Govt Job: For Pharmacists (1539 posts) under Health Department

Last Date :4th May, 2023

Govt Job
Picture: Pixabay

Last Updated on October 19, 2024 by The Health Master

Bihar Technical Service Commission has been constituted by the Bihar Technical Service Commission Act, 2014 for selection of candidates for the technical posts of Group ‘B` and `C` under the State Government, Bihar.

Prior to the formation of the Technical Commission, the candidates were appointed by the Bihar Staff Selection Commission on these posts. In this commission provision has been made to appoint an officer of the rank of Indian Administrative Service level or the officer in charge of the pay scale or retired Indian Administrative Service with equivalent eligibility.

Govt Pharma Pharmacist Job Opportunity
Picture: Pixabay

Post : Pharmacist

In the light of the requisition received by the General Administration Department, Bihar Patna’s letter no-9003, dated-30.09.2020, for regular appointment on a total of 1539 vacant posts of Pharmacists under the Health Department, Bihar Patna, in the prescribed form from the eligible candidates on the Commission’s website. Online applications are invited on and from 05.04.2023 to 04.05.2023. According to the roster provided by the applicant department, the category-wise details of posts for Pharmacist, pay scale and educational qualification are as follows :-

Pay Scale : 5200-20200 and Grade Pay 2800/- and  Salary in 7th Revised Pay Structure  Level-5 (Five)

No of posts : 1539 (UR-561, EWS-132, SC-321, ST-22, EBC-333, BC-105, WBC-65)

Essential Educational Qualification :-
(i) Pass in Intermediate / 10+2 (Science)
(ii) It will be necessary to have passed in all parts (I, II, III) of Diploma in Pharmacy course from an institution recognized by the Government and having the relevant certificate.
(iii) Candidate must be registered with Bihar Pharmacy Council.

Age Limit :-
(i) Minimum age as on 01.08.2019:- 21 years.
Maximum Age Limit:-
(a) Unreserved:- 37 years
(b) Unreserved Female:- 40 years
(c) Backward Class/Extremely Backward Class (Male/Female):- 40 Years (d) Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe (Male/Female) :- 42 Years

(ii) In the light of General Administration Department’s Resolution No. 0-962, dated-22.01.2021, relaxation of 10 years in the maximum age limit is admissible to the disabled.

(iii) General Administration Department’s Resolution No.-2374, dated- 16.07.2007 and letter-13107, dated-20.09. In the light of 2019, such government servants (regularly appointed government servants of the Government of Bihar)

Those who have completed three years of continuous service, a relaxation of 5 (five) years in the upper age limit is admissible for joining the service of higher pay scale.

(iv) In the light of Resolution No. 0-1003, dated 22.01.2021, relaxation of equivalent period of work done as a result of contractual employment will be given in the maximum age limit. Part of any working year will also be included in this. The calculation of the above exemption is cut off date dated 01.08. Will be done by 2019.

(v) In the advertisement published under Advertisement No.-0606/2006, the date of calculation of age was fixed as 01.08.2005. Therefore, those candidates who were eligible on the basis of maximum age limit from 01.08.2005 to 01.08.2019 and fulfill the updated other qualifications will also be eligible.

(vi) Any one relaxation in the maximum age limit will be given to a candidate in clause-2 (ii), (iii), (iv) and (v).

Selection Process :-
i) For marks scored in Intermediate / 10+2 : 30 marks
ii) For marks obtained in the examination of Diploma in Pharmacy course : 25 marks
iii) For marks obtained in the examination of higher education (10 marks for B. Pharma / 10 marks for M. Pharma): 20 marks

iv) For work experience in Government Hospitals of Bihar State (5 marks per annum, maximum 25 marks)

For a fraction of a year, after multiplying the number of working days by 5, the proportional score obtained by dividing by 365 will be added (SSC Resolution No. 1003, Dated-22.01.2021): 25 marks
Total:- 100 Marks

Note :-
(i) Determination of marks to be awarded to a candidate for the marks obtained in the examination of Intermediate / 10+2 and Diploma course of Pharmacist by multiplying the percentage of total marks obtained in the examination of the above course by 0.3 and 0.25 respectively. will be multiplied by For example, if a candidate has obtained 50 percent marks in Intermediate / 10+2 and 50 percent marks in Diploma course of Pharmacy, then he will be given 50×0.3 = 15 and 50×0.25 = 12.5 marks respectively.

(ii) Work experience certificate of working on the post of Pharmacist on contract basis in government hospitals of Bihar state mentioned in clause-3 (iv) till the date of publication of the advertisement i.e. 05.04.2023, which will be issued by the Superintendent, Deputy Superintendent of the concerned hospital, issued by the Director and Civil Surgeon of the concerned district, will be entered in the prescribed column of the application. If work experience is not claimed in the application, the benefit of relaxation in age limit and score of work experience will not be given. Work experience period will be counted till 05.04.2023.

(iii) Appendix-1 format for work experience certificate has been attached. On giving work experience certificate in this format only, the benefit of work experience marks and age relaxation will be given. The benefit of marks will not be given if work experience certificate is given in any other format other than this format.

Application fee
i) The prescribed application fee for applying online is as follows:-
General Category / Backward Classes / Extremely Backward Classes / Economically Weaker Sections : Rs. 200/-
SC/ST (Permanent Resident of Bihar State) : Rs. 50/-
Reserved / Unreserved Category Female Candidates (Permanent Resident of Bihar State) : Rs. 50/-
Candidates from outside the state whether they are female / male of any category : Rs. 200/-

ii) PwD candidates of all categories will have to deposit one fourth of the prescribed examination fee for unreserved category, that is, if Rs.

iii) Application Fee through Debit Card / Credit Card / Internet Banking or S.O. B. IK will be deposited through e-challan and the copy of the receipt will be kept safe with the applicant.

iv) In online payment, apart from the above mentioned examination fee, the candidate will also have to pay the charges prescribed by various banks, which will automatically be taken as bank charge by the bank while making the online payment.

v) The candidate will print the bank receipt related to the online payment and mention it in the prescribed column of the online application.

vi) Candidates of all categories, who deposit examination fee according to SC/ST and disability, and in future the relevant certificate is not presented by them, then on the basis of concessional examination fee (Concessional Examination Fee) But his candidature will be cancelled. Disabled candidates and SC/ST category candidates are informed in this context that if they voluntarily deposit the examination fee as per general candidates, then their candidature will be safe at this point.

Important instructions:-
(i) In the prescribed column of the online application form, the copy of all their educational qualification certificates and marks certificate and by entering the information related to reservation, they will ensure to upload all the desired certificates in the prescribed column. The commission will be free to cancel the candidature if any certificate is not uploaded.

(ii) According to the entry made in the online application, it will be mandatory to produce the original certificates at the time of counseling.

(iii) For issuing work experience certificate (in the format attached in Appendix-1) to the Pharmacists working on contract in government hospitals of Bihar state to the candidates claiming preference under clause 3 (iv). The Superintendent, Deputy Superintendent, Director and Civil Surgeon of the concerned district will be the competent authority.

• All the certificates mentioned related to the advertisement and the finally filled online application will be downloaded and kept in hard copy. At the time of counseling by the Commission or at any other time, the candidate will definitely have to produce the said hard copy and the ink sign copy of all relevant certificates.

• All the certificates related to qualification such as educational certificate, certificate issued for reservation, certificate for work experience will be valid only, which has been mentioned by the candidate in his online application form. It is necessary to have the date of issue of all the above certificates before 04.05.2023.

• It will be mandatory to produce all the certificates, mark sheets mentioned in the application form in original at the time of counselling. No separate certificate will be accepted by the commission in case of non-submission of certificate/defect in counselling. The commission will be free to decide regarding the eligibility of the candidates who do not comply with the above instructions.

• Applicants shall ensure that all the desired certificates are available with them in original at the time of filling up the application.

• All the information related to this advertisement will be published on the Commission’s website and, no separate publication in newspapers will be required.

• Apart from the prescribed online application for this advertisement, printed, typed, hand written applications will not be accepted. Also, incomplete, illegible, unsigned and late online applications will be rejected and fees will not be refunded.

• All entries in the online application shall be filled in by the applicant carefully. Any change / correction in the application will not be valid in future. The commission will not be responsible for any kind of error and the applicant himself will be responsible for any adverse result. Any application for correction in online application will not be considered and such applications will be rejected.

• It will be mandatory for the candidate to get counseling done on the date fixed by the commission. The claim for re-counseling of the absent candidate will not be valid, but the decision of the Commission in this regard will be valid.

Last Date :4th May, 2023

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