Govt Job for Pharmacists at Civil Surgeon cum CMO Office

Govt Job for Pharmacists at Civil Surgeon cum CMO Office | Last Date : 20th July, 2021

Govt Job
Picture: Pixabay

Last Updated on July 11, 2021 by The Health Master

Under National Health Mission, Jharkhand, District Health Society, Palamu, on contract basis, on the basis of A.N.M. / Staff Nurse / Lab Technician / Block Data Manager / Counselor / Pharmacist and other required qualifications for the following posts and  Applications are invited from qualified candidates. 

The last date for submission of application is 20.07.2021.  Application form can be sent through registered post and speed post to the office of Civil Surgeon cum Chief Medical Officer, Palamu. 

Applications received after the said date by hand or by any other means will not be considered.

Post & Programme : Pharmacist – NHM, Pharmacist (RBSK), AYUSH Pharmacist

Govt Pharma Pharmacist Job Opportunity
Picture: Pixabay

Pharmacist – NHM
No of Posts : 02 (SC-02)
Post Code : PH- 21

Qualification : Diploma in pharmacy from govt. Recognized in institute. Should have registered under .Iharkhand State Pharmacy Council. Computer Proficiency (MS Office) & Internet
Salary (Rs. Per Month) : Rs. 16,002/-

Pharmacist (RBSK)
No of Posts : 15 (GEN-8, ST-, SC-4, BCI-1, BCII-1)
Post Code : PHRBSK- 22

Qualification : Diploma in pharmacy from govt. Recognized in institute. Should have registered under .Iharkhand State Pharmacy Council. Computer Proficiency (MS Office) & Internet
Salary (Rs. Per Month) : Rs. 11,550/-

Pharmacist (RBSK)
No of Posts : 02 (GEN-1, SC-1)
Post Code : AYUSHP- 20

Qualification : • Ayurvedic Compounder: Diploma in Ayurvedic pharmacy from govt. Recognised in institute
• Unani Compounder : Diploma in Unani pharmacy from govt. Recognized institute Homeopathic Compounder: Diploma in Homeopathic Pharmacy from govt. Recognised institute.
Salary (Rs. Per Month) : Rs. 10,000/-

Age Limit (on 30-06-2021)
Min. Age (Years) : 21
Max. Age (Years)
Female Unreserved-48

Process of application :
It is mandatory for the candidate to send the following documents (according to the post and qualification) along with the application form – (If the documents are not attached, the application will not be considered) and complete error.  Incomplete, overwritten and unclear applications will not be considered.  

1. Original application with two self attested photographs.
2 Self attested copy of the fee documents deposited in the bank.

3. Admit Card of Matriculation.  Self attested copy of letter and original certificate.  
4. Intermediate admit card, self-attested copy of letter and original certificate.  

5. Self-attested copy of admit card, mark sheet and original certificate of qualification related to technical education.  
6. Self attested copy of admit card, letter and original certificate related to graduation or its equivalent qualification as per the prescribed qualification.

7. Self-attested copy of original certificate and certificate of relevant qualification from higher education (according to the desired qualification)
8. Such candidates who have obtained CGPA 0 (CGPA) score in the educational qualification, they should be sent to the concerned institute.  The CGPA Conversion Chart of CGPA Conversion Chart has to be submitted.  

9. Self attested copy of work experience certificate.  (Work experience will be valid only if it is according to the desired post and qualification)
10. Self-attested copy of computer related certificate.  (according to the desired qualification)

11. Self-attested copy of the residential certificate and caste certificate issued by the competent authority for claiming reservation.  
12. The registered application can be sent to the office of the Civil Surgeon cum Chief Medical Officer, Palamu of the district. 

It will be mandatory to clearly mention the name and post code of the post applied for in bold letters on the top of the envelope. 

Application Fee:
Application fee of Rs.400/- for general category/ backward / extremely backward class applicants and Rs.200/- for SC/ST applicants for each post, District Health Society, Palamu account number 0107000190950426  (IFSC Code – PUNB0010700) It will be mandatory to deposit in the account of Punjab National Bank, Medininagar, Palamu.

It will be mandatory to attach a copy of the receipt (self-attested) for depositing the prescribed fee with the application form.  Application form without fee will not be considered.

1. Candidates will be selected on the basis of academic and technical marks and aggregate marks obtained in one or more of the written test, skill test and interview as required.  

2. The selected candidates will be evaluated on the basis of a total of 100 marks, out of which 60 marks will be based on the attainment of educational and technical qualifications and the remaining 40 marks will be based on one or more of the written test, skill test and interview as per the requirement.  In the end, the decision of the District Selection Committee will be valid for evaluation.

3. Any kind of information after submission of application will be informed from time to time through district website
4. All the points of district level reservation will be followed in the selection process.  
5. The notified vacancies are subject to change before the completion of the selection process.  

6. According to the merit list, the candidates will be selected according to the vacancy, from the merit list prepared on the basis of the selection process. This merit list will be valid for the next one year.  

7. For more than one post, it is mandatory for the candidate to send separate applications in separate envelopes specifying the post code.  

8. For those candidates, who will not submit the CGPA chart provided by the institute, multiplying the CGPA obtained between 01 to 10 by 10 and 01 to 05.  The obtained CGPA will be multiplied by 20.  

9. In the process of selection, the local policy implemented by Personnel and Administrative Reforms and State Language Department, Government of Jharkhand will be followed literally.  

10. Necessary amendments can be made in the conditions of science as required by the District Selection Committee.

Last Date : 20th July, 2021

Download Application Form & More Info>>

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