medical colleges, increase of MBBS seats, renewal of permission and renewal of permission against the increased intake of MBBS Seats in the existing medical colleges for the 2021-22 academic session.

The applications from medical colleges will be accepted between November 2 and 30 instead of the earlier deadline of October 16 to November 15.

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