All one needs to know about Botox treatment

To avoid spreading the toxin, don’t touch the face for at least 1- 3 days. Avoid any kind of professional massages on the treated areas.

Health Women wrinkles
Picture: Pixabay

Last Updated on April 30, 2022 by The Health Master

We read a lot about actresses, models and influencers going through Botox treatments, but most of us do not know what it is.

Plastic and reconstructive surgeon Dr Parag Telang says that Botox is a drug that weakens or relaxes a muscle, and in small doses, it can reduce skin lines/ wrinkles and help to treat some other medical conditions.

How does the treatment work?

Botox is a protein made from botulinum toxin. They work by blocking the nerves that contract muscles, softening the appearance of wrinkles.

A Botox treatment is minimally invasive and is considered a safe, effective treatment for fine lines and wrinkles around the eyes.

It can also be used on the forehead between the eyes. It has both cosmetic and medical uses.

Here are the benefits 

Botox injections can reduce the appearance of skin wrinkles. It can temporarily relax the muscles, which can benefit people with various muscle or nerve disorders.

Botox is used for muscle spasm control, severe underarm sweating and cosmetic improvement.

Botox injections are injected into muscles, where it blocks nerve impulses to those tissues. The muscle activity that causes the frown lines is reduced, and it makes your skin look softer and younger.

Dr Telang says: “Without a contracting muscle beneath it, the skin has a difficult time wrinkling. Botox can also help to soften facial lines but not always get rid of them.

Botox targets the nerve supplying the muscle, disrupting the nerve signalling processes that stimulate muscle contraction and cause temporary muscle paralysis.

For any muscle to contract, the nerves release a chemical messenger called acetylcholine at the junction where nerve endings meet muscle cells.

Acetylcholine attaches to receptors on the muscle cells and causes the cells to contract, or shorten. Botox injections prevent the release of acetylcholine, which stops the muscle cells from contracting.

Botulinum toxin treatment helps the muscles to become less stiff. Botox Cosmetic works by temporarily blocking nerve signals and muscle contractions.

This improves the appearance of wrinkles around the eyes and between the eyebrows. It can also slow the formation of new lines by preventing the contraction of facial muscles.

“It doesn’t involve incisions or general anaesthesia. To reduce the pain or discomfort, a topical anaesthetic or ice is used to numb the treatment area,” he adds.

Side effects attached to this

Dr Telang suggests that Botox treatment is the most effective treatment for wrinkles. But it has some side effects as well.

Its side effects include pain at the injection site, infection, inflammation, swelling, redness, bleeding and bruising.

Some of these symptoms may indicate an allergic reaction such as itching, wheezing, asthma, a rash, red welts, dizziness and faintness.

The Botox can spread a little beyond the intended injection site and affect surrounding tissues.

Dry mouth, fatigue, headache, neck pain, bruising, pain at the site of injection, and, in rare cases, drooping eyelids or eyebrows are also visible that return to their natural position within a few months.

One should always get it done by a certified doctor to avoid any adversities.

Precautionary measures to be taken

Botox treatment aftercare also includes some precautions. Before getting Botox, avoid alcohol for 24 hours as it can increase the risk of bruising.

To avoid spreading the toxin, don’t touch the face for at least 1- 3 days. Avoid any kind of professional massages on the treated areas.

Botox needs some time to settle into the muscle. For the first 24 hours, avoid other skin treatments such as facials, massages, derma fillers and exfoliation & Scrubs. As these treatments can reduce the effectiveness of the Botox treatment.

Avoid sleeping on the injected areas. This will minimise the physical pressure and let the Botox settle into your muscles. Also, avoid sleeping within 4 hours after the treatment.

Avoid sun exposure for at least 4 hours. The heat can promote flushing and increase blood pressure, which may encourage bruising.

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