Govt Job: For Pharmacists under Health and Family Welfare Department

Last date 05.00 PM on 05.04.2022

Govt Job
Picture: Pixabay

Last Updated on October 19, 2024 by The Health Master

Secretary to the Government, Department of Health, Medical Education and Family Welfare, Jharkhand, Ranchi, letter number 163 (HSN), dated 21.05.2019 and letter number 669 (HS), dated 22.08.2019 and campaign director, National Rural Health Mission, Jharkhand,  Ranchi’s letter no. 61 (MD), dated 08.01.2019, letter no. 1464 (MD), dated 13.08.2020 letter no. 1492 (MD). 

Contract under N.R.H.M. in the light of dated 17.08.2020 and Campaign Director, National Rural Health Mission, Jharkhand, Ranchi letter no-9 / RCH – 642 / 2021-2463 (MD), dated 24.08.2021.

Applications are invited in the name of Civil Surgeon, Dumka from registered post/speed post till 05.00 PM on 05.04.2022 for working against the approved honorarium on the following posts. 


Govt Pharma Pharmacist Job Opportunity
Picture: Pixabay

No of posts : 17 (UR-08, ST-08, SC-01) [Backlog ST 01)

Essential Qualifications :
• Diploma in Pharmacy from a recognized institute.
• Registered under Jharkhand State Pharmacy Council.

Desirable Qualifications : • Computer proficiency (MS Office) & internet
Salary (Rs. Per month) : 12600/-

Ayush Pharmacist (APh)
No of posts : 02 (UR-01, ST-01)

Essential Qualifications :
• Ayurvedic Compounder: Diploma in Ayurvedic pharmacy from Govt, recognized institute.
• Unani Compounder : Diploma in Unani pharmacy from Govt, recognized institute.
• Homeopathic Compounder: Diploma in Homeopathic pharmacy from Govt, recognized institute.

Salary (Rs. Per month) : 10000/-

Pharmacist- RBSK
No of posts : 11 (UR-06, ST-05)

Essential Qualifications :
• Diploma in Pharmacy from a recognized institute. Should have registered under Jharkhand State Pharmacy Council.
• Computer proficiency (MS Office) & internet

Salary (Rs. Per month) : 12,000/-

Pharmacist NTEP
No of posts : 01 (UR)

Essential Qualifications :
• Degree/Diploma in Pharmacy from a recognized University.
• Registered under Jharkhand State Pharmacy Council.

Desirable Qualifications :
• One year experience in managing drug store in a reputed hospital/health center recognized by Govt.
• Candidates should be well conversant with various computer programming including MS Word, Excel and simple statistical packages

Salary (Rs. Per month) : 15000/- (As per ROP)

SDS Pharmacist NTEP
No of posts : 01 (UR)

Essential Qualifications :
• Degree/Diploma in Pharmacy from a recognized University.
• Registered under Jharkhand State Pharmacy Council.

Desirable Qualifications :
• 02 years experience in managing drug store in a reputed hospital/health center recognized by Govt.

• Candidates should be well conversant with various computer programming including MS Word, Excel and simple statistical packages

Salary (Rs. Per month) : 15000/- (As per ROP)

Age Limit (Age on 01-03-2022)
Minimum Age in years : 21
Maxmimum Age in years : Gen-35, OBC-37, Female Unreserved-38, ST/SC-40

Conditions of Selection
1. They will be contracted to work against the accepted honorarium on the basis of contract.  Apart from the honorarium, no other amount will be paid.  

2. The number of vacancies may be increased or decreased as per the requirement.

3. The contract shall be tenable for one year.  It can be extended for one year each depending on their efficiency as per the requirement.  

4. The decision of the Committee in the appointment process shall be final and binding.  

5. The terms and conditions of the advertisement can be amended as required by the committee.

6. No personal correspondence/contact will be accepted in connection with the appointment.

7. The contract can be terminated by giving one month’s notice or one month’s honorarium to the contractual persons.  

8. It will be mandatory for the candidates contracted on contract basis to submit Indemnity Bond to the effect that they will not claim for regular appointment.  

9.  Candidates who are presenting CGPA Score-card for Educational Qualification will be required to submit CGPA Conversion Chart along with the mark sheet.  

10. District reservation roster points will be followed.  Horizontal reservation will be admissible for different categories of persons with disabilities in the light of the instructions and applicability contained in the resolution memo number 2249 dated 03.04.2018 of the Department of Personnel, Administrative Reforms and Official Language, Government of Jharkhand, Ranchi.

11. For the benefit of locality and reservation, it will be mandatory to attach a certificate issued by the competent authority.

12. The application, complete in all respects, may be submitted in a sealed cover by registered post/speed post to the office of the Civil Surgeon-cum-Chief Medical Officer, Dumka. 

Please provide the following information clearly on the top of the envelope :
Advertisement No……………..
Post Code ………………..Name of the Post……………..

13. Right to cancel the appointment process of any of the various posts at any time without assigning any reason. Deputy Commissioner-cum-Chairman, District  Rural Health Society, Dumka will be safe.

14. At the time of contribution, it will be mandatory for the selected candidate to produce an affidavit of intent not to be punished in any criminal case and a health certificate issued by a civil surgeon.

Applications are invited in the name of Civil Surgeon, Dumka from registered post/speed post till 05.00 PM on 05.04.2022.

Application Form & More Info

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