27 DCOs will join FDA Haryana shortly

27 Drugs Control Officers will join Food and Drugs Administration, Haryana

FDA DCO Officers Regulators People
Picture: Pixabay

Last Updated on December 13, 2023 by The Health Master

It is happening first time in FDA Haryana that 27 Drugs Control Officers will join in FDA Haryana in one go and it will give a boost to the strengthening programme of FDA Haryana. After their joining the total strength of FDA Haryana will be 56 officers.

Written examination result of DCO recruitment declared by HPSC. 93 candidates called for interview against 27 posts of DCO.

On the basis of Recruitment test for the Posts of Drug Control Officer in Health Department, Haryana conducted by the Haryana Public Service Commission on 03-10-19 the candidates three times the number of vacancies along with bracketed candidates’ if any’ bearing the following Roll Nos. have been declared qualified for Viva-voce provisionally, subject to the fulfillment of all eligibility conditions.

The following Roll Numbers shown below are category-wise & in ascending order’ not in order of merit:-

General: 20008, 20023, 20034, 20038, 20040, 20071, 20094, 20177, 20189, 20223, 20265, 20342, 20398, 20399, 20518, 20525, 20535, 20553, 20582, 20596, 20732, 20754, 20779, 20787, 20895, 21041, 21049, 21057, 21257, 21271

General ESM/DESM: 20156, 20799, 20924

SC: 20364, 20424, 20569, 20615, 20882, 21237, 21249, 21272, 21468, 21526, 21627, 21714, 21813, 21889, 21922, 21931, 22010, 22074, 22128

BCA: 20214, 20353, 20806, 20915, 20981, 21013, 21558, 21811, 22015, 22158, 22225

BCB: 20366, 21024, 21062, 21198, 21624, 21688, 21981, 22173, 22194

ESP: 20465

The aforesaid qualified candidates will have to appear in the Viva Voce for which they will be informed separately through an announcement which will be displayed on the Commission’s website and also published in various newspapers.

All the above qualified candidates are directed to send hard copies of their online application forms along with well attested copies of their certificates / supporting documents to the Commission’s office through registered post or by personal delivery at reception upto 23 Dec 2019 at 5:00PM