Govt Job: For Pharmacist at NIA – Pay upto Rs. 92,300 pm

The Closing Date is 5 PM on 30th June 2023 (Tuesday).

Govt Job
Picture: Pixabay

Last Updated on May 9, 2023 by The Health Master

The National Institute of Ayurveda, Panchkula (Haryana) is a new Institute coming up in a 20 Acres of Land leased out by Sri Mata Mansa Devi Shrine Board, Panchkula.

The Institute will impart Diploma, Graduate, Post-Graduate and Post-Doctoral Programs, Training, Research and Patient Care & Hospital Services with a 250 Bedded Hospital with OPD and related facilities.

The Campus will have a number of multi-storey Buildings and Space for College, Offices, Departments, Pharmacy, Hospital, Laboratories, Museums, Staff Quarters, Hostels, Recreation, Sports & Games Activities etc. The Institute will be under the overall control of National Institute of Ayurveda, Jaipur.

Govt Pharma Pharmacist Job Opportunity
Picture: Pixabay

Post : Pharmacist – 1 Post (Un-Reserved)

Essential Qualification :
1. 10+2 Pass from a State / Central Board of Education.
2. Regular 3 Year Diploma in Ayush Nursing & Pharmacy from a recognized University. OR D. Pharma (Ayurveda) / B.Pharma (Ayurveda) from a recognized University.

Pay Scale : Pay Level-5 Rs. 29,200-92,300

Maximum Age : Not exceeding 40 Years as on the Closing Date of Applications.

Important Information & Instructions
1. The Applicant must be a Citizen of India.

2. The Caste/EWS Certificate should be in the manner and Form prescribed by the Central Govt. only. All such Certificates should be of the current year failing which the Application is liable to be rejected summarily.

3. The Upper Age Limit prescribed for the Posts to be filled by Direct Recruitment, shall be relaxed by 5 Years in the case of Applicants belonging to SC, ST and Govt.

Autonomous Bodies and 3 Years for OBC and 10 Years for PH Candidates and 3 Years over and above the period of service rendered in Defence Service in respect of Ex-Servicemen.

The Relaxations are as per provisions laid down by Govt. of India. However, the Upper Age Limit prescribed is not applicable to regular employees of the National Institute of Ayurveda, Jaipur.

4. The crucial date for determining the Age Limit for all Applicants will be 30th June 2023.

5. The Pay Scales in NIA carry usual Allowances admissible under Central Government Rules and applicable in the Institute.

6. New Pension Scheme of Government of India is applicable to the Candidates selected for the Posts in this Recruitment.

7. Applicants already in Central/State Govt. Service like Offices/Organisations/Institutes/University etc. must upload No Objection Certificate and Vigilance Certifcate from Employer on or before the date of Interview where Interviews will be held and by 31-7-2023 for the Posts where Selection is made on the basis of Merits of the Screening Tests.

8. The Period of Deputation for the Posts to be filled by Deputation Including Short-Term Contract will be for 2 Years or the Posts are filled by Promotion, whichever is earlier.

9. The Closing Date for Form Filling by Online is 5 PM on 30th June 2023 (Tuesday).

10. The following Application Processing & Intimation Fee is payable with each Application. Applicants belonging to Physically Handicapped and Ex-Servicemen need not pay the Application Processing & Intimation Fee.

11. The Fees once remitted will not be refunded in any case, including rejection of Application.

12. The Institute will not be responsible for any delay in filling of the Application in the Portal due to any reason, whatsoever.

13. The Institute reserves the right to increase or decrease the number of vacancies, to withdraw the vacancy of any or all the Posts and to reject any or all applications without assigning any reason thereof, whatsoever.

14. The Institute reserves the right to make any criteria for Selection/Interview, amendment, cancellation or changes pertaining to this Vacancy Notification in whole or part thereof without assigning any reason thereof, whatsoever.

15. Details about the Selection Processess like Screening Tests, Discriptive Tests, etc. will be notified on the Website.

16. Applicants should note that all Information about Screening Tests, Discriptive Tests or anyother Test, like Syllabus, Duration of the Tests, Marks, List of Candidates Called for such Tests, their Roll No., Date of the Tests, Centre Alloted for the Tests etc. will be posted on the Website of the Institute.

17. Candidates should watch Institute Website frequently and regularly for any information/ notice/updates etc. that may be posted on the Website, from time to time.

18. Any further information, corrigendum, notice, order, amendment etc. regarding this Vacancy Notification will be displayed and posted only on the Website of the Institute and will not be published in Employment News or Newspapers.

Therefore, candidates are advised to watch our Website regularly and frequently for updates and information.

19. Videography and Photography of all the Applicants appearing in the Screening Tests, Interview etc. will be taken on the occasions for verification and authentication.

Any candidate skipping and refusing Videography/Photography, for any reason or on any ground, will not be permitted to appear in the Screening Tests/Interview.

20. Admit Card to the eligible Candidates for Screening Tests, Discriptive Tests etc. will be posted on the Portal and should be downloaded by the Candidates. Admit Cards will not be sent by Post or by any other means.

The Closing Date is 5 PM on 30th June 2023 (Tuesday).

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