Govt Job for Pharmacists under ESI Scheme

Last date for submission of application 21/06/2021.

Govt Job
Picture: Pixabay

Last Updated on June 15, 2021 by The Health Master

The Employees State Insurance Scheme (ESI Scheme) is an integrated measure of Social Insurance embodied in the Employees State Insurance Act and it is designed to accomplish the task of protecting employees as defined in the Employees State Insurance Act, 1948 against the impact of incidences of sickness, maternity, disablement and death due to employment injury and to provide medical care to insured persons and their families.

The ESI Scheme applies to factories and other establishments viz. Road Transport, Hotels, Restaurants, Cinemas, Newspaper, Shops, and Educational/Medical Institutions wherein 10 or more persons are employed.

Applications are invited by the Commissioner, Labour & Employment, E.S.I. Scheme, Panchdeep Bhavan 2nd floor, Patto Panaji, for filling up the following vacancies in the Office of the Administrative Medical Officer, E.S.I. Scheme, Panaji – Goa.

Govt Pharma Pharmacist Job Opportunity
Picture: Pixabay

Post : Pharmacist

No of Posts :19 (ST-02, OBC-06, UR-10, EWS-01)
Pay Matrix Level : L-5 Rs.29,200/-

Educational Qualification
Essential 1.Diploma in Pharmacy from a Board of Technical Education.
2.Should be registered with State Council of Pharmacy.
3. Knowledge of Konkani.

Desirable :
1. Three years experience as a Registered Pharmacist
2. Knowledge of Marathi.

Instructions :
1. Age : Not exceeding 45 years (Relaxable for reserved vacancies & for Govt. servants in accordance with the instructions or orders issued by the Government from time to time).

2. Only the eligible candidates fulfilling the criteria as per the Recruitment Rules/advertisement shall apply and the candidates need not furnish any documents at the time of applying for the post. However, the candidature of shortlisted candidate shall not be considered, if he/she is found ineligible at the time of verification of essential documents, even though he/she has passed the examination.

3. Written examination will be conducted of 100 marks and nature of examination shall be subjective or objective or combination of both.
4. The details of syllabus will be intimated well in advance through official website.

5. For the post of Jr. Steno, stenography test (i.e. skill test) will be conducted and those who clear the skill test, would be called for written test. The skill test is separate from written test and no separate weightage shall be given to the skill test while drawing the final merit list of the candidate.

6. Separate Application Forms should be submitted for different posts.
7. Applications received after the prescribed date will be rejected.
8. Candidates applying for the posts must possess 15 years continuous residence certificate in the State of Goa issued by the Mamlatdar except for the following categories.

a) The State Government employees who are working outside the State shall be exempted from producing 15 years residence certificate for their children.
b) A person whose marriage is registered in Goa, with the person having fifteen years residence in Goa and both are residing in the State of Goa continuously for a period of 5 years.
c) Ex-servicemen/women and their spouse and children, who are residing in Goa for last two years after discharge/release/retirement from the armed forces.

9. However, preference in employment shall be given to Ex-servicemen of Goan origin and those who are having 15 years continuous residence period in the State.
10. The candidate applying for reserved category post, shall produce valid certificate issued by the Competent authority as per Government Guidelines.

11. Candidate already in Government service shall produce the NOC issued by the competent authority from the concerned Department.
12. The crucial date for determining the eligibility as to the age, Educational Qualification, valid Residence Certificate, Valid Employment Card, Caste belongs etc. shall be 21/06/2021 (closing date) for appointment to the above posts.

13. The Government reserves the right to cancel the recruitment process at any time without any further notice and without assigning any reason thereof.
14. Candidates shall refer detailed General Guidelines uploaded on the website and

15. No T.A./D.A. will be paid either for appearing for written test/Skill test and verification of certificates.

Interested and eligible candidates may submit their applications giving details in the format prescribed below so as to reach the Office of the Administrative Medical Officer, E.S.I. Scheme, Panchdeep Bhavan, 2nd floor, Patto Plaza, Panaji, on or before 21/06/2021.

Last date for submission of application 21/06/2021.

Application Form & More Info>>

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