Last Updated on April 9, 2021 by The Health Master
The National Accreditation Board for Hospitals and Healthcare Providers (NABH) has further extended validity of accreditation or certification till June 30, 2021 under accreditation, certification and empanelment programs considering the ongoing pandemic situation. It had earlier granted extension of validity till March 31, 2021.
This is issued in continuation to the earlier NABH Notification dated December 9, 2020 (issued vide Ref. No. NABH/Notification/2020/3721) regarding extension of validity of accreditation/certification.
As per the NABH notification, “It has been decided to further extend validity of accreditation/certification for period of three months (i.e. till June 30, 2021) or till the decision on the renewal application is taken by NABH, whichever is earlier.

The hospital ought to have completed the renewal process (paid the application fee, annual fee) and showed the willingness to undergo the assessment. Further, all the terms and conditions for eligibility of extension of validity mentioned in earlier issued notification dated June 25, 2020 will apply.”
NABH is a constituent board of Quality Council of India (QCI), set up to establish and operate accreditation programme for healthcare organisations.
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NABH had resumed assessments of health care organisations (HCOs) from July, 2020 onwards against the applications received under accreditation, certification and empanelment programmes. It then decided to grant further extension of validity of accreditation/certification till March 31, 2021.
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The HCOs seeking extension of validity will be required to ensure compliance to the applicable NABH standards during the extended period of validity and submit declaration to this effect. The HCOs will also be required to update the C-19 status along with the number of beds dedicated for C-19 patients.
The abovementioned declaration shall be submitted to NABH on the letterhead and has to be duly signed by the head of the HCO. The HCOs are required to undergo renewal assessment and submit corrective actions for the non-compliances raised before March 31, 2021. The HCOs whose accreditation/certification cycle is going to expire in the coming six months are also advised to immediately apply to NABH for renewal of accreditation/certification to avoid a break in accreditation/certification cycles.
Further, for all the programmes, HCOs are required to submit annual accreditation fee for the first year of the next accreditation cycle and also clear the outstanding dues payable to NABH for becoming eligible for extension of validity. The status of accreditation/certification with respect to extension of validity for the respective HCO shall also be updated on the website of NABH.
However, the HCOs may submit requests for extension letters from NABH by putting remarks on the respective portal account and providing evidence of submission of renewal application along with payment of application fee, annual fee and other outstanding dues.
Extension for validity of empanelment by the empanelling agencies i.e. Central Government Health Scheme (CGHS) and Ex-servicemen Contributory Health Scheme (ECHS) does not fall under the purview of NABH. The empanelled HCOs are requested to approach respective empanelling agencies with regard to extension of empanelment.
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