Govt Job: For Ph.D at ACTREC – Salary Rs. 60,000 pm

Last date for document submission on or before 04th February, 2022.

Govt Job
Picture: Pixabay

Last Updated on January 25, 2022 by The Health Master

The Tata Memorial Center is an autonomous grant-in-aid institution of the Department of Atomic Energy. TMC is comprised of the Advanced Center for Treatment, Research and Education in Cancer (ACTREC) and the Tata Memorial Hospital (TMH).

ACTREC conducts a Ph.D. program in Life Sciences, affiliated to the Homi Bhabha National Institute (a deemed university under category A by MHRD, Govt of India).

On-going research at ACTREC includes basic and translational research in Cancer Biology.

The Section of molecular epidemiology and population genetics at the Center for Cancer Epidemiology, ACTREC, Tata Memorial Center, Mumbai, conducts large scale cutting edge research to understand the etiology and prognostic factors for cancer.

The Centre collaborates with International leaders to conduct genotyping (GWAS) and sequencing (Whole genome and whole exome sequencing) so as to understand role of genetics in cancer causation and progression.

Govt Pharma Pharmacist Job Opportunity
Picture: Pixabay

Applications are invited for the post of ‘Post Doctorate Fellow’ to work on projects related to NGS in collaboration with IIT Mumbai.

The project will involve NGS data analysis to set up a pipeline that can be used for identification of biomarkers.

Post : Post Doctorate Fellow – 01 Post

Consolidated Salary : Rs. 60,000/- per months.

Place of work : CCE, Kharghar

Norms : PhD in Computational Biology / Bioinformatics. Candidates with Background in programming will be preferred.

Candidates with background in Computer Science / Engineering willing to work in area of genomics also eligible.

Duration : Six months and may be extendable

Interested candidate may send scan copy of their updated resume with the relevant documents to the email id Please mention the ‘Job Application for the post of “Post Doctorate Fellow” in the subject line.

Last date for document submission on or before 04th February, 2022.

Eligible candidate will be informed about interview details through email.

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