Govt Job for Ph.D, M.Pharm, M.Sc at NIMR, Govt. of India

Date and time of verification of document : On 14.07.2021 From 09:00 am to 10:00 am

Govt Job
Picture: Pixabay

Last Updated on July 12, 2021 by The Health Master

ICMR-National Institute of Malaria Research was established in 1977 as ‘Malaria Research Centre’, which was renamed as ‘National Institute of Malaria Research’ in November 2005. ICMR-NIMR is one of the institutes of the Indian Council of Medical Research (an autonomous body under Department of Health Research, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Govt. of India).

Post : Research Associate -I

Applications are invited in the prescribed format (available on the websites of ICMR and NIMR) for the temporary and contractual posts at ICMR-NIMR. Interested and eligible candidates may appear for Walk-in-Interview together with prescribed application duly filled in with one recent photograph and photocopies of the certificates/testimonials and the originals for verification before the Selection Committee as per enclosed schedule at ICMR-National Institute of Malaria Research, Sector 8, Dwarka, New Delhi-110077.

Salary (fixed) In Rs. pm :47,000/- +HRA

Qualification and Experience : Essential Qualification : Ph.D. degree in life Sciences or equivalent degree or having 3 years of research, teaching and design and development experience after MVSC/M.Pharma/ ME/M.Tech with at least one research paper as a first author in science citation indexed (SCI) journal.

Govt Pharma Pharmacist Job Opportunity
Picture: Pixabay

Desirable : Research experience in molecular and cell biology related relevant field. Experience in analyzing large NGS datasets assembly, variant calling, RNASeq, ChIP- Seq, etc. Proficiency with standard bioinformatics and statistics tools, resources and packages. Experience related field (DNA,RNA isolation, Molecular Diagnostics, Realtime PCR, TaqMan probe based diagnosis

Age Limit : Upto 40 yrs Female 42 Years
Duration : Up to 02.08.2021

Terms and Conditions
1. Interested and eligible candidates can appear for walk-in-interview/personal discussions on the dates mentioned against each post along with the duly filled in the prescribed application form (attached). Kindly note, separate application is to be submitted for each post in each/different project.

2. It may be mentioned here that incomplete applications, application not submitted in prescribed format and application without supportive documents asked for shall be summarily rejected.

3. Qualification and experience should be in relevant discipline/field and from a reputed institution / organization recognized by relevant authority.

4. Experience shall be counted from the date of completion of minimum essential educational qualification.

5. Submission of incorrect or false information during the process of walk-in- interview/or personal discussion shall disqualify the candidature at any stage.

6. The Director reserves the right to increase / decrease the number of vacancies as per requirement.

7. Candidate should write the Name of Project on the top of the application. Candidates applying for more than one post should apply SEPARATELY for each post.

8. No benefit of provident fund, Leave Travel Concession, Medical Claim etc. will be considered, since the posts are purely temporary basis.

9. Age relaxation is admissible to SC/ST/OBC/EXM/Departmental candidates including projects as per Govt. of India/ICMR Norms. No age relaxation will be considered for unreserved post.

10. Age limit and experience will be considered as on the date of walk-in-interview/personal discussion.

11. No TA/DA will be paid for attending the walk-in-interview/personal discussion/written test.

12. Mere fulfilling the essential qualification / experience does not guarantee selection.

13. Candidates employed in Govt. Service /Semi Govt./ Autonomous Bodies of State/Central Govt. should submit a “No Objection Certificate” from their employer at the time of walk-in- interview/written test / personal discussion failing which he/she will not be allowed to appear in written/personal discussion.

14. Community/ Caste certificate: Candidates applying under OBC category, shall submit attested copy of OBC Non – Creamy Layer Certificate in specified format, issued within one year from the date of walk-in- interview test and / or personal discussion by the appropriate authority. Only Non Creamy Layer OBC certificates will be accepted and other certificates will not be accepted.

15. All posts are contractual for the duration offered. The appointment may be renewed after every specific period of time subject to satisfactory performance and project requirement.

16. The above posts are filled-up on purely temporary basis and contractual basis & the candidate will have no right to claim for any type of Permanent Employment under ICMR-NIMR or continuation of his/her services in any other project.

17. The Director has the right to accept/reject any application without assigning any reason thereof and no correspondence/recommendation will be entertained in this matter. Post Date and time of verification of document Research Associate- I On 14.07.2021 From 09:00 am to 10:00 am

18. Canvassing and bringing inside or outside influence in any form for short listing and employment will treated as a disqualification and the candidate will be debarred from selection process.

19. Candidates possessing the essential qualification and experience may appear for walk-in- interview/or personal discussion at Address mentioned above on the dates as indicated in schedule for walk-in- interview/or personal discussion (as applicable) given below:

Note: Interview will be held on the same day after registration and verification of documents. No candidate will be allowed to enter after scheduled date and time. 20. Those appearing for Walk-in-Interview/personal discussion, he/she must bring all original certificates (1) Educational qualification (2) Proof of Date of birth (3) Experience certificates/testimonials (4) One-self attested recent passport size photograph (5) ID Proof (Ex. Aadhar/PAN/Voter ID/Driving License etc.) (6) One set of self-attested photocopies of all documents. (7) SC/ST/OBC Certificates, if applicable. (8) Candidates should produce all certifications/testimonials in original for verification at the time of walk in –interview.

21. Candidates who will report after the scheduled date/time will not be allowed to appear in interview / or personal discussion.

22. Any Addendum/Corrigendum in respect of above vacancies, notice shall be issued on websites only and no separate notification shall be issued in the press. Applicants are requested to regularly visit the website ( to keep themselves updated.

Note: The following Preventive measures are strictly to be adhered by the candidates appearing for walk-in-interview on the scheduled date and time to contain the spread of Novel Corona virus (COVID-19) inside the premises and during recruitment process:

(a) Wearing of face cover is compulsory.
(b) Spitting in public & work place shall be punishable with fine, as may be prescribed in accordance with its laws, rules or regulations by the State/UT local authority.

(c) Social distancing shall be followed by all persons in public places and in transport.
(d) Provision for thermal screening, hand wash and sanitizer shall be made at all entry and exist points and common areas.

(e) Use of ArogyaSetu App is mandatory.
(f) Large physical gathering at one place should be avoided.

(g) As much as possible candidates should avoid using other’s phones, desk, offices or other work tools and equipment. Clean and disinfect them before and after use.
(h) Loitering and crowding in corridors should be avoided and people should maintain distance.

Date and time of verification of document : On 14.07.2021 From 09:00 am to 10:00 am

Download Application Form>>

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